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Thursday, January 6, 2022
Roy Lewallen W7EL Gives Us All EZNEC for FREE! Thanks Roy! (Video)
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Exorcism Completed! Getting Rid of the Spur in my 17 meter SSB Transmitter using a TinySA (video)
To re-cap: The problem became evident when trying to "net" or "spot" my transmitter onto my receive frequency. Around 18.116 MHz, I could hear at least two tones in the receiver as I moved the transmitter frequency. I needed to get rid of the extra tone.
First, thanks to all who sent in suggestions. They came in literally from around the world, and this is a demonstration of the IBEW in action. I used or at least tried all of them. They were all good ideas.
Following Vasily Ivananeko's pseudonymous suggestion I rebuilt the carrier oscillator (apologies to G3YCC). I used the carrier oscillator/buffer circuit from Farhan's BITX20.
Henk PA0EME said I should look at the signal level at the input ports of the NE602 mixer. Henk was right --- the VXO input was far too high. I lowered it, but the problem persisted.
At first, I thought that the spur in question was so small that it would not show up on the air. I could not see it in the TX output using my TinySA spectrum analyzer. That was good news and bad news: Good that it was not showing up on the air, bad that I could not see it in the TinySA and use that image in the exorcism.
At first I thought that the spur was being caused by the 10th harmonic of the carrier oscillator and the third harmonic of the VXO. This seemed to fit. So, following VK3YE's sage advice, I built a little 69 MHz series LC trap (using a coil sent by AA1TJ, on a board CNC'd by Pete N6QW). That trap succeeded spectacularly in crushing the 10 harmonic. Look at these before and after shots on the TinySA:
Spectacular right? But guess what? The problem was still there.
I scrutinized the situation once more. I realized that the spur would be more visible if I put the TinySA on the input of the transmitter's PA (a JBOT amp designed by Farhan) as opposed to putting it on the output. Watching the spur and the needed signal move in the TinySA as I tuned the VXO, I realized that they were moving in opposite directions. This indicated that the spur was the result of a carrier oscillator harmonic MINUS a VXO-generated frequency (as the VXO frequency increased, the spur frequency decreased). Looking at my EXCEL spread sheet, I could see it: 8th harmonic of the carrier oscillator MINUS the main output of the VXO.
To confirm this, I plugged the values into W7ZOI's Spurtune program. Yes, the spur popped up and moved as predicted.
For further confirmation I shut down the carrier oscillator by pulling the crystal from the socket, and then just clipped in a 5.176 MHz signal from my HP-8640B signal generator (thanks KB3SII and W2DAB). Boom! On the TinySA, the spur disappeared. Now I at least knew what the problem was: a harmonic from the carrier oscillator.
Following good troubleshooting practice, I turned off the gear and went to bed. When I woke up, an idea came to me: Before launching into a lot of filtering and shielding, just try running the carrier oscillator at a lower voltage, seeing if doing so might reduce the harmonic output. I disconnected the carrier oscillator board from the main supply and clipped in a variable voltage bench supply. Watching the signal on my TinySA, I watched as the spur completely disappeared as I reduced the voltage from around 13V to 10V (see video above). The main signal frequency level did not change much. I tested this by listening for the hated extra tones. They were gone. Exorcised.
Key lessons:
-- Spur problems are difficult to troubleshoot. Armstrong's superhet architecture is, of course, great, but this is definitely one of the pitfalls. Single conversion makes life easier. IF selection is very important. Choose wisely!
-- When looking at the TinySA as you tune the rig, pay attention to which way the spur is moving. This provides an important clue regarding the combination of harmonic you are dealing with.
-- The TinySA is a very useful tool. It seems like it is easier to use than the NanoVNA (which is also a fantastic tool).
-- It can be fun and rewarding to re-visit old projects. In the years between original construction and the re-look, new test gear has become available, and the skill and experience of the builder has improved. So problems that once seemed insurmountable become fix-able.
-- Thinking through a problem and thinking about possible solutions is very important. It pays to step away from the bench to think and rest. Rome wasn't built in a day. Here's a rough block diagram that I drew up (noodled!) while trying to figure out this problem:
Monday, January 3, 2022
1BCG -- The 100th Anniversary of the Trans-Atlantic Test
Phil W1PJE managed to hear and record some of the 2021 transmission (Thanks Phil). Listen here:
Phil also sent this spectrogram of the signal.
Sunday, January 2, 2022
SolderSpace! N2CQR from Geostationary Orbit
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Straight Key Night 2021/2022 (Videos) -- Happy New Year!
An Interview with Paul Lutus (Audio)
Friday, December 31, 2021
Troubleshooting Apollo: 23 MHz Crystals in a NASA Ground Receiver
Thursday, December 30, 2021
McCoy SSB Crystal Filters (1963) -- But Apparently NOT the Real (Lew) McCoy
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
My Kind of Chip: A Homebrew Discrete 555 Timer Built on Wooden Boards (video)
I know we could do something similar with the NE602 or the LM386. But probably not with an Arduino microcontroller or an Si5351. And that says something about understanding and complexity.
Thanks Radraksha. And thanks to Hack-A-Day for alerting us to this: https://hackaday.com/2021/12/20/all-hail-your-new-giant-555-timer-overlord/#more-512230
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
How to Fix the Spur Problem in my 17 Meter SSB Transmitter?
In the 2004 QST article I discuss a problem I had with "spotting" or "netting." This is something of a lost art, something that you had to do back in the pre-transceiver days, when running a separate transmitter and receiver. This was how you got the transmitter on the receiver's frequency. Essentially you would turn on the carrier oscillator and the VFO and let a little signal get out, enough to allow you to tune the VFO until you heard zero beat on the receiver. My problem was that around one particular frequency, I would hear several zero-beats. This made netting the receiver and the transmitter hard to do.
Important note: This is really just a problem with the "netting" or "spotting" procedure -- the problematic spur does not show up in any significant way in the output of the transmitter. I can't see it on my TinySA. But it is strong enough to be heard in the unmuted receiver sitting right next to the transmitter. And that creates the netting problem.
In the QST article, I said that I noticed that the problem seemed to be centered around 18.116 MHz. As I approached this frequency, the tones -- desired and unwanted -- seemed to converge. That was an important clue. In the article I said I thought that I could eliminate the problem with just one trimmer cap to ground in the carrier oscillator, but looking back I don't think that this really fixed the problem.
I recently took a fresh look at it. Exactly which frequencies were causing the unwanted signals that appeared in my receiver?
I used an Excel Spread sheet to find the culprits.
Monday, December 27, 2021
A Christmas Story: Mike AA1TJ Builds Receiver for 486 kHz, Listens to Fessenden Commemoration (Audio)
True to form, I began scratch-assembling my receiver yesterday afternoon just as Brian went on the air. Then again, a two-transistor regenerative radio for 486kHz isn't exactly rocket science. In any case, I was up and listening inside of a half hour.
What did I hear? Static. Just static. As a sanity test I quickly tuned down to 371KHz to find my favorite non-directional beacon, "GW," beaming in loud and clear from Kuujjuarakip.
Kuujjuarakip is a tiny settlement of mostly Inuit and Cree inhabitants located up on Hudson Bay. The villages are primarily accessible by air and water so a robust radio beacon is an obvious necessity.
Satisfied that my receiver was working properly, I re-tuned to 486kHz. Back to static. On the bright side, at least there were no commercials. I continued listening intently until Vic called me to dinner. After the dishes were done I slipped back down to my underground radio shack for one last try.
I heard it right away. Beneath the static I heard a weak, out-of-tune, solo violin playing, "Oh, Holy Night." The signal strength varied wildly with ionospheric propagation. When the signal finally climbed high enough above the noise I ripped out the bipolar transistor audio amplifier stage, connecting my headphones directly to the junction field effect transistor detector output terminals. Of course the audio was far weaker now, yet I could easily follow the tune until it eventually faded away. Not bad for an estimated 15 watt ERP AM signal from a distance of 920km. And on 486kHz, no less, just a hop-skip-and a jump from the old 500kHz Maritime CW band; where countless ship radio operators went to send their last SOS.
Returning to the house, I emailed my reception report and included a short recording that I had made of it. Brian replied just after midnight; apparently, equally as stoked
"Yours’ is the best DX ever given your regen RX! Way to go! I just love it."
He went on to tell me that he was born and raised in Vermont, but he'd been working as a radio scientist down in Virginia since 1990. Told me his heart was still here in the Green Mountains and he was touched to learn his meager signal had found its way back there on Christmas Eve. All in all, a night to remember.
If you're still with me I hope you'll listen to the short NPR story in the provided link. It originally aired on the supposed 100th anniversary of this event. It's not just about radio history. It's about belief, memory and the myths we lug around in our heads. I thought it was well done.