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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Jeff N0NQD's Direct Conversion Receiver has led to a problem like Jean Shepherd's Heising Modulator Obsession

Wow, Jeff N0NQD built a beautiful receiver, and has been bitten bad by the homebrew bug.  Jeff admitted that he recently went to a gala with his wife.  He was preoccupied with the problems he was having with his DC receiver. Suddenly DURING THE GALA he remembered having mis-identified two capacitors in the mixer.  So he and his wife HAD TO GO HOME FROM THE GALA so that he could fix the problem.  And apparently he is still alive, and married!   Amazing! 

Jeff wrote:  

I have been a ham for just about 40 year and typically build kits lots of them most recent the QMX. I found a new passion and seemingly addiction now because of this build. My next Home-brew project is probably going to be a transceiver or a complex receiver not sure what type just yet. It has been so much fun and highly distractive to be apart of this Soldersmoke DCR family. And hope this continues!! Thank you and 73 Jeff N0NQD

Jeff N0NQD's Bench

Thanks Jeff. Congratulations! 

For more information on how you too can build the receiver: 

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