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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Mark KI5SRY's SolderSmoke DC Receiver with a Cool Gear-Driven Tuning Dial

Mark KI5SRY came up with a very innovative solution for the tuning dial problem.  See above.  My solution was much less sophisticated:  At the suggestion of VK3YE, I just put a calibrated card underneath the screw.  By looking at the screw edge from above, I could get a rough estimate of where I was in the band: 

Looking back on his successful build of the receiver, Mark wrote: 

You made this pretty straightforward. My biggest challenge was trying to understand what was really happening in the circuit.
I learned how to use my oscilloscope, seeing the oscillator come to life was great.
I would like to build a transmitter or a complete transceiver.

Bill, thanks to all of the effort you and Dean are putting into this project. There was definitely a magical feeling dialing in and getting legible sound out something built on my bench.

Very cool Mark.  Congratulations! 

For more information on how you too can build the receiver: 

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