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Monday, March 3, 2025

Bill AB5XQ's "Ugly Duckling" (Not true!) SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver

Bill AB5XQ told me that his was an "Ugly Duckling" receiver.  I would disagree with him.  Any device -- like Bill's -- capable of pulling conversations out of the ether is, in my book, beautiful.  Condgratulations Bill.  

Bill wrote: 

Well that was the first time I ever tried to record my work, so I know it is poor quality.  My antenna is an attic dipole which is not optimum either.  Yes I have tweeted the bandpass filter, but I am guilty of trying to touch it up by ear and I know I have gotten it off, so I will give that a go also.  I am very happy with the receiver, I know it is an ugly duckling as compared to some of the others, but I learned a lot and know that I still have some learning to do.  Thanks again to you and Dean for challenging us to get busy in homebrew.

73, Bill, AB5XQ

Thanks Bill! 


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