I dusted off the old G0UPL QRSS QRPP FSK 30 meter transmitter (built and last used in Italy) and hooked it up to about 50 feet of AC line cord stretched low across the new Northern Virginia backyard. I hooked it up to my Kempton Park power supply (thanks for the chip Tony!) and fired up my freq counter (also from Kempton Park -- remember the chip I soldered in backwards?) I put a field strength meter next to the wire and tuned my L network for max smoke. Hey, and it worked! My signal is the wavy shark fin-looking thing. I think the wave results from a temp drop in the shack that happened when I opened the door. Just to confirm it was me, I turned the transmitter off for a few minutes. You can see me disappear from W1BW's screen.
Its good to be once again emitting EM waves!
Re: Receiver Mica Disease
You might be seeing the effects of bad silver-mica capacitors. Apparently
silver can migrate thru the mica insulation forming little fingers
(dendrites) wh...
8 hours ago