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Sunday, December 30, 2012

SolderSmoke Podcast #148

SolderSmoke Podcast #148 is available:
December 30, 2012

SPONSORED BY usedradiomall.com

-- Hurricane Follow-up
-- Subliminal Mind Control to Encourage Homebrewing (beep-beep)
-- The Shortcomings of the All American Five Receiver
-- Solid-Stating a Heath SG-6 (with Farhan's circuit)
-- VK3YE's Beach DSB Rig
-- Tek 'scope connection to frequency counter
-- Mod to W7ZOI/W7PUA power meter
-- JBOTing my 20 meter DSB Rig -- A Tale of Woe
-- LU1AR "The Most Interesting Ham in the World"
-- Billy's Raspberry Pi
-- Latest QST, SPRAT, Hot Iron
-- Videos: Landfillharmonica,  Knack in Sierra Leone
-- Santa delivered a Soldering Station

Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" http://soldersmoke.com/book.htm Our coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: http://www.cafepress.com/SolderSmoke Our Book Store: http://astore.amazon.com/contracross-20


  1. You should take a look at the podcast using a tool like audalyzer (for Android), or other audio spectrum analyzer. There's a warble right around 7 KHz, up to around 27 min into the recording. I'd describe it as a squeaky hamster wheel. I'm sure that's not the source, but it is sort of annoying. Perhaps you could describe the complete recording path for us again, and we could help debug it?

  2. To the gentleman looking for a "bag of parts" kit, I will be organizing a build of just such a thing shortly. It will be conducted on the Google+ Ham Radio Homebrewing community:

    We'll be building a simplified Manhattan version of my OpenBeacon MEPT kit. Feel free to contact me for more info.

    Jason NT7S

  3. Hey Bill, "kluge" rhymes with "stooge"! Not "judge". At least not on this side of the pond. Our British friends often pronounce it the other way, but that's because it got mixed up with "kludge", military slang for the loo. Fascinating etymology of both words at the Jargon File. 73 de KC7IT

  4. Hi Bill,

    your frequency generator should definitely have a 1mW output (0dbm) as this allows you to use any garden variety step attenuator to produce an output that corresponds to the setting of the attenuator dial.

    There is an interesting circuit to create a precise 0dbm output at a fixed frequency here:


    Maybe a similar concept (peak detector output compared to a fixed voltage) could be used in your circuit to ensure a precise 0dbm output.

    73, Jan DK3LJ


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