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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Understanding Maxwell's Equations (video)

And you should also look at the accompanying web site: 

Writing about the equations, the author notes, "They are formidable to look at - so complicated that most electrical engineers and physicists don't even really know what they mean.  This leads to the reason for this website - an intuitive tutorial of Maxwell's Equations. I will avoid if at all possible the mathematical difficulties that arise, and instead describe what the equations mean. And don't be afraid - the math is so complicated that those who do understand complex vector calculus still cannot apply Maxwell's Equations in anything but the simplest scenarios. For this reason, intuitive knowledge of Maxwell's Equations is far superior than mathematical manipulation-based knowledge. To understand the world, you must understand what equations mean, and not just know mathematical constructs. I believe the accepted methods of teaching electromagnetics and Maxwell's Equations do not produce understanding. And with that, let's say something about these equations.

Thanks to Armand WA1UQO for sending me the wonderful book about Faraday and Maxwell that put me -- once again -- on the path toward a deeper understanding of their work.  

1 comment:

  1. This book is a "must read". It relates the two brilliant scientists like no other book has before. After reading this book, it is easy to see how Hertz, Lodge, Fleming and (thankfully, Heaviside) took Electromagnetics to the next level. The reason I say "thankfully, Heaviside", is because of his (and others) boiled down the 20 equations to 4 in vector notation. This made it much easier for generations of college students when it was finals time!
    After you read this book, follow it with "Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World " by Marc Raboy. Marconi not as much inventor as an effective Systems Integrator.


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