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Saturday, November 16, 2024

Video -- Mythbuster II Rig Gets a Front Panel -- Circuit Build Almost Done

Yesterday I built a front panel for my Mythbuster II 20 meter SSB transceiver. 

I used 1/8 inch plywood available from Amazon. 

I cut holes for the main tuning knob and dial, for the AF gain control, for the mic plug and for a 6 figure PLJ PIC frequency counter.   This gives me 100 Hz read capability, but I can hit the lower button on the counter to get 10 Hz reolution.  This may help when the other guy complains bitterly that I am 40 Hz off frequency.  The counter added noise to the receiver, but I was able to knock this down completely with a resistor and a cap on the power line to the counter. 

I put copper tape on the inside of the panel. 

I added a reverse polarity protection circuit.  I now sleep more soundly. 

I increased the size of the heat sink on my RD06 final.  This decrease the danger of blowing up this device. 

I added a jack for the connector that will switch the outboard .1 kW linear from R to T.  

Video above. Comments welcome.  


1 comment:

  1. My vote is that you and Dean KK4DAS build an RF Power Amp with the balanced design he is considering using a pair of genuine 50W 12V RF Power Transistors...


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