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Friday, July 1, 2011

Copthorne MacDonald and New Directions Radio

I mentioned in SolderSmoke 135 that somehow I feel myself becoming a bit of a hippie. I'm riding a bike to work. I now have a compost pile and a vegetable garden. I'm enthusiastically helping Billy fix his electric guitar... Mike, KC7IT, wrote in to let me know of an important ham-hippie connection that I'd been completely unaware of.

Starting around 1973, a fellow name Copthorne MacDonald (what a great name!) wrote a ham radio column for Mother Earth News. (Further evidence of my drift: I've recently been buying this magazine!) It is an interesting mix of radio technology (much of it homebrew and QRP) and what at the time was called "alternative lifestyles" (communes and all that). Lots of info about sustainable and eco-friendly living, solar power, etc. Here's a good example:

Copthorne MacDonald is the inventor of Slow Scan Television.

I really like Copthorne's writing and I was really pleased to find out that much of it has survived and is available on the internet. Mike KC7IT points us to more of the articles:

Cop's writing constitutes another treasure trove of ham radio literature for all of us!

I found an archive (infoark) that seems to have his "New Directions Radio" newsletters:

I was please to find that OM Copthorne is alive and well. He posted this on eham.net back in November:

« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2010, 11:01:41 AM »

Hello all. This is from Cop Macdonald, now VY2CM, his very self.

Many thanks to Benn Kobb AK4AV for alerting me to this page, and thanks for the supportive comments above from a number of you.

A brief summary. I'm not currently on the air, but as Benn noted I was at the 2009 Dayton Hamvention where I gave the talk he mentioned and received that year's Technical Excellence Award for the SSTV development work I did some 50+ years ago as an engineering student at the University of Kentucky. While doing some Googling for Hamvention info I discovered that in 2007 I had been inducted into CQ Magazine's Ham Radio Hall of Fame. Perhaps CQ, too, had trouble tracking me down, as this was news to me. If anyone is interested in the details of that initial SSTV system, the Kentucky Engineer article on the subject is online at http://www.copmacdonald.com/KYEngineeerSSTVArticle.pdf. The QST articles on that first gear appeared in the August and September 1958 issues, and are available online from the ARRL digital archives.

The Mother Earth News column ended in 1983 when the magazine changed hands for the second time. I continued to do much writing after that. A lot of it dealt with energy conservation and energy alternatives --- some examples at http://www.wisdompage.com/SEUhtmDOCS/conservation.htm. In the late 1980s I developed an interest in wisdom, and have written three books on aspects of that subject. Connected with this, in 1995 I started a website called The Wisdom Page to make wisdom-related resources available to people worldwide. It has become quite popular. Last month the site had 14417 visits by people from 149 countries who viewed or downloaded documents, podcasts, and videos some 36159 times. And if you Google the word wisdom, http://www.wisdompage.com
consistently comes up on the first page of the search returns — out of some 75 million+ pages containing the term. Anything else you might want to learn about my doings over the years is probably at http://www.wisdompage.com/aboutcop.html
Best wishes to you all. Cop

Thanks Cop!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dayton: The Rock Video

Summer Sales

20% off on the Lulu books. Just use the Code SUNSHINE305 at checkout.

Also, be sure to visit out T-shirt, coffee mug, and bumper sticker store. There is a 15% off sale there also: http://shop.cafepress.com/soldersmoke

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

SolderSmoke Podcast #135 FDIM SPECIAL!

Please click on the little mail symbol down below to forward this blog post to friends who might be interested in the podcast. Thanks!


June 26, 2011
Bike riding, composting... what next?
Lightning kills the WSPR rig

New finder for old telescope

Joe Taylor K1JT (Nobel Prize Winner -- FOR PHYSICS!)!
Plumbing Defined Radio! Steve WG0AT: Fly Fishing, Retirement, Goats, YouTube, and Amateur Radio!
George Dobbs, G3RJV! And more!
----- Drake 2-B updates: WARC and 160 Dial Templates,
Drake 2B Serial Number Math Estimate Project
(Using German tank method) Michael AA1TJ's Sputnik 1 Project
Putting the Shack back into RadioShack

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Solstice Solargraphs

That's a tough one for someone with a sibilant SSSSS problem! But we usually try to run a sssolstice ssstory, and I've been meaning to mention this for some time.

Very cool. You make a pinhole camera out of a beer can (or an Italian Lemonade Can). You strap it to your tower and leave it out there for six months. Then you develop the film and you get... A SOLARGRAPH.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Colin's FB Rig

Hi Bill,

I'm still enjoying your podcast very much - I have the T-shirt to prove it!

My parents bought me SolderSmoke the book for
Christmas and I must echo other people's comments that it is very good and the explanations you give make a lot more sense than those in other technical publications.

Listening to your podcast got me thinking about radios again and I have nearly completed my first homebrewed transceiver project. It's all YOUR fault! I had a spare RockMite keyer chip in my junk box, so I thought I'd use it........... Take one small keyer chip and......... build a whole
new radio!

Okay, I used Dave's (K1SWL) schematic, but I did not use any
printed circuit boards and I have made some modifications to the circuit. I think I can class this as homebrew. I even made the twin paddle key! The only thing I didn't make from parts are the earphones, see http://www.flickr.com/photos/24901892@N03/5833428467/ There are more photos on the Flickr site too.

Looking forward to the next edition of the SolderSmoke podcast.



Saturday, June 18, 2011

AA1TJ: Hiking through Austria, Thinking about Sputnik

The Hero of the Hobbit Hole and Poet Laureate of QRP, Michael AA1TJ and his wife Vicki are hiking through Austria these days. Michael is on the air with a rig powered by one D-Cell battery. Now, I'd like to tell you guys that through some MIRACLE of electronics he sent us this video via that D-Cell rig, but it's not April 1. And even if it were April 1, I'd be reluctant to use that as my gag because, given Michael's high level of operating and technical skill, there is always the risk that he'd find a way to do actually do it!

Anyway, as he makes his way between ancient Roman signal towers and picturesque Austrian villages, Michael has been thinking (as you do) about the schematic diagram of the radio transmitter on the Sputnik satellite.

Gentlemen, we need this diagram. And it is not (GASP!) available on the supposedly all-knowing internet.

Here is Michael's message:

Hi Bill,
I've been thinking about "Sputnik Day" while hiking this past week or ten days. Bill, I think we've really got to do this. Many thanks for your help so far...the Kansas Connection is very tantalizing! I know you have a lot on your plate but if there is anyway you could move things along with the Kansas possibility it would be fantastic.

If we approach the museum in a professional manner...pointing out the historical necessity for properly documenting what they have, I can't see how they could refuse us. Next, we would need to assemble a team of technically competent (and appropriately diplomatic) amateurs to go in to photograph the transmitter and trace the schematic.

All the best to you and the family. Again, I think Sputnik Day could really fly...it has every aspect you could ask for...big history, home brew, QRP, contesting...

Any help or ideas from you would be most appreciated.
Tschuess, Mike, AA1TJ
Sent from my iPad

Is there somebody out there in Kansas who could take charge of this project? I agree with Michael: Essentially three steps:
1) Write to the
Kansas Cosmodrome museum seeking permission to examine the innards of the satellite.
2) Once permission is granted, one or two guys could go and take detailed photos of the transmitter and gather as much data as possible about the rig.
3) From these pictures, we could trace out the diagram.

Not only will we have what we need for Michael's Sputnik Day construction project, but we'll be making a real contribution to radio history.

We don't want multiple approaches to the museum, so maybe it would be best for anyone who is willing to do this to contact me first.

This should be fun!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

160 and WARC Dial Chart for Drake 2B

This post will, I know, be of interest only to a small, elite group: Drake 2B owners who are using their beloved receivers on frequencies beyond the range of the original design. I have used mine on both 30 meters and 17 meters, so when Mike KI8IK sent me the above chart, I immediately saw its usefulness. Thanks Mike.
Of course, with the rumored cancellation of sunspot cycle 25, the 17 meter portion of this chart may be of limited use :-(

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another Amazing AT&T Video

This one is more focused on history than on a particular bit of theory, but what a treasure trove of history there is in this 1976 flick! Walter Brattain (transistor inventor) reading from his lab notebook! Edison's lab assistant describing the first recording of human speech! Marconi's daughter! Alexander Graham Bell's granddaughter. You guys will like this one. Three cheers for AT&T!


iSolderSmoke: SolderSmoke in the Apple iBookstore

"SolderSmoke: Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" is now available from the Apple iBookstore.
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