The conclusions of this article ring true, but I am not certain that changes to the Google algorithm, or the introduction of AI answers to Google queries explain the changes that are reflected in the above chart.
Here's the article:
Serving the worldwide community of radio-electronic homebrewers. Providing blog support to the SolderSmoke podcast:
The conclusions of this article ring true, but I am not certain that changes to the Google algorithm, or the introduction of AI answers to Google queries explain the changes that are reflected in the above chart.
Here's the article:
Very cool. I like his description of how he found parts for this transmitter:
The power amplifier tubes needed ventilation as well as shielding; that was always a challenge because I had no good source of perforated metal. The black sheet with the round holes actually came from the cover of a car air filter that I found in the trash.
There is a lot more interesting stuff on Nathan Zelde 4Z4GE's site:
Thanks Nathan!
Thanks to Rogier PA1ZZ for sending me this YouTube link. It is a truly wonderful channel from Spain. Not only the Collins Gold Dust Twins, but also lots of great (and not-so-great!) older receivers. SP-600s, S-38s, Rhode and Schwartz rigs, lots of great stuff. Go to the "Videos" link and enjoy the Thermatron goodness. Thanks Rogier! And thanks Fernando!
The aticle and the podcast (don't worry, it is NOT an AI podcast) explain how we were able to generate the AI podcasts we presented during the last two days.
The audio podcast feature was introduced only ONE WEEK AGO! Rarely have we been so close to the cutting edge!
The product itself first launched in 2023 as Project Tailwind, and has since been rebranded and expanded in big ways. Just last week, the team launched Audio Overviews, which generates a podcast — with two chatty hosts, plenty of back and forth, and a truly remarkable penchant for the phrases “deep dive” and “buckle up” — based on the information you provide. It’s fascinating, it’s complicated, and it’s getting better really fast.
Thanks to Bob for alerting me to all this!
Click here for the second "About SolderSmoke" podcast. SolderSmoke 2.mp3
This one looks not at the SolderSmoke Daily News blog, but instead at the SolderSmoke podcast itself.
I was delighted to see the inclusion of Pete, Dean, Farhan and Mike Rainey! This was really great.
Look, it is not perfect. There are errors. But probably about the same number of errors that you would get from real, human hosts, right? Voltaire told us not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. And I find this to be amazingly good. Look, it is so good that it is kind of scary, right?
Before you get too critical realize how this has been done: I did nothing more than load the SolderSmoke Podcast Archive website into GPT-like model. Then I asked it to produce a deep dive podcast. That's it. About 5 clicks. It developed the podcast in about 3 minutes. I did the same thing yesterday but with the SolderSmoke blog. And this is only the beginning.
Michael AG5VG finished this receiver last weekend. He hopes to build a CW transmitter using an output of the Si5351. Obviously I defer to Pete on that one. Good going Michael. I think it sounds great and looks even better.