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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Two Satellites Spotted Pre-Dawn


I was out with Guapo the dog at 5:28 am EST on November 12, 2024.  I looked up and first saw one satellite moving from South to North.  Then another moving in the opposite direction.  Heavens Above provided details --see above.  

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Clip Leads Made with FAKE WIRE! Buy Good Ones from PARTS CANDY!

We don't see many videos about clip leads,  but this one fits in well with our esoteric subject matter. 

Carlos of Parts Candy (our sponsor) responds: 
Interesting video. Yes the clips we make are nickel plated steel but the wire is tinned copper. When I was making custom orders I made some custom clip lead sets using 100% copper clips for a few people who really needed the low resistance. In most applications the steel clips should be fine. The resistance for 12” clips is about 12mOhms and the 32” clips are around 24mOhms, iirc.

The bottom lines:  1)  Don't scrimp with a crimp -- get a good solid soldered clip-wire connection from Parts Candy. 2) Parts Candy wires are not fake.  They are tinned copper 3) The metallic composition of Parts Candy clips does not degrade performance. 4) But if a customer really needs copper clips, Carlos can make them too. 

Parts Candy web site:  https://www.partscandy.com/

Friday, November 8, 2024

Video Update on the Mythbuster II 20 meter SSB Transceiver

I have added the transmit circuitry. I described building practices. We listen to the receiver again. I talk about plans for transmit/receive switching. After this I will build another CCI 100 watt RF amplifier for use in the Dominican Republic.

For the first look at this rig see:

 We will discuss this further in an upcoming Ham Radio Workbench Podcast, and in SolderSmoke Podcast #254 (mid-November 2024) 

Using a Photomultiplier THERMATRON to Detect Single Photons

I've been a fan of Jeroen's YouTube channel for a while now.  He has a very nice approach, combining theoretical knowlege with practical experiments and equipment builds.  Here we see him using a photomultiplier tube and a board acquired in flea market to build his photon detector.  

This video has a lot to offer us.  First, there is a single thermatron.  There is a tube socket.  There is a (really small!) high-voltage power supply.  He uses an oscilloscope. There is a laser.  There are photons.  And at one point, a single photon.  

Having recently built a simple Wilson Cloud Chamber, my attraction to this device is easy to explain.  I suspect our friend Grayson will be interested in it for Thermatronic reasons.   There is a Part II.   Check out the YouTube channel: 

Here is more info on the channel and it's creator: 

Hi, my name is Jeroen and on the Huygens Optics channel I publish videos on personal projects. My main fields of interest are optics, mechanics and photolithography. The videos aren't targeted towards a general audience but for people with a passion for science and technology (e.g. my fellow nerds). The channel is named after the famous Dutch mathematician, astronomer and inventor Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695). He was the first to publish a mathematical description of the wave properties of light, and also discovered Saturn's rings.

Thanks Jeroen

Sunday, November 3, 2024

On the Election

This time around, in an effort to keep this blog focused on radio and electronics, I have decided to move my election recommendations to my other blog site.  So check it out there: 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

More Background on the Mythbuster II Rig (and a short video)

Above is a short clip of me hearing an old friend on the new receiver.  TRGHS. 

A couple of guys on Facebook asked for a schematic for this rig.  I don't really have one -- as you will see it is a collection of different circuits from lots of different sources.  I was also thinking that if you need a schematic for a rig like this, you probably shouldn't try to build a rig like this.  But in an effort to be nice, I supply here some background info on some of the circuitry and parts sources.  And no, I don't have BOMs nor Gerber files.   

More info on the Yaesu VFO is here:


The VFO is kind of high in frequency. But it is very stable. I can't really take credit for this -- the credit goes to Yaesu. But I like the circuit because it is all analog and all discrete component. It even has a split stator temperature compensation variable cap! At Pete's recommendation, I originally bought these boxes thinking that I'd just get the anti-backlash gears and the reduction drives. But the sellers always sent the entire VFO boxes. They even come with a "clarifier" circuit which I now use as an "up 5-10" feature that lets me work the DX-peditions on 20.

As for the tape, I got mine from Amazon. It has conductive adhesive:

The boards for the IF Termination Insensitive Amplifiers come from Todd K7 TFC at Mostly DIY RF:  https://mostlydiyrf.com/tia/

The little LM386 boards that I have been using are available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LNACGTY?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title  I precede it with one stage of AF amplification from the original BITX 20 sechematic.  I put a 10K pot between this stage and the LM386 board. 

Here is the Amazon source for the 1/8 inch plywood that I will use for the case (I have used up all the pandemic treadmill packing material):  

Friday, November 1, 2024

More on How the AI Deep Dive Podcasts Were Made -- Soon: PeteGPT!


So, soon we may actually have these kinds of AI products using voices and even video images that are known to us, but, with the dialogue completely artificial.  Soon, we may hear and see N6QW badmouthing the Si5351, and singing the praises of LC VFOs.   Just a year ago this was the subject of an April 1 SolderSmoke joke.  Now it is becoming a real possibility.   We are living in the future my friends.  

Here is the new article on how they are doing this: 


And here are our first two experimental uses of this AI technology: 



Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Bill N2CQR Builds Yet Another Mythbuster Transceiver

 This one is for 20 meters (no need for 75) and will go to the Dominican Republic.

6 crystal filter at 5.2 MHz. VFO from old Yaesu FT-101 Termination Insensitive IF amplifiers using boards from Mostly DIY RF No RF amp ahead of the mixer. First mixer is homebrew diode ring. Bandpass filter has 4 LC circuits. Steep skirts. Low insertion loss. Bal Mod/Product detector has two diodes (singly balanced) Carrier osc is crystal controlled and homebrew. Audio amp starts with a 2N3904 amplifier followed by an LM386 board. Transmitter portion will be done next.

The crystal filter as seen on the Antuino

Filter on the blank board. 

Bandpass filter (-20 db = 0)

VFO box, carrier osc, Bal Mod/Product Detector, AF amps

The Antuino looks at the Crystal Filter

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Mike WU2D Does a CCC Camp POTA with 1930's Gear

FB Mike.  CW without sidetone is not for the faint of heart.  

Walter KA4KXX saw Mike on the Reverse Beacon Network. 

Mike's QSO with KN4RRQ was especially interesting.  Tom was running a 1929 breadboard-style transmitter: https://www.qrz.com/db/KN4RRQ 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Solar Energy Workshop in Hawaii

I include this because I am interested in workshops and solar power.  

Thanks to Bill AH6FC for sending this.  Mahlo Bill!  

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

KA1MUQ's Amazing Homebrew Hybrid Rig


Nate KA1MUQ is still working on this rig and so has not yet produced any detailed schematics, but he sent this to us to show that true homebrewing is NOT dead.  Indeed, his magnificent work shows that it is not!  This is a 5 band SSB transmitter using both transistors and Thermatrons. I see a crystal filter from Mostly DIY RF in there.  FB!   And Nate tapped into Pete Juliano's tribal wisdom on homebrewing and hybrid rigs.  Pete commented that the three 6146s in the final reminded him of a Yaesu FT-102.  

Click on images for a better view. 

Thanks Nate! 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Mike WU2D POTA CCC Camp Activation (21 October 2024) with 1930s-era Station -- See If You Can Contact Mike!

Frank Jones lives!  See if you can work Mike on Monday.  Let us know if you do! 




I’m scheduled to tour the Civilian Conservation Corps. Camp at Bear Brook State Park here in NH on Monday. This is the largest totally intact camp in the country.

I will be activating POTA with the 1930s portable Station. The POTA CCC Camp event is scheduled for Monday around 2:30 ET (if I get everything setup after the camp tour). Primary 7057 kHz Sec 7054 kHz.


The station is an internal battery powered, push-pull Jones Oscillator Transmitter at around 3 Watts out, and a two-tube regenerative receiver that is a period ham artifact. So, four type 30 battery tubes in total.

The antenna is a single wire feed Windom with suspended counterpoise so basically an Off Center Fed Hertz (OCFH).


Between the weather, running the station, logging, and doing camera work, and of course, MURPHY - this should be nuts.

1930s Regen with Transmitter – Fully Self-Contained Portable. Note Charger that is attached to top off the internal battery on transmitter. I did not buy the proscribed 25 9V Batteries and make a TX HV pack up! I used a DC-DC converter and a LiPO drone battery! The Receiver is 100% Dry Cells However.


73’s Mike WU2D


More info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Pdprx0ItY

And many other great videos on Mike's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MIKROWAVE1

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