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Bill AB5XQ told me that his was an "Ugly Duckling" receiver. I would disagree with him. Any device -- like Bill's -- capable of pulling conversations out of the ether is, in my book, beautiful. Condgratulations Bill.
Bill wrote:
Well that was the first time I ever tried to record my work, so I know it is poor quality. My antenna is an attic dipole which is not optimum either. Yes I have tweeted the bandpass filter, but I am guilty of trying to touch it up by ear and I know I have gotten it off, so I will give that a go also. I am very happy with the receiver, I know it is an ugly duckling as compared to some of the others, but I learned a lot and know that I still have some learning to do. Thanks again to you and Dean for challenging us to get busy in homebrew.
Thanks Bill!
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Congratulations Adam!
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This one is kind of "out there," on the fringes of radio respectability. But on the other hand Nate KA1MUQ has just took to a new limit the old ham radio tradition of raiding the kitchen for items that will serve the bases of support for new rigs. Usually, these items are wooden breadboards (hence the term). Nate has taken this quite a bit further, appropriating an entire frying pan because of its copper bottom. Nate reports that there is good news and bad news: The good news is that the receiver is working. The bad news is that his wife has banned him from the kitchen. It takes a brave and dedicated homebrewer to do something like this. Kudos Nate. But you probably should stay out of the kitchen.
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Nice job Piotr! Congratulations! In his comments he captures well the excitement that comes from listening to receiver as it first comes to life:
Piotr writes:
It's alive! Thank you Solder Smoke team. My winding on PTO bit loose, I think I'll just hot glue gun it. Tuning is delicate, but front panel added some friction. Need to swap audio pot (used linear I had handy), and speaker is 12R (from junk box). Audio stage has a lot of gain - that stage alone did pick up loud AM station with my finger as antenna :). Thanks again de Piotr KD9NHZ
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