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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Jaguey. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Jaguey. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Jaguey Five -- The Solid State Cuban DSB Rig -- Circuit Description

Obviously we need a picture of a Jaguey transceiver. 
"Made in Jaguey Grande" 

Trevor Woods found this report from Arnie Coro (SK) CO2KK: 

February 2009: 

Here is now item three in detail: It was quite a long time ago, when I heard about a nice project sponsored by IARU, the International Amateur Radio Union, that was promoting the design of a kit, a simple single band transceiver kit that could be sent in a small air mail parcel to radio clubs in Third World nations which could then deliver them to would-be radio amateurs, and help them build and align the radios... But, unfortunately I lost track of the project, and as many of our listeners may realize there is still a great need of such a project... Past efforts along this line have had some problems, among them the mistaken approach of using of very sophisticated electronic components that in case of a breakdown would be impossible to replace locally; and also, all attempts seemed to try to make the transceiver an ultra- or near-ultra-miniature radio, something that won't help at all with beginners...

So, when I recenlty received an e-mail from Canada, asking what I thought about reviving this great idea, our Canadian amigo asked what we had already done here in Cuba, with our JAGUEY double side band plus CW 10 watt transceiver that went up to REVISION NUMBER 5. , This was the last upgrade, done about three or four years ago, and we named it the Jaguey FIVE, as it generates 5 watts of CW... The Jaguey FIVE was a low parts count, not miniature, easy to build single band transceiver that used readily available components, instead of sophisticated state of the art parts...

In order to please the friend who wrote about this topic, here is a brief, on the air, description of our Jaguey FIVE and by the way, Jaguey is the name of a town, actually it is Jaguey Grande, or big Jaguey, and the Jaguey is a beautiful tropical tree... The original Jaguey transceiver originated in that Matanzas province town in 1982,

The receiver part starts with a simple yet effective RF attenuator, then it feeds a bandpass
filter made of two tuned circuits... we use shielded IF transformers from old TV sets 4.5 megaHertz audio chains... A simple bipolar NPN small signal transistor grounded base amplifier feeds a homebrew double balanced mixer... and we "discovered" quote, unquote, that the antenna balun transformers used in TV sets, the 300 to 75 ohms baluns, had a ferrite core with two holes that makes a wonderful broadband transformer for the double balanced mixer...

We use computer diodes removed from defunct ISA old computer cards and motherboards and developed a very simple test jig to match the diodes... The double balanced mixer is fed on the other port from a simple three transistor oscillator, of which we have two versions, one using three NPN bipolar transistors and the other one using an FET oscillator followed by two bipolars... at the output of the mixer we have AUDIO, as this is a direct conversion receiver, amigos!!!

Now we amplify the audio using discrete components and again we have two versions of audio filters, one with bipolar NPN transistors and the other using a very common operational amplifier IC... The audio power output stage also is available to the builder in two versions, one using discrete components and the other using an integrated circuit audio amplifier that is locally available here in Cuba and produces a booming 2 watts of audio, with a lot of gain and rather low noise! This is the audio IC used by the most popular TV set in use here in Cuba, so we were able to obtain them from the TV repair shops at low cost.

Well, that's why I will describe as a flexible design... again, no attempt is made to make the Jaguey single band amateur transceiver a miniature rig, as miniaturization is definitely not for beginners!!! And following up this description of the receive section of the Jaguey, in our upcoming mid-week edition of Dxers Unlimited, I will describe the transmitter section of the rig,that shares the same variable frequency oscillator with the receiver.... I think that a new more up to date version of the Jaguey transceiver could very well be made available in kit form, with large-sized and easy to assemble circuit boards. The old Version 5 uses three circuit boards, one for the receiver, one for the VFO and one for the transmitter, so the newcomer can assemble just the receiver and start listening to amateur radio communications before having his or her own ham license!!!

You are listening to the weekend edition of Dxers Unlimited coming to you from Havana on the air and on the web at our Dxers Unlimited blog.


A video of Jaguey Grande, Cuba: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krblz_5o6jU

Earlier posts about the Jaguey on the SolderSmoke blog: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=Jaguey

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Arnie Coro: Jaguey Rig Designed in 1982, More info on the Rig

Jaguey, Matanzas, Cuba

Dxers Unlimited's mid week edition for 23-24 October 2007

By Arnie Coro
Radio Amateur CO2KK

My own personal experience with the original JAGUEY direct conversion 
transceiver, designed way back in 1982, is that when used with a well 
designed front end input circuit, those receivers provide amazing 
sensitivity, with signals as low as 1 microvolt easily detected but, 
they do have one drawback, their selectivity or ability to separated 
between stations is very poor. The direct conversion radio receivers are 
used for picking up CW Morse Code Signals , Digital Modes and Single 
Side Band, but they are not good for receiving AM signals, and can't 
pick up FM modulated signals at all...

The original JAGUEY 82 Cuban designed single band amateur transceiver, was tested against a sophisticated and really expensive factory built 
transceiver. The tests showed that our design was at least as sensitive 
as the very expensive professional equipment, registering a measured 
sensitivity of less than one microvolt per meter, producing perfect CW 
Morse Code copy of such a signal. Adding well engineered audio filtering 
to a direct conversion receiver can turn it into a really wonderful 
radio by all standards amigos. 

Radio is a fun hobby, and believe me amigos, there is nothing more 
magical than listening to a radio receiver you have just finished 
building !!!


Peter Parker VK3YE Found a nice description of the Jaguey by Cuban radio Amateur Jose Angel Amador from the BITX40 Facebook Group: 

A translation.  This was apparently in response to someone who thought they'd found a Jaguey schematic: 

"That's not an original Jaguey, that was a simple, single band, unswitched, 5 watt, DSB, kit for beginners with no gear and needing something to put on the license.
Carbon microphone direct to balanced modulator, two stages with 20 dB gain, W1FB/W1CER style feedback, and final with 2 x 2N2102 class B.
The receiver was more like that of the schematic, with a TAA263, easy to get from the FRC in 1978, and headphones. No need for an RF stage: the mixer was overloaded at night with European broadcasts above 7150.
The VFO is also inspired by Solid State Design for the Amateur Radio, a Colpitts with 2SC372 and a low gain feedback buffer with two 2SC372s.
Binocular ferrites were taken from Soviet TV baluns. The conditions of Cuba 1978.
Today I would make an SSB rig with polyphase networks, mixer with 4066,  and VFO Si5351.
The big complication of BitX is the crystal filter, they either get it made, or stick to a recipe, but few have what is needed to measure and tinker with crystal filters.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Needed: More Info on the Cuban Islander or Jaguey DSB Transceivers

CO6CBF: "I began operating on the HF bands using homebrewed radios. Mainly on CW running just 10 Watts. My very first phone transmitter was a controlled carrier AM modulator for the 160m band using tubes and components salvaged from an old TV set."

My good friend Dean KK4DAS has built a DSB rig for 10 meters and is working a lot of DX with it.  Peter Marks in Australia has also jumped into the DSB game.  A few of the students we are working with at the local high school may get their General Class licenses and convert their Direct Conversion receivers to Double Sideband transceivers. 

All of this has caused me to reminisce about the famous Cuban Double Sideband rigs. Homebrew Hero Arnie Coro CO2KK used to talk about these rigs on his "DXers Unlimited" program on Radio Havana Cuba.   But Arnie recently passed away, and with him I think a lot of the background info on the Cuban DSB rigs has also disappeared. I find very little about these rigs on the internet -- I have not been able find a single picture.  The Radio Havana Cuba archive of Arnie's shows has disappeared.  

Back in February I talked to Yulian CO6YI on 20 meters about the Cuban DSB rigs.  He said he had a lot of background info on them, and said he would try to send it to me.  I hope he is able to do this. 

The results of my initial Googling appear below.  There has to be more out there. I'm thinking that there must be a lot of background info on the Islander and Jaguey rigs sitting on the hard drives of radio amateurs.   It is time to give this info wider circulation.  Please send me any info you have on these rigs.  Of particular interest would be schematic diagrams and photos of the rigs.  



Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 17:48:59 -0500
From: "Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich" 

Subject: Re: GB> 6EH7 vs. 6EJ7 as RF Amplifier

 Dear amigo Chris:
You are absolutely right !
EF184 is the best pentode for RF amplifier duty...
But, let me ask you something... have you thought
about the ECC88 and the even better ECC189 dual
triodes that were designed for TV tuner work, and
that incidentally were also about the last vacuum tubes
ever designed from ""scratch"" until Phillips and other
European manufacturers stopped from making
receiving type vacuum tubes.
The ECC189 is simply wonderful for a front end !!!
I am sure that you are aware of our limitations here at
my QTH regarding the possibility of obtaining solid
state modern devices... so we still make ""new"" ham radio rigs using mostly
vacuum tubes...
We even still make a version of "" The Islander"" a DSB transceiver with
direct conversion vacuum tube receiver...
Tube lineup is
EF184 RF amp
ECH81 product detector
ECH81 triode section not used
ECL82 triode audio preamp
ECL82 pentode audio output
6AH6  VFO ( Russian equivalent 6*5P )
Audio filter provided by good working brain of
operator !!!
Keep up the good work amigo !!!
73 and DX
YOur friend in Havana
Arnie Coro


Today’s first question came from a long time listener in India. Rajiv 
tells me that at this moment he is not able to pick up our station on 
the shortwave bands, and he rightly assumes that this is because of the 
very low solar activity… but Rajiv who lives in the garden city of 
India, Bangalore, the home of the nation’s electronic and other high 
tech industries, is able to read the scripts of the program that are 
made available to several short wave listeners clubs e-mail distribution 
lists. Rajiv tells me that he wants to obtain the electronic files of 
the Super Islander amateur radio transceiver to compare the circuit 
diagrams and design philosophy with a similar project that is becoming 
very popular among Indian radio amateurs.
Ok amigo Rajiv… I have already sent you all the files including some 
nice digital photos of the first prototype of the Super Islander, that 
as you will see, has two final amplifier options , one built using NPN 
RF power transistors, and the other one using two vacuum tubes that are 
very easy to find here in Cuba from recycled TV sets. The Super Islander 
is a single band transceiver that can be built for the 160, 80 or 40 
meter bands. Here in Cuba amigo Rajiv, the most popular amateur band 
nowadays is two meters, using the FM narrowband mode, and the second 
most popular band among Cuban radio amateurs is 40 meters, that’s why 
most of the Super Islanders are built for operating between 7.000 and 
7.150 kiloHertz.  The double sideband signal generated by the Super 
Islander simple circuit is very stable, and very few if any radio 
amateurs that contact stations using the Super Islander are able to 
detect that it is a double side band and not a single side band signal 
what they are hearing. One of the most outstanding features of the Super 
Islander single band amateur radio transceiver is that it is modular, so 
those who want to build it, are able to build and test each module as a 
single project, and after all the modules are fully tested, then they 
are easily wired together . The parts count, that is the number of 
components required to build a Super Islander was kept intentionally as 
low as possible, both to simplify its construction and to increase the 
reliability. I hope that amigo Rajiv in Bangolore , India will be able 
to make good use of the Super Islander’s files, and maybe even go ahead 
and build one , as the parts required are almost universally available, 
because that was one of the design requirements that I set when starting 
the  Super Islander project more than fifteen years ago….You can learn 
more about this simple amateur band transceiver by sending a request for 
the Super Islander files to arnie@xxxxxx … I will send it as a dot zip 
file and you will be able to see circuit diagrams, photos and full 
descriptions of the different modules of this nice little rig, that has 
proven itself under the most difficult circumstances, like handling 
emergency communications links during tropical storms.

Beginners generally build one of two radios; the vacuum tube Islander or the solid state Jaguey. The Islander is a DSB/CW Cuban design using a very clever low parts count circuit and a direct conversion receiver. The Jaguey, named for the Jaguey Grande Radio Club in Matanzas province, is a generic design, with a DC receiver, DSB and CW, using solid-state components. Many of its ideas are from Wes Hayward's W7ZOI's Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur. The lack of mechanical filters or quartz crystals to homebrew SSB filters made Cuban designers CO5GV, CO2JA and CO2KK choose a DSB and CW rig. Fitted with good quality capacitors for the VFO, it works quite well from a 12-volt car battery in hurricane emergencies.

Friday, April 7, 2023

More Info on the Cuban Jaguey Solid State DSB Transceiver

ZL2BMI Transceiver Layout (not full size here!) 

Continuing our search for information the Cuban "Jaguey" DSB rig, Trevor Woods pointed me to Dick Pascoe's QRP column in the (below) July 1998 issue of Ham Radio Today.  I think the first SPRAT article about Eric Sears' ZL2BMI DSB rig was in SPRAT 83 in the summer of 1995.  This fits well with the sequence described below by Arnie Coro CO2KK. 

I am still looking for a schematic and pictures of the Jaguey rig: If you can help in this, please let me know.  

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Arnie Coro CO2KK (SK) Provides More Info on the Islander DSB rig

Peter Parker VK3YE found this message from Arnie CO2KK in the Wayback Machine.  We continue to look for more information on the Jaguey solid state DSB rig. 

Arnie wrote: 

Several years ago an amateur in central Cuba was approached by some of his young friends to help them build their first rig. CO7PR, Pedro, a telecommunications technician for the phone company, had a vast experience both with vacuum tubes and solid state circuits, plus that special gift of designing and building with whatever is available. After a few days, Pedro came out with the "Islander" prototype, a low parts count, easy to build single band transceiver!

Here is the circuit description of that little radio that has provided many cuban young and old, newcomers to our hobby, with their first rig... and the challenge to improve it.


It is a direct conversion, YES, a DC receiver made with vacuum tubes. The very thought of having those tube filaments fed from the AC power supply and at the same time having 80 or 90 dB of amplification made me shudder when I first talked to Pedro on the very popular here 40 meter band! You are LOCO Pedro, I told my good friend... CRAZY, those poor kids are going to hear 50 percent 120 hZ hum when they tune across the 7 megahertz band.

Yes Arnie, you are right, it has a little background hum, but by using a small loudspeaker and small coupling capacitors... it's tolerable! The receiver shares, in its original version, the same antenna input as the transmitter output stage, a PI network, but we soon learned to add a separate LC tuned circuit first and latter a bandpass double tuned input filter...PLUS a signal attenuator... a very primitive but effective attenuator... just a 10 k potentiometer!

For an RF amplifier stage the Islander uses a russian pentode, which is the equivalent of the popular TV IF amplifiers of the 50's... looks like a 6CB6, for those of you that fixed TV sets 40 years ago or so.

The 6 "little spider" five, as everyone knows that tube here,has a lot of gain, and it can be kept rather stable by a judicious choice of screen and cathode resistor values.. Noisy pentagrid converter follows!

The 6A2P... a russian 6BE6, was the first tube type used in the Islanders, later some people tried the ECH81 triode-hexode and found it works better.

The circuit of the 6A2P-6BE6 is quite straighforward... a... you guessed right... PRODUCT DETECTOR... fed from the vacuum tube VFO... and providing its audio output to the two stage audio amplifier.

Audio amplifier is made with a triode-pentode tube of which plenty are locally available from defunct TV's... the ECL82 and the 6F4P and 6F5P of east european and russian manufacture respectively provide a lot of gain.

So... that's your receiver.. quite straightforward, works on 160, 80 and 40 meters by just changing the input filter and the VFO injection, it does NOT provide very good selectivity at all, but during the daytime, when the 40 meter band is used for local and regional contacts, it puts those new hams ON THE AIR!

VFO... the big problem amigos!

CO7PR worked very hard to try to make a stable vacuum tube VFO... and he almost made it..

YES, ISLANDERS drift, some not too much, others are not so good, depending on who built the rig, and how close they followed Pedro's advice at first, and Arnie's CO2KK later (as yours truly became quite involved in the project, as soon as I found that it was THE way of getting all those guys ON THE AIR!)

VFO is made with ONE of the 6 "little spider" 5 pentodes... By the way, I am sure you will like to know why the tube is locally known like that... the ZHE letter of the Cyrillic alphabet is something difficult to pronounce to a cuban - or any other non slavic for the matter - and it resembles like a little spider on the tube's carton and... that's why it is not a 6 "ZHE" 5 but a 6 "little spider" five!!!

The VFO cleverly works at one half the operating frequency... and then it DOUBLES frequency at the plate circuit... output is via a link to the pentagrid or hexode mixer depending on which type you use.

BUT... the VFO also has a second output to the transmitting chain.. Well that's the receiver... OH YES... the VFO is fed from a VR tube, a gaseous discharge voltage regulator similar to a VR-150 or VR-105... CO7PR advises to use the VR105, but when building the Islander, special in the countryside, that's a very hard part to find, as old TV sets don't use VR tubes! So people use whichever VR they can find. ZENERS? They are only available locally for 6 to 24 volts, so they can't be used with this rig.

ISLANDER DSB AND CW transmitter circuit:

From the VFO plate circuit, you pick up 7 mHz energy (usually you must wait at least half an hour for that said 7 mHz energy to be stable enough in frequency) and feed two diodes (ex-video detectors from russian TV type D20) acting as what I like to call BALANCED AND UNBALANCED modulator!

When used for DSB, it is certainly a DSB generator... but when you want to work CW, it must be UNBALANCED.something easy to achieve with just a resistor from the +12 volts line and a switch!

The balanced modulator receives its audio from a carbon microphone capsule salvaged from an old telephone, and conveniently connected to same +12 volts with some additional filtering via biggest possible electrolytic + small ceramic dogbone from TV set IF amplifier as RF bypass... no dogbone capacitor there... strange howls on Islander audio as RF leaks into balanced modulator you know.

So dogbone ceramic capacitor is a must! No, disk ceramics are not locally available, so people must use the next best choice... dogbone ceramics in the 100 pf to 5000 pf range, usually rated at 300 volts or so... (that 300 volt rating we learned the hard way, but more about that later.)

The original version of CO7PR's Islander ran with the carbon microphone, no MIC LEVEL control option, as he really wanted to keep things simple... later versions have audio preamps of various designs, and some even have a sort of primitive compressor.. From the balanced modulator the DSB (plus a little carrier leak that is always there) drives the rig's one or two transistor low level RF amplifier, which is made using whatever NPN silicon transistor is available, usually KT315's salvaged from TV's too. the KT315 is sort of a russian version of the 2N2222, so you understand why we use it here!

RF voltage reaches then the grid of an ex-video output amplifier vacuum tube, and there you are... about 2 to 5 watts of either DSB or CW on 40 meters and a new cuban amateur ON THE AIR!

Before I forget... keying... a little chirpy always because of so many interactions between simple circuits, sometimes not too well shielded, first time builder etc.

BUT... ISLANDER is ON THE AIR providing that young kid from the local junior high school or that doctor that always wanted to be a ham, or maybe the fresh out of school electronic technician, with the fascination of their first ever rig. YES, they drift, and some drift badly, when the frequency determining capacitors in the VFO are not too good... (most of the time), as I said they are a little chirpy. and the receiver's selectivity makes working 40 meters at night almost impossible (although some wizards do make nightime contacts at the low end of 7 mHz) BUT. YES, they are ON THE AIR.

Today there are a few Islanders still on the air, and some are even still built brand new (with many of CO7PR's and CO2KK's mods), but the trend is for all solid state rigs centered around CO5GV's and CO2JA's prototype the "JAGUEY," a design that draws a lot from Wes Hayward's Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, and as of late, with lots of ideas coming from SPRAT, the G-QRP club magazine and QRPp from NORCAL, the Norther California QRP club!!!

In a future posting I will describe the "Jaguey," too.


More info on the Cuban DSB and AM rigs can be found here:







Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Cuban Knack Story, and a Pandemic (SITS!) SSB version of the DSB Jaguey Rig -- Viva el Cacharreo!


First, the Knack Story.  Andy CO2AFV clearly has The Dilbert Disease: 

Hello my name is Andy. I had an interest in Ham radio before knowing that existed.  While I was a child my entertainment was building quartz oscillators that later I tried to receive on neighbors' and friends' radios. One day I succeeded in modulating two of them and I finally established a conversation with a friend about 200 meters from my home!!!

Andy with his FB HB rig

Here's a description of a version of the 7 MHz Jaguey transceiver that Andy built during the pandemic.  It looks to me as if he took the Jaguey DSB rig and added a 455 kHz filter with an additional mixer to turn it into an SSB rig.  So he is generating the SSB at 455 kHz, and mixing it with a VFO running at around 6.8 MHz.  The sum output would put you in the 40 meter band; the difference output at around 6.35 MHz could (mostly) be knocked down by a bandpass filter.  I think the Cuban Radio Federation Web Site gets it a bit wrong -- the purpose of the filter is probably to eliminate the unneeded sideband, not really to suppress parasitics. 

Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cuba Published: September 17, 2020 Viewed: 2352 Comments: 12 

Radio Transceiver CO9BIA 455 A construction carried out in times of Pandemic by its author, Andy Fernández Valdespino (CO2AFV). 

Cuban radio amateurs continue to accept the challenge of isolation caused by the incidence of COVID-19, but this does not mean they paralyze their activities. Such is the case of Andy Fernández Valdespino (CO2AFV), who for more than four months has been working on the development and construction of a new transceiver, the CO9BIA 455, a device that already works perfectly in the 7 MHZ Band. 

Andy, who is technical secretary of one of the Havana Radio Clubs, has to his credit the construction of two Jagüey-type radio models, as well as several types of interfaces for programming and Digital Modes; and various prototypes of antennas, among other elements that make up its constant “cacharreo” activities, as we say in our language. 

He has now completed and tested a new model that he has named with the callsign of his Radio Club, CO9BIA, and the model 455 is due to the use in this prototype of a filter of the same capacity. Asked about the details and other construction bases of this radio, whose transmission and reception tests using only outputs from the driver were carried out on September 14, Fernández Valdespino pointed out that his objective was to build a portable QRP equipment, of very large proportions. small, that it would be capable of being operated in the 40 meter band on both sides, by incorporating an improved VFO from the traditional Jagüey, but this with some modifications, and that the radio in question would work powered by a 7-inch battery. .2 volt, the same ones that come with most of the “Handy” used by radio amateurs. 

To complete the “portability” characteristics of the new radio, the possibility of exchanging antennas has been incorporated, and a very light variant of the telescopic type can also be used, just over one and a half meters long. Andy explained that for the development of the new equipment, he was based on studies that he has been doing on some of the characteristics of the Jagüey, a direct conversion radio with very good sensitivity, but that does not have good selectivity, so in the conditions of the current solar cycle, its behavior is not optimal. In Jagüey, the signals, after being modulated, do not pass through any band-pass filter, which causes many “spurious” signals to be released into the ether, which represents an obstacle to be solved in order to incorporate a linear that can increase its output power. All of this, the creator assures, was taken into account for the construction of this new design. For example, in the transmission step, in the CO9BIA 455, the microphone signal is mixed, pre-amplified, filtered and re-amplified, until it is delivered to the 455 kHz filter, to finally be mixed with the VFO signal; and as a result of these steps, the sum and subtraction of these mixtures is obtained, which are in the order of 6 and 7 MHz. As a final result, after these signals are injected into the input bandpass filter, only one output is obtained of 7 MHz, whose operating segments are carried out through the use of the improved VFO. Given these characteristics, with which spurious signal outputs are reduced or eliminated, in this new radio it is feasible to add a linear that can raise the power to approximately 7 watts, which would adjust to the power conditions described above.

This experienced “clunker” says that for the development and construction of this transceiver, three fundamental aspects were combined: the first, applying the experiences of having built other radio models, to ensure that the new prototype could be built by any radio amateur. with minimal knowledge of electronics, using recycled components and materials. Secondly, he used and adapted parts of the construction schemes of a radio project called LU3DY, from the Argentine Radio Club “Almirante Brown”; and finally, the adaptation of some parts of the traditional Jagüey, such as the VFO board and circuit. Although, as already explained, the radio works, 

Andy Fernández is immersed in the construction of a small linear amplifier similar to the ARARIHNA project, by a Brazilian radio amateur, as well as making final adjustments to what is already a reality: the conclusion and final adjustments of the new CO9BIA 455 Transceiver, a portable QRP device for the 40 meter Band, developed in these times when we must all stay at home, to protect ourselves from COVID-19. 

By Luis Enrique Estrada Hernández (CO2BK) FRC Information System Coordinator 

Circuit details.  

The VFO Board

Here is the web site of the Federation of Cuban Radio Amateurs that describes Andy's work: 

And I learned a very useful Spanish word through this:  "Cacharreo" is a Spanish word that means to tinker with something in an attempt to fix, mend, or improve it. 

Thanks Andy!  And thanks to  Trevor for alerting me to this great project.  

Friday, May 5, 2023

SolderSmoke Podcast #246: PeteGPT! DC RX, Si5351, Franklin osc, Cuban DSB, Hex beams, uBITX mods, DX, 10 meters, MAILBAG


SolderSmoke Podcast #246 is available: 

AUDIO PODCAST: http://soldersmoke.com/soldersmoke246.mp3

YouTube VIDEO: (247) SolderSmoke Podcast #246: uBITX, Hex Beam, DX, High School DC RX, 10 meter SSB Rig, MAILBAG - YouTube

The AI Deep Fake Threat!  PeteGPT!

Hearing Aid info:  I can hear the cymbals in my audiogram adjusted Airpods.

Update on the TJ DC RX project – Several receivers working! https://hackaday.io/project/190327-high-schoolers-build-a-radio-receiver

Sunil’s company provides Nano/Si5351 combos.  With the KD8CEC software. Very cool.  http://amateurradiokits.in They have a new SSB dual band transceiver – the Airpal.

Mark AJ6CU helping me. Sent me Nanos with KD8CEC software. His uBITX Settings Editor seems very cool. https://github.com/AJ6CU/uBITX-Settings-Editor/releases/tag/V2-beta-1  Thanks Mark.  

Franklin Oscillators. 

Cuban Islander and Jaguey info.  Send more!

Fixing up uBITX 2   How Bill blew up TWO Raduino Nanos. My results with the KB1GMX mods. (see below)

Hex Beam work:  Adding 10 and 15 meter elements.  But now I can hear AM breakthrough from WFAX 1220 AM  (5 kW during the day),  So I made a high pass filter.

Made first contacts on 15 and 10:  Argentina, Brazil, Dominican Republic.

First contacts with both India VU3TPW and China BA4TB.  SSB homebrew.

sBITX news. Taking orders!

Pete’s 10 Meter SSB Project


--Wes W7ZOI provided great info and analysis on the Franklin oscillator. And lots of great tech info on other topics: http://w7zoi.net/oldtech/ponder.html Thanks Wes!
--Lex PH2LB. uBITX mods. TO-18 Heatsinks. New stickers (see above).
--Kostos SV3ORA and Hans G0UPL about the Franklin Oscillator.
--Listening to HRWB 178: Great stuff, many old friends: George KJ6VU moved to Oregon. Thomas K4SWL on the show.  Ben, an old friend of Pete’s,  mentions John Zaruba K2ZA – the guy who gave me the DX-100. Wonderful connections.
--Thanks to Todd VE7BPO for sending me another AADE LC meter. I need it for the SSSS.
--Nick MONTV planning a 15/10 meter dualband SSB rig. Me too! See video.
--Trevor Woods in W. Australia – The portrait in Artie Moore’s shack. Chuck WB9KZY – Willam Ramsay
--LA6NCA Helge three tube RX. Regen or DC? Mike Masterson WN2A and I discuss.
--Mike WU2D video on Retro QRP rigs – Steve G0FUW discusses Severn rig long in the works –started 1983 and nearly finished!
--Tim Hunkin of Secret Life fame did video with speaker made from potato ship bag. Discussed with Tony G4WIF and others. Also, Tim has an amazing video on cutting holes in metal. On the SolderSmoke blog.
--Bob Crane W8SX will be covering FDIM for SolderSmoke!
--Glen VE3DNL working on a more sophisticated DC RX.
--Craig KC2LFI from the beach on Grand Cayman. FB.
--Steve EI5DD reports We have changed our name - The May Issue of the HAM RADIO IRELAND Magazine, Ireland’s only independent magazine for the Radio Experimenter: https://docdro.id/SHH0VEy
--Mike EI0CL on 15 meters with Dean KK4DAS. FB
--Howard N3FEL of the Penn Wireless Association wants to do a group build of a DC RX.
--Martin LW9DTR in Buenos Aires looking for help with the code for an AD9850
--Todd K7TFC – always helping other homebrewers.
--Really thoughtful message from Kevin WN7Z


My KB1GMX mods to uBITX 2

Saturday, April 1, 2023

SolderSmoke Podcast #245: Cuban DSB, DC Receiver?, Can you spot the AI? (Prize), Winterfest Loot, Gina's Podcast, 6BA6 buy, MAILBAG

DC RX Example by KK4DAS

SolderSmoke Podcast #245 is available for download: 

Video:  (68) SolderSmoke #245: Cuban DSB, DC Receiver?, AI, Winterfest Loot, Gina's Podcast, 6BA6 buy, MAILBAG - YouTube

Travelogue: Cuba DSB and AM. Jose CO6EC and the Islander. We need more info, especially on the solid state Jaguey rig.

Bill’s bench:

Will the High School DC receivers get finished? Future uncertain. But the project was technically interesting. Great working with Dean KK4DAS. Battling AM breakthrough from Radio Marti. We joked that Dean has been listening to Radio Marti so much that even though he doesn’t speak Spanish, he has noticed an increased urge to liberate Havana.

Audio amps: Harder than we thought. Lots of variation in Hfe of 2n3904s. Oscillations.
Not using feedback amps nor LM386s, nor push-pull. Simplicity is a design goal.

Fixing the tuning (bandspread) problem on the VFO was fun.

Antennas? A quarter wave with ground or counterpoise works well. We tried it. 
(59) An Antenna for the TJ 40 Direct Conversion Receiver - YouTube
Back to work on the uBITX. I chickened out on replacing the predriver with a BFR-106, but then – Just in time Todd K7TFC and his Mostly DIYRF came out with BFR106 boards! TRGHS. I will do the mods on two uBITX transceivers. I even bought a solder-sucking iron for the second job.

Winterfest Hamfest. Big success. Thanks VWS. HERRING AID FIVE! Simpson 260! QF-1, Another Radio Shack DMM, Eamon Skelton’s Homebrew Cookbook, Knobs, SWR meter.

-- Todd’s Mostly DIY RF and the BFR106 boards, and much more: https://mostlydiyrf.com/
-- Become a Patreon sponsor of SolderSmoke: https://www.patreon.com/join/4785634/checkout?ru=undefined

Pete's Bench: 

Technical Note: Skype problems. Pete's Skype kept dropping out. Bad in the last podcast (#244). Three minute gap. I was ready to scrap the whole podcast when Dean KK4DAS offered to help. And he is obviously well qualified: https://potomacofficersclub.com/speakers/dean-souleles/ Dean went to work with AI. And he was able to fill the audio and the video gaps. Can you spot the three minutes of AI? Send me an e-mail with the time segment of the AI/Deep Fake portion of SolderSmoke 244. The first one with the correct answer will win a prize. 
SolderSmoke #244:
Thanks Dean!

----Interview on his Pete's daughter’s podcast. https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/03/listen-to-pete-juliano-on-his-daughter.html

-- 6BA6 e-bay buy. Will we see an all 6BA6 rig from Pete?

-- The NCX-5 on e-bay

PETE’S NEW BLOG: https://hamradiogenius.blogspot.com/


-- A New SPRAT arrived in the mail. PH2LB’s Gluestick on the cover.
-- Will KI4POV – Awesome homebrew – on the blog.
-- Sands, VK9WX listening to SolderSmoke on Willis Island! Wow. 
-- Andreas DL1AJG in Germany continues with the Electronics for Biologists DC RX build.
-- Dean KK4DAS and his homebrew 10 meter DSB rig.
-- Jim W2UO built a Michigan Mighty Mite and made a contact.
-- Dave K8WPE and the E in IBEW. We need new stickers.
-- Bob KC4LB – Surface Mount is SMALL.
-- Bruce KK0S on the Herring Aid 5 Board.
-- Chuck WB9KZY on Nuclear Monopole Resonance very cool video – on the blog.
-- Alan WA9IRS wants a CW editor for his phone. Really.
-- Vic WA4THR also working on uBITX power out improvement.
-- Tobias weighs in on Kludge. As in Fudge.
-- Tony G4WIF notes that when he changes his oil he often removes sludge, not slooge.
-- Consultations with Lexicographer Steve KB3SII.
-- Walt AJ6T says CW operating declined after FCC ruling in 1970s about callsigns.
-- Ramakrishnan VU3RDD now VU2JXN has joined the VWS. An old friend of SolderSmoke. Urged us to launch a blog back in 2008. We announced his daughter’s birth - - now Ram is getting ready to build a DC receiver with her.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

SolderSmoke Podcast #252 -- First Podcast from SolderSmoke Shack South

For the moment this podcast is video only.  The video appears above.  Here is the URL for the video: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeNTv3YjiHU  We will try to get the usual audio podcast version out soon. 

-- This is the first podcast from SolderSmoke Shack South:   Eastern tip of Island of Hispaniola.  Cap Cana, DR, 70 feet up, 1 mile from Mona Channel.  Seventh floor shack with view of the ocean.  Antennas:  Dipoles for now, maybe Moxons or Hex later. STARLINK

- The San Francisco case against me.  One guy thinks we DESERVE prosecution!  Get off of my lawn! 

Like the library cop on Seinfeld: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9tP9fI2zbE

But one fellow wrote letter to the mayor asking for leniency.  Proposes "Bill Meara Day in SF." FB!  I fell victim myself this year:  Mike WU2D got me with WA1HLR on SSB video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLvCNJ_OnEc

-- Dean:  Fighting a spur in the sBITX.  Filters? 

-- Dean:  Exploring Class A, Class AB and the RD06HHF1

-- Dean: Extensive work on getting flat gain from FETs up through 10 meters. 

-hh- Dean and Bill:  OIP3 measurement and setting the bias on an RD06HHF1

-- Pete:  Discovers for all of us "RF Man"   In spite of all the CB stuff, he is the THE MAN!  On YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@rfmanchannel6915

-- Pete fixes Dean's relay chattering problem: SUBTHRESHOLD CONDUCTION!  Yikes!  

-- Pete's refurb and rejuvenation of the Drake Twins, 

-- MXM news.  New docs, and ads from WD5L. All on the blog. 7030 crystals.  Why MXM? Chuck Adam's mods, Joh DL6ID's questions about VFO.  Yes!  VFO from RX.  Was Bruce Williams an early Swan Designer? 

-- Weird paradox with 25 MHz filter:  Low profile xtals have higher Q, but produce more rounded passbands.  Why?  I note that Minima's 20 MHz filter also had curved passband. 

-- Allison's wisdom on filters at higher frequencies.  The importance of physical layout.  Diodes in the dark!  It is indeed more difficult up there.  But don't let the perfct be the enemy of the good!

-- Is Bill  the only one to ever build a 10-15 Dual Bander using a 25 MHz crystal filter.  Why?  Farhan's Minima has a 20 MHz 6 pole QER crystal filter.  And it too had a rounded passband.  But it tooc WORKED.  

-- Did my receiver sound tinny due to rising frequency response of uBITX Rev 4 amp?  Yes! So I put in a  TJ DC RX Af amp.

-- Bill BLOWS UP a Tiny SA Ultra. Ooops.  But quickly got a new one from R&L Electronics.  Very, very useful.  I knew 25 MHz IF rigs were inferior, but by how much?  How much was the carrier suppressed?  Which filters worked better?  What was the opposite sideband rejection.  TinySA permitted measurement and comparison. 

-- Bill quit 15 meter SSB (for a moment) and went to the 1.22 nanometer band with a Wilson Clound Chamber.  Videos on the blog. 

SHAMELESS COMMERCE:  Thanks to new Patreon sponsors.  I am sending some additional video content to the sponsors.


-- Thanks to Bob Crane W8SX for FDIM interviews.  I will get them out! 

--Wes -- W7ZOI has a new TIA amp with variable gain on his web site: https://w7zoi.net/

-- Geoff N6GWB's Rad Receiver https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/04/the-rad-receiver-from-n6gwb.html

-- Dave K1KA sent Ensemble RTX SDR parts.   Thanks Dave. 

-- Chuck Adams AA7FO provided good background on my MXM rig, including the meaning of MXM (1990) . Again, great to hear from Chuck, a true homebrew hero.

-- Gerardo HI8P collecting info on the other HI8P, my friend Pericles (SK) 

-- Alvin N5VZH picked up a Silktronix CB VFO.  What to do? 

-- Jorgen SM4WWG listening from Sweden, and making PCBs.  FB! 

-- Mike WN2A  Wondered about opposite sideband rejection of MXM.  Not great. 

-- George WB5OYP loaned me a book from Elmer Bucher.  THE Elmer?   https://k9zw.wordpress.com/2020/01/24/on-the-origins-of-elmer-a-reasonable-theory/

-- Wes W7ZOI, Farhan VU2ESE -- Thanks for help on filter issue. Thanks too to Alan W2AEW and G3UUR

-- Josh G3MOT -- Nice message of support in our "struggle" with SF authorities. Going portable to Vancouver island in August.  VE7/G3MOT

-- Paul VK3HN -- Antipodean solidarity.  Thanks Paul. 

-- Rogier PA1ZZ -- great input and help. Thanks

-- Tony G4WIF reminded me of G3ROO's  parasets.  See Blog

-- Pavel CO7WT His experiences (building, freezing, heating) the VFO in the Jaguey DSB rig.

-- Grayson KJ7UM Sent latest ER with his Collins 51S-1 story. Thanks Grayson. 

-- Allison KB1GMX  Commiserating on higher freq crystal filters. Thanks Allison 

-- Wes W4JYK Notes that Dewey, Cheatam and Howe are based in SF. Can they help with sticky sticker problem? 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Islander -- A Homebrew DSB Rig from Cuba


This article, the pictures, and the comments are all so cool. They really capture the spirit of homebrew. Obviously we still need more information on  the Islander and the Jaguey.  If you have it, please send it to me and I will disseminate it via this blog. 

I've been in touch by e-mail with Jose Campos CO6EC (the guy in the picture above).   He sent me this partial schematic of the Islander (we still need the VFO circuit and the RF amplifier) .  Thanks Jose! 

Views: 2274
Comments: 6


By José de Jesús Enríquez Campos (CO6EC)

Next 2019 will be the 30th anniversary of the first convention of radio amateurs in the province of Villa Clara, in Campismo de Ganuza, municipality of Corralillo, on the North coast, about 100 kilometers from Santa Clara, the provincial capital.

This convention was held on a national basis and colleagues from all the country's provinces participated at that time. We did not reach a thousand members throughout the national territory and most of the radio amateurs worked in the 40-meter Band in Amplitude Modulation Then the Lateral Side Band (SSB) was the privilege of a few and the 2 meters was something rare, which did not yet exist in our environment.

At that meeting, a project for a Tube Transceiver was presented, quite simple, with just six vacuum tubes and a BF310 transistor. It was possible to work in HF in Double Sideband, achieving a greater efficiency than the transmission in Modulated Amplitude (AM). This project became known as the Islander.

In only two printed plates, one for the VFO and another for the TX and RX part, which by the way were printed for distribution, in a company in Villa Clara, due to their easy construction and acquisition of the components (almost all of them came out of a Krin-218 TV), a large number of such equipment were manufactured by radio amateurs from all over the country. Like everything made at home, it always comes up with a little problem that later is necessary with tinkering, correcting it.

I remember listening to an old radio amateur from Havana (whose callsign I don't remember) in a pleasant QSO with another colleague, who jokingly said, "... some "Bugs" have now appeared in the band, called Islander, which is worse than the invasion of the Vikings…”, which gives an idea of ​​how many were built at that time, when if you wanted to make radio, you had to manufacture it, something unusual in these times.

As soon as we saw the project we decided to build it, because at that time we had an AM “transmitter” with modulation by “Carrier control” with four tubes, a 12AX7 preamplifier; an ECL82, as a modulator, with cathode output to the final tube Screen grid, a 6DQ6 and a 6BH6 as VFO; and to receive, an old Russian receiver from World War II.
 We got involved in the construction and improvements of the project and we managed, with some changes, to improve its performance and quality, because among the modifications to the original, we added: 

 -A switch, with which you could change the transmission mode to DSB -CW-AM.
-A "Pi" Filter at the input of the RX, which considerably improved its quality.
-An automatic volume control, because since it did not have AGC (Automatic Gain Control), when someone nearby came on, it would break your speaker.
-A filter for the microphone input, which improved the quality of the modulation.
-A final power stage, with a 6146B, with 750 V on the board, for about 70 W of  output, taking advantage of the 6P15P as Driver.
-The chassis was built from scratch using aluminum trays that were sold at the hardware store for “four pesos” each and that were special for making cabinets for these purposes.

After the construction was completed in one afternoon, with Reinaldo Martínez Domínguez (CO6UK), from Manicaragua, the balanced modulator was adjusted, since the good transmission of this type of equipment depends on the relationship between the amount of RF and audio that are mixed At that stage, it took us a long time to adjust, until Reinaldo with his expert ear told me, “leave it there, don't touch it, it's 99% complete”.

There were many international contacts that I was able to make with this very simple equipment, with very good reports, many of them with Europe, the American continent, that was very normal, since the propagation conditions in those years had nothing to do with the today, you could do half the world in AM, with about 100 W.
Many colleagues at that time asked me what equipment I was using.  When I told them it was an Islander, they asked me to send them the plans of the improvements made, they were many modified plans, mimeographed.
Perhaps the youngest do not know what that was and the photos taken by colleague Joel (CO6JC) that helped to illustrate the distribution of the components in the chassis, were sent to radio amateurs from the different provinces, in the interest of contributing modestly to migrate from AM to the Double Side Band, today it is a rarity to listen to someone on AM, there are already few who appear in Double Side Band, which shows that we have developed in these almost 30 years, despite the difficulties, which We went from just under a thousand to about 8,000 throughout the country today.

From time to time, a colleague in the 40 meter Band, from another province, has told me that he still keeps the plans and photos that were sent to him at that time, or as "Kike" (CO6GO) that he still has a Islander as a relic.

Ours passed away a long time ago and part of its components went to other projects, thanks to Joel (CO6JC) there is a graphic record of it, and that at that time I had hair, which I have lost in these bustles.
With this brief comment, we only want the new generations to know what radio amateurs were like in those days and the older ones to remember it.

Nothing, to remember is to live again.

Here he left you some images.

  • (co6ec) Jose de Jesus Enriquez Campos

    The first Image was the prototype presented at the Ganuza meeting, the rest of the photos were the ones we built with the improvements, and the photos and plans were sent to many colleagues, the colleagues who went to that meeting will remember, well, they still have to there are many left, because that was almost 30 years ago,
    greetings CO6EC

  • (co8zz) Raul Verdecie

    Magnificent photographs!!!... They seem to have been taken today with some digital "super camera"!!!
    Really, from what I can see now, the CO6EC Islander was the perfect example... mine (my first radio and built by me) was also made like this, with the plates that the FRC sold and it was good, but very ugly ...HI... The AGC worked wonderfully as it came, I don't know if Jose's improvements were later! With it I made my first hundred or so entities only in 40 meters / CW (between 7,100 and 7,150) when it was CL8ZZ. I gave it away so that someone would have their license and now I regret not having kept it... I would have liked to show it now to those who regret not having a radio!!!

  • (co8zz) Raul Verdecie

    Ah, I can never forget those headphones!!!... my external hearing aids (read ears) are much smaller today thanks to them, they exerted tons of force on the operators' skulls!!!

  • (cm6vml) Vidal

    Very good article, I hope that one day, with a good teacher, I can build my own team, congratulations Jose, regards Vidal.

  • (co7wt) Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)


    My first radio and with which I got my CL7WT license back in the 90's an ISLANDER, like that in capital letters.

    I remember that the CL only had a small 40m segment (like now) and that it was full of broadcasts as soon as the afternoon fell, it was an odyssey to speak on the radio... you had to find a "little hole" between the Broadcastings where it wouldn't bother you " a lot" to be able to talk.

    I remember that the old CO7OC (he is no longer a radio amateur) and CL7HU (now AC7HU) helped me build it with a board I bought at the radio club. I took almost all the valves from the deceased KRIM 218, then I found a store in Camagüey that sold idle things from the workshops...

    Turns out they had such a large inventory of "idle" tubes that they couldn't put it on the counter...they let me through to the warehouse...huge...stack of tubes, if I remember correctly I ended up with Chinese or Japanese tubes that they were more sensitive in the receiver... the driver went from a 6P14P to a more robust 6P9, by the end that was a humble 6P44 it became two 6P7s that were a Russian version of the RCA 607 if I remember correctly... in the end it had like 80W.

    It goes without saying that when I said on the radio that there were valves in that place "they flew"....

    The VFO was the one from the Jagüey, not the original from the Islander, I never knew about the AGC modifications.

    I would like if someone has the plans with the modifications to send them to me, just for nostalgia...

    My email pavelmc@gmail.com

  • (co2jc) Carlos Alberto Santamaría González

    Brother, your article is very good, because of the nostalgia and also because it talks about what we radio amateurs like: tinkering. I didn't have an Islander because what I started with in 2000 was a Polosa to which two colleagues helped me adapt it with VFO for 40 and 80 m. But I talked a lot with colleagues who did it with an Islander or a Jagüey and participated in the Rueda del Behique that I started in the 80 m. Others in the Hurricane Wheel that started a little later and were heard well. As you well say, the propagation at that time had nothing to do with what it is now, but it was very good to listen to the colleagues who came out with the equipment they had built. Thank you once again for your article. CO2JC

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