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Saturday, October 17, 2009

When all else fails... THE KNACK

Kurt, N3JTW, alerted me to an excellent article on the blog site of the Dutch magazine Elektor. It is about a major flood in the Netherlands in 1953. Cut off from the mainland and without communication gear, OM Hossfeld whipped up the transmitter pictured above and set up a vitally important communications link. He used an 807 tube in the final. 10 Watts out on 15 meters. Note the coil wound on the bottle. The call was PA0ZRK. FB!
Here's the link: http://theelectronicball.blogspot.com/2009/10/radio-to-rescue.html

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A REALLY Different Kind of Construction Problem

OK, so you're building a Large Hadron Collider, hoping to conjure up the elusive Higgs-Boson particle. But somehow, every time you try, smoke gets released. Here is one recent theory (reported in the New York Times) about what is going on:

"I'm talking about the notion that the troubled collider is being sabotaged by its own future. A pair of otherwise distinguished physicists have suggested that the hypothesized Higgs boson, which physicists hope to produce with the collider, might be so abhorrent to nature that its creation would ripple backward through time and stop the collider before it could make one, like a time traveler who goes back in time to kill his grandfather."

Wow! This is really useful troubleshooting information! Who among us hasn't been working on something that could be considered "abhorrent to nature"? We are, after all, the "ugly" construction guys. Perhaps if things get a little too ugly, a WHOLE DIFFERENT set of problems kick in. No wonder I couldn't get that 440 Mhz transverter working!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Micro Men on the BBC: Sinclairs, Acorns, and the Knack

Now these guys look like some proper British boffins!
Tony Fishpool, G4WIF, sent me this link to a wonderful new BBC program about the early days of home computing: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2009/oct/08/armstrong-freeman-micro-men-bbc

Tony also sent me his own story of computer derring-do in the early days. Here Tony once again marks himself as a true Knack victim, and a true wizard. Commenting on the BBC show, Tony wrote:

...I enjoyed a huge dose of nostalgia. I owned both Sinclair and Acorn computers back then and I suppose they launched me on a geek career that's put food on the table ever since.

One of the first Christmas's of my early married life tested my new bride's
patience with a knack victim for a husband.

A long awaited Acorn Atom kit computer finally arrived on Christmas Eve. All during Christmas day I was hunched over a steaming soldering iron installing every capacitor, resistor and semiconductor in the computer's printed circuit board.

That evening after the last component was installed I applied power and
there was a beep and the TV (which should have been showing Christmas
movies) displayed :-

Acorn Computers



How I managed to get that computer working first time still amazes me to
this day. How I am still married amazes me even more - but I was "in the
zone" and that computer just had to be built.

The TV show is called "Micro Men" so look out for it.

Kind regards
Tony G4WIF

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Video Smoke

There is a special SolderSmoke video on YouTube today. Look for the
M0HBR channel. Or use the SS Video link to the right on this blog 73
from Ponticelli

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Columbus Day Sale on SolderSmoke (The Book) Save 14.92%

Enter coupon code 'PINTA' at checkout and save 14.92% off any purchase - maximum discount $25 per account. No exchanges or substitutions allowed. Only one valid coupon code may be used per account. Offer expires on 10/12/09 at 11:59 PM GMT. Lulu.com reserves the right to change or revoke this offer at any time. Void where prohibited.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lunar Impact on October 9 -- LCROSS Hits the Moon

It is a bus-sized object and it will hit at approximately twice the speed of a bullet!

Even though my telescope is a bit smaller than the recommended minimum, I'd be tempted to see if I could see it.... But that 1130 GMT impact time would make it difficult from Rome!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kid in Malawi Builds Homebrew Wind Power System

This is a very nice story. Inspirational stuff. Young William Kamkwamba wanted to bring electricity to his family. So he went to a library, got some plans for a windmill, then gathered the parts and built one.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

AA1TJ's Nifty Fifties Pixie

Once again great things are happening in the underground lab of Michael, AA1TJ. Michael has temporarily put aside his work on Iron Pyrite-based receivers, and is now working the world with 50's era point contact transistors. I can feel the enthusiasm, even all the way over here in Rome. I particularly liked Michael's description of the QSO in which the other guy heard his backwave. Backwave is the very small signal that is sometimes put out when the key of simple transmitter is up. For example, the oscillator on my old VXO-controlled 6 watter (from "QRP Classics") ran all the time -- I just keyed the amplifiers. Sometimes guys would report hearing some of the RF from the oscillator even when the key was up. (By the way, the term backwave reminds me of a word used sometime by Billy and Maria: backwash. As in, "No Maria, you can't have a sip of my soda -- you always leave backwash!")

In his e-mails, Michael mentions that the physics of the point contact devices are a bit of a mystery for him. I recall that the book "Crystal Fire" by Riordan and Hoddeson had some pretty good info on how these early transistors worked.

Here are some excerpts from Michael's e-mails on this project:

I haven't had time to document this pyrite/tunnel diode receiver on account of a phone call that I had two weeks ago from Jack Ward at the Transistor Musuem. Jack approached me with an idea to recreate the first ham radio contacts using transistors. Of course, the point-contact transistors involved are now pretty rare items. No problem for a fellow with a transistor museum though!
Jack kindly sent me a couple of Western Electric, 2N110 "relics." I had some initial trouble with "squegging," and I wasn't able to produce oscillation above 380kHz. To read a recent tale of one fellow's trouble trying to tame the 2N110, please see
I especially liked where he wrote, "I did seriously consider giving up at this stage and taking up heavy drinking." ;o)
However, I located an old textbook that discussed circuit design theory using point-contact transistors (the physics of these devices are still clouded in mystery). What I learned made all the difference. A few more hours at the bench and I had an 80m transmitter putting out 10mW.
The story gets better though, Ned. A circuit briefly described in another old book really caught my attention. It was pretty much the same circuit as was used by George Rose, K2AH, in his first transistor QSO. Only, a circuit (designed by G3IEE) showed a pair of headphones in dotted lines, next to the collector resistor. The text merely said
"As indicated, the circuit also functions as an oscillating detector type of receivere for local continuous wave operations whith head phones plugged into the collector circuit instead of resistor R3. Good reception and break-in operation were obtained."
That got my blood moving! Positive results came right away on the bench. The received signals were every bit as strong as with my Reggie and the Cub Scout heterodyne (what I started calling, "Chester," after the name of the mine where the pyrite was found).
I had my first QSO last week using Jack's point-contact transistor (made in 1956) in the transceiver designed by G3EII (in 1954). Jim, W1PID, was my first contact. Since then I've made over a dozen QSO's with five different stations.
FYI, I'll paste a message below that I sent to Jack Ward this weekend. One thing I forgot to add is that W1VZR copied my 10mW signal on his Cake Pan regenerative receiver over in Maine last week. Aside from my three QSO's with VE3DJX at a distance of 319 miles, the other notable results to-date were hearing both W1DFU and W1PID - in the course of separate QSOs - when they dropped down to an output power of 100mW.
Again, I haven't had a chance to post much on my web site, but I do have the current schematic up, and you can see both K2AH and G3IEE's circuits in scans from the old transistor book. G3IEE's circuit is shown in Figure 16.2 in the second jpeg image.
One more thing, Ned. I hooked up this past week with G3JNB. Victor was one of the fellows (he was only 21 at the time) working with Tony, G3IEE, back in 1954 to make the first-ever, UK ham radio QSOs using transistors. Victor has already posted an envelope containing copies of his log, the QSL card from G3IEE and the original, 1954, Wireless World article describing their results. In the course of our Skype video call last week, Victor held up to the camera the RAF telegraph key that he used for his QSO with Tony. Pretty neat, eh?
I've got to get back to work here. Congratulations on getting your Reggie up and running, Ned. I look forward to seeing the photos and I'd surely like to hear about any contacts you make with it. Speaking of which, I have some photos of Jim, W1FMR's beautifully constructed Reggie that I've been meaning to post on my web page. Once I get around to it would you mind if I include one of your photos as well?
Best wishes,
Mike, AA1TJ
Hi Jack,

Yes, I had great fun with our little 2N110's this past week. Of of now, I've had well over a dozen radio contacts with five different stations. I used 10mW of output power to make these contacts. The distances shown are all "as the crow flies."

W1PID, Sanbornton, NH, 67miles; lowest power used on his end 100mW
VE3DJX, Smith Falls, Onatario, 319 miles; 10watts on his end
W1DFU, Wallingford, VT, 42 miles; his lowest power was 100mW
W1VZR, Limerick, ME, 100 miles; 40w

Pete, the last fellow listed, heard the 2N110 while it was running as a "beacon" with a continuously looped Morse code message. Having received my call-sign he located my email address and shot off a reception report. I saw his message pop up on my computer and quickly looked up his telephone number. He was still at his radio when he picked up the phone. I found him pretty excited as my signal strength had sharply risen in the last few minutes. He asked if there was a problem with my keying circuit as he could still hear a faint tone on my frequency when my transmitter should have been silent. "Ha!" sez I, "You're hearing a 100 microwatt back-wave radiation!" The distance separating us divided by the 100uW power is equivalent to 1 million miles per watt; a very impressive figure!

One more station answered my CQ this past week from near Hartford, CT. However, I can't recall his call sign and I'm currently at work but my logbook is at home. My output power was up to 17mW during that contact; on account of a temporary change that I made to the circuit. However, pushing the transistor to that power level reduced the quality of the keying, and so I returned to 10mW following that contact (earlier, I'd reported that my output power was 12mW, but a more careful measurement indicated that I was only putting out 10mW).

You might have noticed that I've posted the schematic to my web site. However, I expect the circuit will change over the next week, or so, as I still want to tinker with the keying circuit. By all reports my signal is good but it has just a touch of keying "chirp." Chirp is what hams call a variation in the received signal tone when the telegraph key is first depressed. Again, I expect to have that sorted out before long.

Yes, it was a real pleasure talking with Victor, G3JNB. FYI, I'll send you copies of all the documents that he provides. He said that he's including some original data sheets for point contact transistors that he's held on to these past 55 years. I'll keep copies and send the originals to you.

I asked Victor if he'd like me to build a duplicate radio for him using the second 2N110 that you sent me. I think he was thrilled to hear my offer. Don't you think it would wonderful if he, of all people, managed to make a contact using a reproduction of the point-contact transmitter that he and Tony, G3IEE, used in those pioneering days?

The order of business next week is to finalize the circuit design and begin building two identical circuits into permanent radios. Of course, I'll take time off, now and then, to try and make more contacts. I'm already astonished that it was possible to span a distance of 319 miles (not once, but thrice!) using your ancient transistor relic.

Acting on your suggestion, I looked up the other fellows mentioned in K2AH's article. It turns out that Tommy Thomas, W2UK, was quite a radio pioneer on VHF.


Unfortunately, I've learned that he passed away not so long ago. The call signs of the other two fellows are not currently in the FCC database (I suspect because they are gone as well). A quick search on the Internet turned up nothing on them.

Victor, G3JNB, remarked that he believes that he is the only one left of his original group of transistor enthusiasts. Doubtless, one reason is that he was only 21 years-old at the time of the experiments with G3IEE.

Victor reports that Tony, G3IEE, worked as an engineer for Mullard. I guess that explains where his transistors came from. Victor used a standard vacuum tube transmitter for his first contact with Tony, but sometime later he built his own one-transistor transmitter following Tony's design. Victor says that he used it to make one or two contacts across town before he put it on the shelf. Again, I'll be very interested to see the photocopy of his station log from that period.

One more thing, Jack. I'm fortunate to count George, G3RJV as a pal-o-mine. George is a recently retired Anglican vicar, but he also founded the GQRP; what began as a society of UK amateurs interested in low power operation. Since then, it has become something of an international institution. I had a message of congratulations this week from George; saying that he's keeping a watchful eye on our project. In return, I inquired if George might be able to put me in contact with folk that might help shed light on what was going on at that time (transistor-wise) in the rest of "Hamdom". That is, I'd like to assemble a folder on the topic of "first transistor QRP QSOs" for Japan, Western and Eastern Europe, Australia, etc.. I'll keep you apprised of any news.

That's all from here, Jack. Once again, I'd like to express my thanks to you for including me in your project. It's already been great fun and a real pleasure to meet some wonderful people.

Kind regards,
Mike, AA1TJ

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

SolderSmoke Podcast #116


27 September 2009
Wild Boar Hunting Season Opens
SPRAT and QQ on Kindle?
Kite Antenna Day -- An idea whose time has come!
Doublet antenna in Ponticelli
Ponticelli QSOs on 40, 20, and 15
Steve Roberts -- Knack on a Bike
AA1TJ goes Iron Pyrite and Point Contact
Princess Elettra Marconi
SolderSmoke Book: Price Reduced AND Oktoberfest Sale!
Prices reduced on T-Shirts, coffee cups, bumper stickers

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Lulu is running an Oktoberfest sale. You can save 20% on SolderSmoke (The Book). Please help spread the word to those who (gasp!) might not be checking this blog every day. Promo 1: Enter coupon code 'PROST' at checkout and save 20% on the purchase price of any order up (maximum discount $25. Promo 2: Enter coupon code 'OKTOBERFEST' at checkout and save $50 on the purchase price of any order of $200 or more. Discount cannot be used to pay for, nor shall be applied to, applicable taxes or shipping and handling charges. Promotional codes cannot be applied to any previous orders. No exchanges or substitutions allowed. Only one valid promotional code may be used per account. Offer expires on 09/27/09 at 11:59 PM GMT. Lulu.com reserves the right to change or revoke this offer at any time. Void where prohibited.

For the version that ships from Europe use this URL:

For the version that ships from the USA use this URL:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Meeting Princess Elettra Marconi

Last night at a diplomatic reception in Rome I had the privilege of meeting Princess Elettra Marconi, daughter of the inventor. She is a charming lady. We talked about ham radio, about her dad, and about some the recent books that have come out about him (including Thunderstruck.) Above is a photo of Princess Elettra on her eighth birthday, onboard Marconi's yacht Elettra. This must be a very poignant photo for the family -- the caption indicated that the inventor died later that day.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Auroral Memories from W7ZOI

Hi Bill,

I was really on top of it this time and listened to Soldersmoke 115 yesterday evening, the same day I got it from the Internet. I was intrigued by your description of the aurora in 1972. I don't recall that one. By then we were in Oregon. We have had some strong ones down this way, but missed them visually because of cloud cover, a common problem in Oregon. But I have fond memories of the first and most spectacular show I ever did see. This happened when I was trying to go on the air in eastern Washington. I knew that I had put something in my log about it, so last night I pulled my log books of that day and started looking. It took a while, but it was there. QTH at the time was Richland, WA, which is in the SE corner of the state, right on the Columbia River. The station is the first B&W photo on my web site.

I see in my log that on 9/12 of 1957 I had been active. I called a ZL at 1:40 AM on 20M CW. (All times are Pacific time. Probably daylight time.) Then I had worked w2gqn in NJ at 18:11. But the band became quite noisy after that. I have log entries for September 13th, '57, starting just after midnight:

0020. "Tremendous Northern Lights display. Approx 300 degrees of the sky was colored. Sky had green tinge to the north and red in east and west which extended almost to the direct south. Noise level on 14 mc very high. Noise had the character of an electric shaver. Noise masked all signals except W6ULS on 14.048. Noise cleared at 00:44 and heard KG6AAY (Guam). Static crashes remained. 7 mc seemed unaffected by the noise."

00:49. called KG6AAY. No luck.
00:56. called ZL2AHA. Again, no luck.
No more entries until 16:25 when I worked a local friend, Wn7JII on 7 mc.

Yea, I know; the frequencies were in mc back then.

Thanks for stirring up some really fun memories.

73, Wes

AA1TJ's Point Contact Contacts

I was very glad to see that Mike, AA1TJ, is back in his underground shack and once again pushing the limits of QRP technology. This may be one of his greatest QRP-capers:


It was one of those rare days on the bench where everything I touched
turned, if not to gold, at to least silver. At the end of my last shop
session on Friday I could only get Jack Ward's point contact
transistor to oscillate as high as 385kHz. And that was without a
load. I brushed up on the theory over the weekend and set upon the
circuit today after lunch with a vengeance.

Better yet, over the weekend I found a wonderful circuit in a
transistor handbook dating from 1956. This circuit first appeared in
"Wireless World" in may of 1954 ("160 Metre Transistor Transmitter").
At first glace, the circuit looks identical to George Rose, K2AH's
historic circuit. However, Mr. Cockle (don't yet know his call sign)
shows a dotted transformer and headphones next to the collector bias
transistor. He'd figured out the point contact oscillator could double
as a direct conversion receiver! A 1954 vintage "Pixie," only
simpler! The key to it all is the signal tank in the base circuit.
That is to say, the transmitter output power is picked off the base
circuit tank. It sounds daft, but bear in mind the circuit has more in
common with a tunnel diode oscillator than it does a feedback
oscillator that most of us are familiar with.

I'll cut to the chase as I want to get back on the air ASAP. The
Western Electric point-contact transistor is sending 12mW up the
transmission line. The same circuit is working FB as a receiver with
full break-in and 800Hz RIT offset. I put it on the air at 2234 this
evening. At 2247 K1IQI answered my CQ. He first sent a "QRZ?" so I
repeated my call several times. He came right back with my call and
gave me a 219 report from Monson, MA. Unfortunately, QSB wiped out my
next transmission. He returned with an apology, wished us better luck
next time and then he was gone. Close but no cigar!

I'm headed back to the shack once I send this message. I'm rock-bound
on 3533.6kHz. I'll be calling CQ and listening until 0300, or so.

Right, here I go.

Mike, AA1TJ

Monday, September 21, 2009

"I didn't care. I had a secret life..."

Dreams of Escape…

It began in Kentucky in the early ‘60s: I was a ham radio operator known as WN4KSW, a skinny burr-headed prisoner of school, isolated in the cultural drought of the Midwest. I was theoretically a smart little bugger, according to test scores, yet I kept hearing that I had attitude problems and wasn't working up to my potential. With the exception of science fairs, my academic performance was apparently disappointing to authority figures. Oh well. I didn't care: I had a secret life.

Thus begins the really amazing and inspirational story of Steven K. Roberts, N4RVE, the "Knack on a Bike" guy whose videos I mentioned last week. Stop whatever it is you are doing, and proceed to his web site. Read his story:


And don't miss the other great content on his site. Click on his resources link.

Weekend QSOs from Ponticelli on 40, 20, AND 15

When we returned to the Ponticelli site on Saturday I found that one end of my new doublet antenna had fallen down. No problem. One throw of the old rock-and-string and we were back in business. On Sunday I fired up the solar-powered HW8 and worked four stations on three bands: OZ8SW and US7IVW on 20, S59DDR on 40, and --icing on the cake-- OY1CT in the Faeroe Islands on 15 meters (the picture above is of his QTH). I haven't had a contact on 15 in a long time. I really like the frequency flexibility of the twin-lead doublet antenna.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

SolderSmoke Book "Pirate Day" Sale! 15% off

Looks like Lulu is running a 15% off sale for "Talk like a Pirate Day." Apparently you just have to write "AHOY" when they ask for a promotional code. Here is what Lulu says:

Enter coupon code 'AHOY' at checkout and save 15% off any purchase (up to $100). Discount cannot be used to pay for, nor shall be applied to, applicable taxes or shipping and handling charges. Coupon codes cannot be applied to any previous orders. No exchanges or substitutions allowed. Only one valid promotional code may be used per account. Orders must be in U.S. Dollars. Offer expires on 09/20/09 at 11:59 PM GMT. Lulu.com reserves the right to change or revoke this offer at any time. Void where prohibited.

Knack on a Bike: Steve Roberts Video

Oh man, this is great! The Winebikko! Gizmology! He even had an Oscar 13 satellite station on the bike. You guys are gonna love this:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

SolderSmoke: The Book NOW ONLY $19.99

I found a way to bring down the price on SolderSmoke -- The Book.
It is now $19.99 plus shipping. Check it out:


This all has to do with paper availability, so this version ships only from U.S. printers. This will be a good deal for most buyers, but for buyers in Europe and Asia shipping costs might make this version too expensive. I will put up a standard version that ships from Lulu printers in Europe in a day or so.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ponticelli QRP Station Gets New Antenna

At the country place I now have a table on the front porch for the HW-8 and assorted gear. In the picture above you can see the Trastevere Flea Market Pi Section antenna tuner (upper left), a Japanese SWR meter (also from the flea market) , HW8 and Radio Shack speaker, Volkswagen Solar Cell, 12 Volt gel cell, key and cans...
I had been using a piece of wire just thrown up in the trees, but I thought I could do a bit better. I had some TV twin lead in the shack, and there was this useful-looking center connector... I had some AC line cord. Next thing you know I had a sorta-doublet antenna supported by a Roman Pine in Sabina (pictures below).
And it gets out! Worked IT0ULN in Sicily on 40 meters. Then I spoke to another QRP station, 2W0NNN in Wales, on 20. Also UU4JDD/P on Tuzla Island. Finally E53AX in Estonia.
Ioan, 2WONNN, sent this report:

Hi Bill, thanks for the email, I look forward to seeing the pics on your blog too. Very interesting reading, same goes for your QRZ page too. I had to laugh at your DX with an astronaut on Mir!!!
Your HW-8 and doublet is certainly working well; I remember you were completely readable with a good signal about 90% of the time, it was only the QSB that made it difficult. To be honest I was surprised to have a QRP QSO with someone in Italy. I was using my FT-817 with a new Par End Fedz that I'd catapulted over a tree. The top was about 15m high but oriented as a sloper to the north west. I've had a fair number of QSOs with East coast US stations so I thought I'd go for an over-the-pole route to the West coast... there in Italy you're pretty much spot on the opposite direction so I'm not sure it's all that directional!
73 and hopefully speak to you again for more QRP/QRP!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

SolderSmoke Podcast #115

Camping in Sabina
Michelangelo's late start
Anniversaries: Internet, SolderSmoke, Hack-A-Day
From Kitty Hawk to the Moon
Carrington flares and childhood aurora
Calculating speed of light (using cheese)
Hubble Space Telescope, Sliding Spring Observatory
Transistor Museum
Understanding Mixer products

Friday, September 11, 2009

Mixing it up

OK, enough of the pretty pictures from outer space, now it's time to go back to mixer math.

In the podcast, on this blog, and in the SolderSmoke book I have chronicled my efforts to understand how mixer circuits REALLY work. For some of us, the trig is just not enough. We want intuitive understanding. Ya' gotta draw us a picture. Mike KC7IT, and Dennis W6DWF, both alerted me to a good one. It is from a new book "RF Front-End: World Class Designs", Edited by Jane Sullivan Love. The chapter on mixers is available online here:

I really like figure 9.6 (above). You can really SEE how the switching action that is driven by the LO kind of "chops up" the RF signal and produces the complex waveform that is the IF. The neat thing about the IF waveform in this drawing is that you can clearly see both the sum freq (the smaller squiggles) AND the difference freq (the overall movement inside which the smaller squiggles are present). Go ahead, count them up! Sums and differences!
This is a special kind of mixer: a polarity-reversing switching mixer. When the LO is negative, it inverts whatever is at the RF port. From this you can see why mixers are described mathematically as "multipliers." This mixer is multiplying the instantaneous value of the RF input by +1 (when the LO is positive) and then by -1 (when the LO is negative).
I think it is quite a bit harder to "see" the genesis of the sum and difference freqs when you are working with non-switching mixers, but this diagram is, I think, really useful in gaining an intuitive understanding of what goes on in the mixing process.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hubble Space Telescope: New and Improved!

I know, I know, it is not exactly ham radio, but look at it this way: electromagnetic waves from far, far away! REAL DX. And some very cool gear to receive the signals. And some recent repair and modification work... So you see, this is really not so far afield after all.

I've been a big fan of the Hubble Space Telescope for a long time. When I was closer to the equator (in Santo Domingo) sitings of the HST were quite common. I'm glad to see that the recent repairs and mods worked out so well. Here is a really nice video on the new and improved Hubble: Hubble Space Telescope Video

Saving the world, finding comets....

Well I guess the hours are not great, but how about the job satisfaction! Rob McNaught works at the Sliding Spring Observatory about 400 km from Sydney, Australia. The observatory searches for comets and asteroids that could do to us what they may have done to the dinosaurs (see below). A significant fringe benefit of this job is that Rob gets to discover new comets. He recently set world record by finding his 50th. Congrats Rob!

The mission of the Siding Spring Survey is to contribute to the inventory of near-earth objects (NEOs), or more specifically, the potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) and comets (PHOs) that may pose a threat of impact and thus harm to civilization. The identification of the iridium anomaly at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (Alvarez et al., 1980) and associated Chicxulub impact crater (Hildebrand et al., 1991) and perhaps recently the Australian Bedout crater (Becker et al., 2004) associated with the Permian- Triassic "great dying" (although the presence of shock metamorphism has not yet been adequately demonstrated), strongly suggests that impacts by minor planets play an important role in the evolution of life. These are a natural result of the accretionary process that formed the Earth and planets. Indeed, the 1994 impact of D/Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter provided tangible evidence of this. Although the collision frequency is much lower than in the past, the question is not whether there will be other impacts, but when.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Early Crystal Set in Altoids-like Box

Even way back then, British homebrewers had an affinity for Altoids-like boxes!
David, M0VTG, sent me the above pictures, and this description:

I enclose some pictures of a kit produced in the early to mid 1900s of crystals and a holder for use in a crystal radio; unfortunately the cats whisker is missing! The box is marked:

Front: NEUTRON Back: Neutron Ltd
Trade Mark Sicilian House
Wireless Crystal Southhampton Row
1/6 Phone Museum 2017
Catswisker and
Directions Enclosed

The 1/6 refers to the price (one shilling and six pence) pre-decimalization and converts to seven and a half pence today (although the half pence has been dropped thorough inflation). I should add that the box measures about an inch and a half in length.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Carrington Flares, Aurora, Where were you on August 4, 1972?

Greg, KC2DWF, sent me a really interesting story about the work of the English solar astronomer Richard Carrington. He discovered a kind of solar flare (named for him) that comes along every few centuries and could knock us all off the air.

As I was reading the article, I started to think about a childhood event that I think I mentioned in one of the podcasts. I have vivid memories of a summer night in which the skies were filled with really bright colorful lights. The article about Carrington notes that there was a major solar flare (but not of Carrington levels) on August 4, 1972 that caused auroral displays far into the southern part of the USA. The year is a bit later than I thought (I was 13 at that time) but the time of year is correct. And that flare was big enough to have caused really vivid aurora over New York.
The NASA site "Brushfires in the Sky" provides this very helpful list for people, like me, trying to figure out what we saw, and when:

The Aurora Watchers Handbook lists the following "Great Geomagnetic Storms" of the 20th century when auroras were seen much farther south than usual. If you have a childhood memory of aurora borealis, it may have come from one of these storms.

  • October 31 - November 1, 1903
  • September 25, 1909
  • May 13-16, 1921
  • April 16, 1938
  • February 11, 1958
  • July 8, 1958
  • August 4, 1972
  • December 19, 1980
  • March 13-14, 1989
Looks to me like my event was August 4, 1972. Anyone else have memories of this storm?

Here is the article that Greg sent:

The Transistor Museum

Wes, W7ZOI, relayed to us this great site found by from Jeff Damm, WA7MLH. This is a real treasure trove of transistor history:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Alaska QRSS Grabber Controlled from CHINA!

Our friend Laurence leads an interesting life...


Hi Bill and greetings from the NE coast of still summery China - actually its cooling down a bit from boiling over to just cooking.

Just been home to Alaska. Whilst and between lumberjacking 20 dead trees on the property I had a few mins to throw up a K9AY and connected it via 250ft of Walmarts best RG6U into the R75 - with a little help of Ham radio delux, Citrix and Skype I have control of the radio from here in China - Mostly on 30m but really shoved it up for the winter lf/mf season but of course WSPR and visual modes have proved very popular. So until a moose walks thru, a Wolf chews threw or wife cuts thru the antennae wire it will be up.

Here in China I'm sporting the second r75 and this supplements the SDR IQ - my antennae are gradually getting blocked towards the states and Eu by every rising high rises just in front and I can actually measure the increasing losses at LF and HF as the beast rise. Still looking for your WSPR signal and keep up the good work.

Laurence G4DMA et al - KL1 X and in BY3A

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Good Old VFO (by Rick, KK7B)

Here is another really great message from Rick, KK7B, sent to the emrfd yahoo group: [emrfd] A Good Old VFO Saturday, August 22, 2009 10:29 PM From: Rick To: emrfd@yahoogroups.com For several critical receiver applications in my lab I've used old Collins PTOs converted to solid state (I just replace the triode in the classic Hartley circuit with a J310 and run the circuit from a 9 volt regulator). I have half a dozen of them in dedicated propagation study receivers, and one SSB exciter I occasionally use on UHF. The other day I was changing something else in one of my receivers and connected the solid-state PTO to the frequency counter on my bench. The PTO was set to 3.100000 MHz. From a cold start (it hadn't been turned on for years) it drifted three Hz over the first ten minutes, and then a total of 10 Hz over the next few hours. When I calibrated one of my 144 MHz propagation study receivers 25 years ago, total frequency drift was <18Hz/hour. I expect most of that was aging of the overtone crystal oscillator in the premix circuit. Old Collins PTOs are common (someone at Dayton this year had a box of unknown ones in decent shape for $10 each, and there are R390 PTOs in the current Fair Radio flyer). I've never had one fail, tuning resolution is infinite, phase noise is low, digital noise is zero, and once I build one into a receiver, that part of the project is done--no improvements, software upgrades, needed. My research receivers are connected to a baseband Fourier analyzer (yes...even 25 years ago). The finest resolution I've used for serious experiments is 10 milliHertz, but more often I use 1 Hz resolution, with 1024 channels in the output spectrum. I often average spectra for more than a minute, so frequency drift needs to be less than 1 Hz per minute. The solid-state Collins PTO is much more stable than needed even for those critical experiments. This is not a fluke. Every Collins PTO I've converted to solid state using a U310 or J310 has had similar performance. Sometimes it is useful to remember that the major benefit of digital frequency synthesis is that it is quick, cheap, and frequency agile. No commercial manufacturer could afford to build a transceiver with a Collins Mil-Spec PTO in it these days. But for an amateur with mechanical skills or access to surplus hardware who needs just one good oscillator, the venerable Hartley with a temperature compensated tuned circuit and a JFET can provide outstanding performance. In music, art, architecture, automobiles, motorcycles. .. there are recognized "golden eras" where some combination of factors resulted in technical hardware that is widely recognized as being superior to what is being produced today. Often the difference is directly related to the amount of skilled labor needed during production. As technical hobbyists, we automatically assume that new is better, but as experimenters, we should be open to the idea that sometimes the technology, ideas, and block diagrams of an earlier era are superior to the cost-driven disposable technology coming off fully automatic assembly lines in some out-of-the-way place with inexpensive labor and attractive business tax codes. The idea that old technology designed decades ago by retired guys might be better than new technology is a radical concept in electronics. But NASA is using a brand new, hand built, Traveling Wave vacuum tube in the current Moon exploration mission. After 100 years of radio experiments- -it is fun to look back and find old technology that might actually work better than some of the new things we've been inventing recently. Best Regards, Rick KK7B

Sonya's Rig

Stewart, G3YSX, provided us with Part II of his article on the espionage radio work of the Soviet spy Sonya (who had the Knack).

Sonja Continued

A few days after my article on Sonja the Spy was published in the September 2004 edition of the CARC newsletter, I received a letter from club member Eddie Ramm
DK3UZ filling in a few additional details.

The Fuchs antenna that Sonja used was first described by Dr Josef Fuchs, OE1JF, in 1928 and is a half-wave end-fed design.

End-fed half-wave antennas are very efficient and do not need a particularly good ground, but they are very high impedance and need a suitable matching circuit. For a spy the use of a simple, but efficient, antenna of this type would have its attractions.

Eddie then pointed out that the design is of current interest to the QRP community by pointing me to the following URL: http://www.qrpproject.de/UK/fuchs_ant_.htm. This describes a 5 band portable QRP antenna designed by Frank, DL7AQT, based on the Fuchs design. The antenna is a 40m to 42m length of wire and the ATU is a parallel tuned circuit using a pair of toroids and a 200pf variable capacitor. It is worth reading the English version of the manual, which discusses the issue of self-resonance in these high impedance matching circuits. Matching circuits of this type only function correctly below the self-resonant frequency. Frank used of a two toroid arrangement to the move the self-resonance from 18MHz to 60MHz, thereby producing an ATU that operated correctly from 80m to 10m.

The second point that Eddie raised was the term “Three Point Oscillator” that Ruth used to describe her (Sonja’s) transmitter. The German term is “Dripunktsender” (three point sender), which Eddie tells me is the term was used to describe both the Hartely and the Colpitts based transmitters. Both oscillator designs are similar in the way that they use the reactive components in the tuned circuit as an impedance transformer to provide the coupling between the tuned circuit and the amplifier, so the use of the common term makes sense. He included an article dated January 1939, which shows a 3W automatic transmitter for maritime use, which is of the Hartley design and is described as a Dripunktsender. The article can be found at http://www.radiomuseum.org/funkschau/1939/funkschau_12jg_0339_1v2.pdf and the Hartley transmitter circuit is shown above.

We have no way of knowing which type Sonja actually used, although, as I suggested before I would suspect that it was the Hartley. This is likely because the Hartley was popular in the amateur radio world at the time and we know that she improved here spy transmitter by using amateur radio techniques. Secondly, because her transmitter had to fabricated, without raising suspicion, using material found in the field, a Hartley would seem to be the preferred design. A Hartley has no critical capacitors, just a coil which can be fabricated out of an “innocent” piece of wire or metal, and adjusted to give both the right inductance and the right feedback.

Stewart G3YSX

Saturday, August 29, 2009

SolderSmoke Podcast 114

A particularly big one. Not the one we heard.


Roman Forum, Sabina, Snakes! Wild Boar!
Amateur Engineering?
WSPRing again (cheap thrills?)
Trastevere flea and a return to 1995
Electric airplanes
Ether rediscovered?
Sir Douglas Hall
Sonya had The Knack

Jean Shepherd and "I, Libertine"

This provides a lot of insight into what Shep was all about:

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sonya had The Knack

Stewart, G3YSX, sent us an article that he wrote some time ago for the Crawley ARC. Thanks Stewart. (This is an abridged version of the article. ) Very interesting:

Sonya is the code name of Ruth Werner ne Kuczynski 1907 - 2000. Sonja is of interest here because her role in the GRU was as a clandestine radio operator. In her autobiography “Sonya’s Report” she gives a little insight into her work.

Trained in Moscow in the early 1930’s Soviet radio operators had to learn to build their own transmitters on site, using available materials. In rural China she and her accomplice (whom she lived with as husband and wife) set about building their first transmitter using receiver parts. There is an interesting story of how she had her real husband ship the transformer (a heavy 8 inch cube) up from Shanghai in the seat of a chair. Under the stresses of travel this nearly split from the chair which might have terminated her career as a clandestine radio operator before it started. This was the first of many incidents in which only luck prevented discovery of her activities.

Their first transmitter was a “three point” Hartley set, much improved by studying an amateur radio handbook of the time. It is not clear whether this was an oscillator, buffer, PA, whether she meant a Hartley transmitter that used three valves in parallel, perhaps that it was a single stage transmitter, with a two stage receiver in the classic paraset fashion. On the other hand it is known that she had a domestic set and it was not uncommon of them to be shortwave capable at that time. Building and setting up the transmitter must have been something of a challenge because she would not have had access to test equipment. In particular she implies that the transmitter was VFO controlled (presumably crystals were fragile and a security risk, both when making a boarded crossing and being on a fixed frequency). Under these circumstances getting setting set up on frequency must have been really difficult. I would imagine that this must have required her to find a reference frequency sent by control, net her transmitter and then send. Not easy with a power oscillator design and a receive that would be pulled by such a strong signal. The set had to be hidden when not in use. The Morse key was improvised out of a Chinese paperweight (actually a type of steel ruler) and a bolt and was dismantled during the day.

Antennas were not so much a problem because large outside receiving antennas were common. Ruth talks about asking permission from her landlord in Oxford to put up her antenna and receiving help from her unsuspecting host. From here text it seems that antennas were mostly long wires, although she talks about a “Fuch’s” antenna, a type that I am not familiar with.

In one house (in Warsaw I think) she started transmitting and this immediately blew the fuse for the house. She then had to quickly dismantle and hide the apparatus in the dark, lest her rented room be searched looking for the cause of the fault. In another apartment in Switzerland she had to close down and move sites (suddenly move house) because of EMC problems. Luckily (for her) one of her neighbours commented to Ruth that her husband (a Nazi) was sure that someone was operating a transmitter nearby which was causing interference to their radio receiver, and that he would organize a search later that week when he returned from a trip.

Ruth notes in passing that the absence of amateur radio traffic during the war was a problem because Soviet operators used to use it as a cover for their clandestine activities. It is not clear whether she was operating in the amateur bands giving the authorities too many Morse signals to monitor (unlikely because the non-amateur nature of the traffic would have been observed and reported by the radio amateurs), whether she was posing as a radio ham (again unlikely because of the tight regulation) or more likely, in my view, using our activities as a cover for both EMC problems and - to the unskilled – for strong local morse received on the shortwave bands.

In 1937 whilst operating out of Warsaw, Ruth talks of one evening when after setting up the transmitter, she caught here hand across the HT (two 120v batteries in series). She could not remove her hand without the help of an accomplice, by which time it was painfully burnt. She then got a hard time from her controller for failing to get a 50 group message out that night through extreme QRN. It later out that there had been a major solar even that night which had disrupted all radio communications. However she appears to have been working for the sort of organization that trucked no excuse, not even acts of

Ruth would typically transmit at night between two and four times a week. Messages were 60 to 500 groups. Assuming 20 WPM with perhaps 30% time allocated to repeats and other procedure transmissions would have taken at least 45 minutes. In practice however, due to the difficulty of copying, transmissions often took half the night. It is therefore very surprising that she was never caught. In particular, given the hard time that the GPO gave the amateur radio community during the late 1940’s when she was handling the Fuch’s traffic, it would be very interesting to know why they never found her station in rural Oxford.

Ruth’s autobiography, which is out of print, but available from East Sussex libraries, unfortunately lacks much of the detail that one would have expected from a western text written so long after the event. This is undoubtedly a result of the excessive secrecy intrinsic to the other side of the Iron curtain even so long after the events, and which was maintained despite the obvious duplicity of her employers. This is a pity, because it would have interesting but harmless after all these years to have read more technical detail about both the transmitters and the operating procedure used by these agents.

Stewart G3YSX

Thursday, August 27, 2009

WANTED: MEPT Grabbers in S. America, Africa, Asia

Dear Bill,

It Hurts!!.... You have abandoned us visual Beacon Anarchists for the Instant gratification of the WSPR crowd.

Hey, To refresh your memory, Your the one that got me started in this Visual MEPT World. I listened to your podcast and ordered some 10.140 Mhz Crystals and built my Model 1 MEPT transmitter. After that I was hooked. It has gone on to a model 2 and Now started on a DDS driven Model 3 which is all band and right now is crying out for someone to see it at 160 mW. It has made it last week to VK7ZL in Tasmania 8455 miles and ZL2IK in New Zealand 6917 miles. So, as you can see, I have been busy. One of the really extarodinary things is that we are doing this on 40 meters at 7,104,800 Hz. What would really help is to enlist some more monitoring stations with ARGO Spectrum Analyzers on their computers LISTENING. They are sorely needed in South America, Africa, India and the Far East. I have the belief that my signal at 160mW on 7,104,800Hz can be copied in all of those areas at different times of the day, almost every day. The reason it isn't is there is nobody listening and my little FSKCW signal
just keeps looking for a receiver to hear it.

My model 3 transmitter is a thing of beauty. It can work all bands from 160 to 10 meters. It is completely under the control of an Ardunio processor (A great product of Italy). It controls the frequency, the amount of frequency shift, and the CW keying. It is not quite ready for prime time yet. But work is being done on the controlling software and one of these days, It will be done. Then the visual guys will not be chained by a crystal to determine their frequency. They will merely command their Ardunio to control their Direct Digital Synthesizer to the desired frequency, select the desired mode of transmission and hook up the antenna.

So, Please Mr Bill, Don't abandon us visual MEPT beacon guys. We really need your voice and talents to keep the airways of our 100 Hz of spectrum alive and vibrant. You could hang an extra wire out the window and do both!

73 Dave
David R. Hassall WA5DJJ
Website: http://www.zianet.com/dhassall/

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

G4KKI to Poldhu Marconi Site

Bill, G4KKI, recently visited the Marconi site at Poldhu, Cornwall. He took with him the book "Thunderstruck" by Eric Larsen. (He also took along SolderSmoke -- The Book). He has a nice slide show of the visit posted on his blog. Check it out:


Homebrew Hero: Sir Douglas Hall

Sir Douglas Hall is one of my homebrew heroes. When he passed away in 2004, a picture similar to the one above appeared next to his obit in several of the UK newspapers. I clipped that picture and taped it into my log book.

Here's a great web site with Sir Douglas's articles:


The intro from an old article by Sir Douglas in the in the UK magazine "The Radio Constructor":
The writer lives in Northern Rhodesia and his nearest neighbors are 25 miles away. The nearest town, cinema, doctor and electric light mains are 77 miles away by a road that is not always passable. Wireless is therefore supremely important but there are several problems in the design of a receiver suitable for these conditions. It must be very sensitive to provide reliable reception from Daventry (a transmitter site in the UK) under all conditions. And it must be very economical owing to the high cost of batteries in these parts. ------------------------------------------------------------
From "The Telegraph" (UK)

Sir Douglas Hall, 14th Bt, who has died aged 95, ended a full career in the Colonial Service as the last Governor of the Somaliland Protectorate; previously, he had for almost 30 years served in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia).

Hall's governorship of Somaliland was short. He was appointed with effect from July 11 1959; less than a year later, he and his wife flew out of the territory a few hours prior to the ceremony, on June 26 1960, that concluded the transfer of power to the new self-governing authority.

The time-scale had been set by the approaching end, after a 10-year period, of the Italian stewardship of the UN Trusteeship of Somalia to the south. If the Somalis of the Protectorate were to unite with their neighbours at the time of the independence of Somalia on July 1, the June 26 date had to be met.

Yet there was nothing over-hasty about Hall's management of the transition. Iain Macleod, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, wrote to him afterwards praising his "speedy command of the confidence of the people enabling the final transfer of power to take place so smoothly and yet so rapidly".

It was not only a grateful Colonial Secretary who voiced his appreciation. Mohamed Ibrahim Egal, the new country's first prime minister, wrote to Hall more than 30 years later recalling "the quiet, always helpful counsel you gave me at that momentous turning point in Somaliland's destiny".

Douglas Basil Hall was born on February 1 1909 (his eldest brother's 11th birthday), the third son of Captain Lionel Hall, an officer in the 4th South Staffordshire Regiment. The baronetcy, of Nova Scotia, was created for John Hall, of Dunglass, in 1687.

From Radley, Douglas Hall went up to Keble College, Oxford, and then in 1930 joined the Colonial Administrative Service. He soon found himself one of 12 cadets - "all bursting with energy," he remembered - bound for Northern Rhodesia, which until 1924 had been administered by the British South Africa Company. The group of cadets - including "three Varsity Blues, two oarsmen, one amateur pilot, one hunter, and a wireless enthusiast [Hall] who later developed into an expert in that field" - made the long sea voyage to Cape Town, and then the rail journey up to Livingstone on the Zambezi.

In those days, there were still people living in the territory who had actually known David Livingstone. In other ways, too, it was a world away from today: one of Hall's colleagues, for instance, had a private income sufficiently large for him never to bother about cashing his pay cheques.

Hall became a District Officer in 1932, and for the next 18 years worked sure-footedly within that colonial administrative culture that sought to balance a maximum of respect for local custom and practice - and, indeed, structures of power - with British notions of justice and development.

He proved as adept in remote bush stations as in such urban postings as Kitwe, where the development of the copper mines was bringing with it new forms of labour relations and new challenges in maintaining the trust of the local people. Here Hall won an early reputation for skilful diplomacy.

It was, though, life in the bush that he enjoyed the most, in particular going on tour. A District Officer was expected to maintain personal contact with the peoples of his district and this meant getting out, often on foot and for long periods of time, to tour the villages and settlements. Whenever possible, Hall was accompanied by his wife Rachel, who joined him in Africa in 1933, and by their young children. From time to time, the family also stayed with the Gore Brownes, whose house, Shiwa Ngandu, has since been immortalised in Christina Lamb's book Africa House.

Colleagues viewed Hall as a commanding figure, fair, respected and likeable. In his book African Sunset, Robin Short wrote that Hall "was the ideal to all of us of what a District Officer should be. In appearance distinguished, his manner was exactly the same to junior clerks as to senior officers, always equable and courteous. Always he seemed in complete control of every aspect of the work, of every corner of the Province."

Hall was promoted Senior District Officer in 1950, and in 1952 became the first Officer-in-Charge of the North-Western Province, which had been created in consequence of a report that Hall himself had produced. He was promoted Provincial Commissioner in 1953 and Administrative Secretary in 1954.

He was then Secretary for Native Affairs to the Government of Northern Rhodesia from 1956 to 1959 (Acting Secretary, 1958), working in the central administration in Lusaka. He proved an able speaker in the Legislative Council and later an important contributor within the Executive Council.

Although only 50, Hall was on the point of retirement when he was invited to go to Somaliland. He accepted - having (with some pride) wrung an exceptional agreement from the Colonial Office that he could draw his pension while earning his governor's salary, provided he did not build up a second pension.

Professing neither modernism nor tradition, Hall always did what he believed appropriate for the time, the place and the people. When it became difficult for the Somaliland Scouts to provide him with an ADC for all occasions, he appointed his personal assistant, now Betty Thom, to the role. A woman ADC without military rank was a rarity in those days, though as far as Hall was concerned he was simply making sensible use of a capable person.

On leaving Somaliland, Hall was still only 51. But he and his wife decided to settle at Ringmore, in Devon. He became a magistrate and then chairman of the Kingsbridge bench, and was a member of the Devon and Cornwall Police Authority from 1971 to 1979. He also took the opportunity to spend much more time on an interest that had begun when he was a schoolboy of 15: the design and making of wirelesses.

The design principle of these was of great interest to other enthusiasts. More than 100 articles, with circuit diagrams, construction advice and commentary on the electronic design principle, were published in the magazines Radio Constructor and Radio Bygones between 1964 and 1999. There is now a website called "The Ingenious Circuits of Sir Douglas Hall".

He could as easily have occupied himself re-designing cars, for which his enthusiasm was almost as great. He was life president of the Trojan Club, and for years a familiar figure driving around Devon in his open-top 1937 Bentley.

He was appointed CMG in 1958, and KCMG in 1959. He succeeded his brother in the baronetcy in 1978.

He married, in 1933, Rachel Marion Gartside-Tippinge, who died in 1990. Latterly, Hall, who died on April 8, moved to live near a daughter in Derbyshire. He is survived by a son - John Hall, who was born in 1945 and succeeds in the baronetcy - and two daughters; another son died in infancy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pico-Sats, Texas, Dubai, Balloons

Our man in Dubai, Ron Sparks, AG5RS, sent in this very interesting report on the very small satellites. Obviously lots of QRP relevance here:

Hi Bill,

I am attaching some news you may find interesting. If you remember last year I did an echolink => IRLP => 2m linkup to make QSLs on the Balloon Launch (BLT-24). Besides the usual repeater and video gear, we also had an interesting "hitchhiker" on the payload.

It was the functional engineering model of the BEVO-1 picosat. You can see pictures of the model and the balloon payload here:


This unit sent beacon information during the balloon launch and we tested it environmentally by doing so. Data on the sat itself is at:


A sister satellite was being prepared by my alma mater, Texas A&M, who then docked their sat with the UT sat and put them on the Shuttle mission STS-127. Photos are here:


All of this is part of NASAs DRAGONsat program. This is a new GPS system being developed by NASA.

I know that the satellite stuff is a little "far afield" for Soldersmoke, but you might find the connection to the Houston balloon community interesting. Those of us who get together and annually launch the balloon are without question Soldersmoke-ers with chronic cases of "the knack". It is fun for me to see that actually be useful toward a next generation replacement for GPS satellites.

All the best.
73 from Dubai, Ron AG5RS and A65BQ

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to WSPRing

Mark, K6HX, and Roger, G3XBM, are responsible for me going back to WSPR mode. Both have been blogging about the fun they are having with this mode. It was too hot in Rome to go out this afternoon, so, after a morning visit to the Trastevere flea market (where I got a US Robotics dial-up modem for my soon-to-be functional Satellite Pro computer (thanks Jeff!), I ensconced myself in the shack, and did the changeover from visual MEPT to WSPR. This mode provides instant gratification: almost immediately I was being picked up and reported by EI7GL.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

SolderSmoke (The Book) Reaches the Oregon Coast

Wes, W7ZOI, took the book with him on vacation and sent along this shot from the Oregon coast. I told Wes that I was really nervous when I saw his e-mail in my in-box. The book has sections about my "understandings" of various aspects of electronic theory. I worried that the e-mail would reveal that these were all "MIS-understandings." I was very relieved that wasn't the case! Wes provided an interesting bit of ham radio history/trivia: Around page 169, I have the iconic picture of Wes out in the winter woods somewhere, with a homebrew QRP rig in his hands. I remember seeing this picture as a kid. I found it inspirational: a stoic homebrewer, using his invention to communicate from out in the hostile wilderness. In his e-mail, Wes tells me that in that photo, he was actually in contact with another station. It was Lionel, VE6WG, up near Calgary. This photo was taken by K7IUN. Thanks Wes!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

VE7NSD: The Knack, personified

We've occasionally provided photos that seem to capture the essence of "The Knack." Here is another one. This is Stephen, VE7NSD, operating from his trailer out in the wilds of British Columbia. I found Stephen's story to be really inspirational. His first receiver was a Gillette Blue Blade! His first QSO was with Beaverton, Oregon! He took typing in 9th grade (the only boy in the class!) so that he could copy CW faster. Here is an excerpt from his QRZ.com page:

I started playing with radios in Roseburg, Oregon when I was ten. My Dad’s prospecting buddy Cliff, had been a Radioman in the USN and turned me on to building a crystal set using a Gillette Blue Blade for the detector. I built it but had no headphones and ordered some from the Allied Radio catalog. I felt like it took about 6 years for them to arrive, but it was probably more like 6 weeks. When the headphones finally came the xtal set didn’t work and so I started learning troubleshooting. Eventually, it worked fine and I experimented with a hunk of galena my Dad had in his rock collection.

From there Cliff gave me circuits for regenerative receivers and I built a few but none of them ever produced a usable output. All of my SWL listening had to be on the big console radio in our living room.

I can’t remember how I came to have an Arc 5 receiver for 80M, but that was my first real radio. It was probably a gift as I had no money except what I got from my paper route and all of that went to pay for the bike I used to deliver the papers. I started going to local ham club meetings and Bob Reese, W7TUI, became my mentor.

I read a copy of How To Become a Radio Amateur and started collecting parts to build the single 6V6 transmitter on the orange crate slat chassis. All of my parts had to be scrounged from the radios, TV’s and other electronic gear that was given to me. I built the power supply on a home bent chassis. I got it to work on out-of-band xtals but it had a mean chirp. W7TUI showed me how to add a VR to the power supply to feed the screen grid in the 6V6 and that cleaned up the chirp.

I was licensed as WN7VTZ in 1952 at age 12. My first QSO was with Beaverton, Oregon, with less than 10 watts input and feeding a random wire with no ATU. I suspect that there wasn’t much radiated power from that lash-up. Another buddy in Roseburg was licensed at the same time I was and we contented ourselves with cross-town QSOs.

I was the only boy in my grade 9 typing class. But, I was glad I learned to type. I could copy CW quite fast, much faster than I could write. The first time I sat down to my typewriter, put on the headphones, and put my fingers on the keys it was like magic. When my ear heard a di dah, my left little finger pushed a key. Di dah dah dah and my right index finger pushed a key. I could just sit there and watch the message appear on the typewriter paper. No effort required!

Read the full story on his QRZ.com page: http://www.qrz.com/detail/VE7NSD

And check out his Wilderness Workbench site (complete with a real moose skin):


Sunday, August 9, 2009

SolderSmoke Podcast 113

August 9, 2009
The Ponticelli Astronomical Observatory and QRP Station
Mystery Sound -- Can you ID?
Even Farhan Fries Transistors
Google marks Tesla's birthday
Adventures with Google Ads
Spotting the Space Station from Rome (and from London)
Arthur C. Clarke's version of MAILBAG
Mystery beeps in SS111?
Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column