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Monday, February 14, 2022

Podcast (Audio) Version of Bill's Talk to the L'Anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club

Tony G4WIF suggested that I make this talk available as an audio recording.  Good idea. Here it is: 


6EA8s in the Mate for the Mighty Midget, and WA9WFA Re-Builds a Heath HW-12

I reported to Scott and Grayson that I had finally gotten around to changing the three aging 6U8 tubes in my Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver.  I replaced them with three more youthful 6EA8s.  This switch really seemed to perk up the old receiver.   I'm listening to 75 meters on it right now. 

Speaking of 75 meters, Scott sent me this picture of his latest effort:  re-building a Heathkit HW-12.  FB.  This is a way of experiencing (or re-experiencing) the construction of a Heathkit.  I did something similar, but much less complicated)  with a Heathkit VF-1.  Scott did a wonderful job taking this old rig apart.  That PC board looks great (see photo below). 

Scott's e-mail:  

Hi Bill and Grayson, I’m glad to hear of your good results with the 6EA8’s in your MMMrx! I had similar results when I finally got rid of the 6U8’s with their iffy performance and went with the 6EA8’s.  I did put a set of 6GH8A’s and tried it out, it worked, but I don’t have any data on performance improvements.  After completing the outboard power supply and audio amplifier, I’ve taken a break from my MMMRx and it’s sitting there on the bench. I’ll get back to it in a while.  


In the meantime I’ve started a new project where I’m re-kitting a Heathkit HW-12 eighty meter transceiver.  I have completed the disassembly process including the pcb.  I bought a Hakko vacuum desoldering iron for taking all (ALL) parts off of the pcb, and it’s bare now.   I’m planning to start rebuilding this coming week.  73 Scott WA9WFA  

Friday, February 11, 2022

Bill Talking about Homebrew Radio with L’Anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club (Michigan) -- February 2, 2022 (Video)

This was a very nice meeting.  We just talked homebrewing and why it is such an important part of ham radio.  Video above

Topics included:

-- Jean Shepherd
-- Being "Electrically Inclined" 
-- The Herring Aid 5
-- Radio Clubs around the world
-- The Shame Shelf
-- Making mistakes, releasing smoke
-- Errors in ham radio magazines and schematics
-- The importance of understanding the circuit
-- The Michigan Mighty Mite
-- Building a power supply for the HW-32A
-- The origins of the SolderSmoke podcast
-- Knack stories, the IBEW and what we all have in common
-- The importance of books

Thanks to The L'Anse Creuse ARC for the invitation. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Video of SolderSmoke Podcast #235

Pete and Bill in LIVING COLOR! 

SolderSmoke Podcast #235 is available for download: 



6 weeks in the DR for Bill
One contact on uBITX. More SW listening.
Repaired my Chrome Book in Santo Domingo!
Christmas Present for All: James Web Space Telescope launch

Bill's Bench
-- Understanding the NE-602 (see blog post)
-- Thinking about a 17/12 dual bander.  Looked at old G3YCC Tx for circuits... 
-- Using Spurtune08. WB9KZY found it.  In the LADPAC zip file here:
-- Then Put G3YCC Acores SSB TX back in operation
-- Now working many stations with this old "split" TX/RX

Pete's Bench
-- Dean's VWS build of your DC RX
-- Homebrew Crystal Filters
-- The shrinking of the PSSST

Bad Dead Soldering Stations
-- My X-Tonics 4000 dies.   But it left behind a great box with ample socketry. 

AA1TJ Mike Rainey --- Again in the Hobbit Hole! 486 kc RX
Thomas K4SWL -- Radio Astronomy and the Raspberry PI 
WC8C Dennis Invite to the L'Anse Creuse ARC   FB  Fun
Todd K7TFC got boosted at Tektronix Beaverton Ore.  
What happened to Chuck Adams K7QO?  His work taken off the net.
N7DA worked W7ZOI in Sweepstakes.  FB
Kirk NT0Z formerly of ARRL HQ
Farhan VU2ESE was up in the Pench Forest, trying to spot a Tiger! 
We spoke to Farhan's Lamakaan ARC in Hyderabad.  QO-100 beam down! 
Dean KK4DAS's 16 watter.   On SS blog
Scott WA9WFA  Bad 6U8s?   Ordering 6EA8s
Bruce KC1FSZ Peppermint Bark gift box
Bob Scott KD4EBM So many good ideas and links 
Rogier PA1ZZ sending parts packages -- Thanks Rogier

Monday, February 7, 2022

SolderSmoke Podcast #235 NE-602, Azores Rig, Spur Problems, SSB Rigs, Peashooter, HB Filters, MAILBAG

SolderSmoke Podcast #235 is available for download: 



6 weeks in the DR for Bill
One contact on uBITX. More SW listening.
Repaired my Chrome Book in Santo Domingo!
Christmas Present for All: James Web Space Telescope launch

Bill's Bench
-- Understanding the NE-602 (see blog post)
-- Thinking about a 17/12 dual bander.  Looked at old G3YCC Tx for circuits... 
-- Using Spurtune08. WB9KZY found it.  In the LADPAC zip file here:
-- Then Put G3YCC Acores SSB TX back in operation
-- Now working many stations with this old "split" TX/RX

Pete's Bench
-- Dean's VWS build of your DC RX
-- Homebrew Crystal Filters
-- The shrinking of the PSSST

Bad Dead Soldering Stations
-- My X-Tonics 4000 dies.   But it left behind a great box with ample socketry. 

AA1TJ Mike Rainey --- Again in the Hobbit Hole! 486 kc RX
Thomas K4SWL -- Radio Astronomy and the Raspberry PI 
WC8C Dennis Invite to the L'Anse Creuse ARC   FB  Fun
Todd K7TFC got boosted at Tektronix Beaverton Ore.  
What happened to Chuck Adams K7QO?  His work taken off the net.
N7DA worked W7ZOI in Sweepstakes.  FB
Kirk NT0Z formerly of ARRL HQ
Farhan VU2ESE was up in the Pench Forest, trying to spot a Tiger! 
We spoke to Farhan's Lamakaan ARC in Hyderabad.  QO-100 beam down! 
Dean KK4DAS's 16 watter.   On SS blog
Scott WA9WFA  Bad 6U8s?   Ordering 6EA8s
Bruce KC1FSZ Peppermint Bark gift box
Bob Scott KD4EBM So many good ideas and links 
Rogier PA1ZZ sending parts packages -- Thanks Rogier

Sunday, February 6, 2022

NASA Video of Moon Orbiting Earth (Looks Fake, but Is Real)


FLASHBACK: The Herring Aid 5 Direct Conversion Receiver and Frank Jones (Video)

The Radio Gods seem to be pushing me towards Direct Conversion receivers.  This week I was speaking via Zoom with the very FB L'Anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club in Michigan.  My Herring Aid 5 tale of woe came up (see video above).   Then Dean KK4DAS was sharing video of the amazing fidelity of the Pete Juliano Direct Conversion Receiver.  Then I started thinking about Frank Jones W6AJF, and the story (fictional) of his build of the Herring Aid 5 by Michael Hopkins AB5L


I gave Frank a board for the Herring Aid Five redux from the April 1998 QRP Quarterly and challenged him to build one up. It took maybe two hours and that includes his own touches which included refusing to buy any parts.

For the transformers, he calculated the turns ratios from the impedances and tested a bunch of TV set pulls 'till he found something close. But he made the output 1:1 because his Brandes phones are close to 1000K Ohms as it is. 

He was willing to use toroids, but not to buy one, so I gave him an Amidon circular and he calculated the values of the 18 specified units. Then he wound them on unidentified cores from my junk box after learning the permeability of each with his homebrew dip meter. 

A store bought Zener was out of the question so he mixed and matched regular diodes with transistors hooked up as diodes until he got close enough to 10 volts. The mosfets came out of a TV tuner and Frank will use any plastic bipolar that says "C" or "D" on it for a 2N2222. 

Of course it worked the first time. He rigged up a patch to a pair of Class A push-pull 6L6s so Christie could hear it and she said it was "Also cute but bigger than the other one." 

Now a real QRPer would cry at that, but not Frank who sees no advantage in miniaturization at all. In fact, he mounted the whole thing in an old case from a Collins 6 and 2M transceiving attachment he junked out for the parts and no two knobs matched as Frank thinks matching knobs slow you down in a pileup. He wanted to take it back to his own shack and try it out with his breadboard MOPA and pair of 100THs because he does not run QRP, saying it "transfers the burden to the other guy."  

Frank Jones was one HARD CORE HOMEBREWER.  No store-bought Zener diodes or toroidal cores for him! 

All of the SolderSmoke Herring Aid 5 articles can be found here: 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Thomas K4SWL -- SOTA Activation on Bearwallow Mountain, North Carolina (video)

Thomas put out a very nice video of his recent activation of Bearwallow Mountain in western North Carolina.  Really nice.   It was fun to see the QSOs and the logging as he did it.  Very cool that he worked Christian F4WDN --- Jack NG2E also worked F4WDN on a recent activation in the Shenandoah area of Virginia. 

More details on the activation here:  

Thanks Thomas! 

Friday, February 4, 2022

Barefoot Ham Radio -- PA2OHH's Wonderful Web Site

I first saw the link to Onno's site on Peter VK2TPM's blog.  And at first I confused it with the site of another great homebrewer Miguel PY2OHH.   This is all very IBEW:   On the website of an Australian ham,  I spot the web site of a Dutch ham living in Spain and briefly confuse him with a Brazilian homebrewer with a very similar callsign.  TRGHS. 

Onno PA2OHH has an inspirational approach to the hobby that he presents in a  really wonderful website.   Here is his intro to Barefoot Radio: 

Barefoot technology and Barefoot power!

Barefoot technology or simple, non-professional radio technology and real Barefoot power or harmless QRP power, that is what you will find here. There are some complex designs but many designs are simple radio amateur circuits. They will never be used professionally!
These simple circuits and rigs can give you much fun: home brewing, portable activities during holidays, etc.
Batteries and inverted V dipole antenna's with a fishing rod as the center support are all you need to make many QSO's.

Much fun!
Barefoot technology and Barefoot power can give you much fun, but is not perfect... There are disadvantages like VXO control instead of a VFO, direct conversion receivers that receive both sidebands and simple frequency displays that are not so easy to read. But working with such simple equipment is often more exciting than working with a much better commercial transceiver.
Perhaps that you cannot believe that you can make many QSO's with QRP power of only 1 watt. Indeed, some practice is needed in the beginning so do not give up too soon. Every boring standard QSO becomes an exciting experience with QRP power!


Check out Onno's site:  https://www.qsl.net/pa2ohh/

Mike WU2D -- VFO Video #3

Mike WU2D continues to show us how it is done.  I hope to make all my future VFOs using the techniques he describes.  Thanks Mike. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Exorcism Lite -- Spur Suppressed on 17 meter Transmitter -- Split TX/RX Station On The Air

I spent most of January in the tropics, away from my workbench.  This seems to have had a good effect on my 17 meter split TX/RX project.  As I was leaving, heading south,  I was thinking about several difficult options to deal with my spur problem (see previous blog posts). I thought about turning the transmitter into a transceiver by building a receiver board.   I thought about putting San Jian frequency counters on both the transmitter and the receiver, then doing a visual numerical "netting" by just putting the two devices on the same frequency (I actually ordered 3 San Jian counters).   The counter option was even more complicated than it at first seemed -- I would have to build a converter to shift the RX VFO frequency up.  VK2EMU suggested a tube type "Magic Eye" (interesting idea, but also complicated).   This was getting out of hand. 

When I got back home, I took a new look at the problem.   I decided to take one more shot at suppressing the 8th harmonic of the carrier oscillator.  I had already built a new oscillator and buffer using the circuit from Farhan's BITX20.  And I had put it in a metal box.  Now I decided to do three things: 

1) Tighten up the low pass filter at the output of the buffer by moving the cutoff frequency lower (to around 7 MHz) thereby getting a bit more suppression at 41 MHz

2) Try putting a series LC shunt circuit tuned to 41 MHz  at the output of the carrier oscillator (between the oscillator and the buffer). 

3)  Reduce the voltage to the oscillator/buffer.  I have this on a pot, so I can adjust it down to the point where the remnant of the harmonic is no longer audible, while keeping the main carrier osc signal sufficiently strong. 

It seemed to work.  I could now hear the desired frequency for spotting, without the confusing tone from the spur.  

Why had I been able to do this back in 2002 in the Azores using a simple trimmer cap to ground?  My guess is that I was using my Drake 2-B as the receiver.  The trimmer cap to ground may have reduced harmonic output.  And I was probably cranking back the RF gain on the 2-B to the point where I could hear the desired signal but not the remnants of the spur.  I have no RF gain control on the Barebones Barbados receiver that I am using in this project. 

So, what's the lesson from all this?  Well, if you are faced with a serious technical problem, and you find yourself considering complicated and difficult solutions,  go to the Dominican Republic for about a month (especially if it is January or February), and then take another look at the problem when you return.  If you are unable to travel this far or for this long,  taking a walk or taking a weekend break from a troublesome problem will likely have a similar mind-clearing effect. 

The video above shows part of a February 1, 2022 QSO with Gar WA5FWC using the split TX/RX 17 meter rig.  Gar is an amazing long-time SSB homebrewer who got his start with phasing rigs back in the day. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The NCDXF/IARU Beacons (very useful website)


So there I was, innocently checking the lower end of the tuning range on my now 17 meter SSB Barebones Barbados W4OP receiver.  I had it tuned to the bottom of the 17 meter phone band.  All of a sudden I hear YV5B in CW.  It was obviously a beacon transmission. 

I had forgotten about these beacons.  Some quick Googling brought me to a very up-dated web site: 

The site shows exactly which station is transmitting at any given moment.  There is also a very handy map display giving beam headings and distance from your location.  

So far, I'm only hearing YV5B and VE8AT.  I hope to hear more once the Coronal Mass Ejection is behind us. 

Check it out.  Leave your receiver on 18.110 MHz.  Let us know what you are hearing.  

Three cheers for the NCDXF and the IARU! 

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