First, very cool sticker Roy. Thanks for designing this. We look forward to defacing cities, bars, and coffee shops across the globe with these stickers.
At the very end Roy ran into an unusual problem: His receiver did a good job with CW, but not so good with SSB. Hmmm. I remembered that we had a similar problem with Chris G7LQX. That problem turned out to be in the diplexer. With Roy's I took a close look at a picture he sent. He had C-16 as an electrolytic. Uh oh. What value did he have there? Roy told me that he had overlooked the decimal point and had put a 47 uF cap there instead of a .47 cap. Snip snip, a few minutes later all was well with Roy's receiver.
Great job Roy. Don't worry about the cap, that is exactly the kind of mistake that all homebrewers make.
Roy wrote:
Next up I need to finish the Norcal 40A I got about halfway done with before putting aside a year ago when I moved house. I also need to complete my PSSST-20 (Pete's Simple Seven SSB Transceiver) which I had barely started - I feel much better equipped to get that done now.
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