The Polaroid camera for the Tek 'scope was pretty cool. And the comments about the Simpson 260 made me feel good about finding one at a recent hamfest, but I don't think mine is an extremely rare Model 2.
An Unintended Post-Mortem
Many of us wind up in a similar situation, I'm sure: we impulse buy at
hamfests—great plans for some big old currently non-working piece of
gear—and then...
2 hours ago
Before storage scopes, scope cameras were used to capture one shot events. The Tek C 59 camera for 7000 series scopes was common, and I used one frequently in troubleshooting pressure spikes in hydraulic systems, where pressures were destroying O-rings in control valves. I used piezoelectric shock accelerometers designed for use in gun and cannon barrel testing to measure the peak pressures encountered in the hydraulic system, whereas a suitable material was found to withstand the system pressures.