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Saturday, February 1, 2025

SolderSmoke Challenge – Direct Conversion Receiver – the Band Pass Filter

 The SolderSmoke DCR challenge is going well.  Our Discord server is bustling with activity and we are impressed that several intrepid homebrewers have already completed the receiver.  So,  we know that you can too!  In this episode Dean, KK4DAS walks us through the design and construction of third of our four boards, the 40-meter band pass filter.  The band pass filter ensures that the only signals that get through the receiver to the speaker are those that are in the 40-meter band.  Dean also  gives an update on the Challenge  and discusses some recent improvements we've made to the circuits based on feedback from our builders. 



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USAF Video: Why SSB is Superior to Ordinary AM

OK, the title of this blog post has an element of click bait in it.  Just this morning I was listening to the Old Military Radio Net on 3885 AM.  I'm sure some of those guys would disagree with the assertion that SSB is better than AM.  But I think this old Air Traffic Command video lays it out very well.  

I kind wish they had dicussed Double Sideband, Suppressed Carrier transmission.  

I wonder want the year of production of this video was.  Does anybody know?

For the record:  I am the owner of a DX-40, a DX-60, and a DX-100.  I also am on 10 meter AM with a converted CB rig.   So I have transmitted both sidebands, and the carrier.  


Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column