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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query KC1FSZ. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query KC1FSZ. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Honorable Mention: Bruce KC1FSZ's SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver ON A PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD

This is obviously not the style of construction that we would recommend for new builders.  Thus the "Honorable Mention" category.  But Bruce is not a new builder -- in fact he has been a friend of the SolderSmoke podcast for many years: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=KC1FSZ   When Bruce sent us the above video and a report on his build of the SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver,  we thought it was so cool that we wanted to share it with the community. Be sure to go to Bruce's GitHub page for more details: https://github.com/brucemack/kc1fsz-tjdcr

Bruce writes: My unauthorized modification is in the construction realm.  I've built Bill/Dean's original circuit in a compact form on a commercial PCB. This was a good chance to practice with KiCad, Chinese PCB fabs, and SMD soldering. Huge thanks to Scott KQ4AOP for making me the PTO form! The rig works great.  Thanks to Bill/Dean for leading such a successful/educational build project.

Hi Bill:

I had refrained from any postings of my work because the "purity" of my build may be called into question and I didn't want to create further distractions from your efforts. HIHI.  If you scroll down this page you'll get an idea of what I've been up to: https://github.com/brucemack/kc1fsz-tjdcr.

I also see that you've switched away from the Schottky diodes which I have not done, so I'll make that change to see how it impacts performance.

Moving fully into the realm of unauthorized deviations, I've been experimenting with the simple "frequency offset" feature shown in SSDRA on page 218. Hanging that simple circuit from the high side of C2 seems to provide the hook needed for a simple companion CW transmitter module. Joking aside, I'd never built an analog VFO before the TJDRC project, nor did I ever learn CW, so it's been quite interesting to try to create a sister board that stays true to the TJDCR ethos but can still make legit contacts.

Thanks for all the work you guys are doing to educate the rest of us,

Bruce KC1FSZ

Dean and Bill:

What you guys have done with this project is truly amazing. I didn't build the rig in the "original wave," but I recently made one just for fun.  I finally got around to looking at your Discord this weekend and was completely amazed...  And Dean's tutorial videos are surely headed for YouTube platinum status!

Congrats and 73s,

Bruce MacKinnon KC1FSZ, Wellesley, MA

Bruce:  There are several builders on Discord who would be very interested in your CW transmitter module. 

Thanks Bruce!  Congratulations!  73  Bill  Hi7/N2CQR

Sunday, March 12, 2017

KC1FSZ's Peppermint Bark BITX: Aeronautical Mobile for his FIRST QSO. TRGHS.

Bill and Pete:

Can’t say enough good things about your podcast - thanks for all that you do.  I’m a fairly new ham and have been trying to go the home-brew route as much as possible.  

I bought a BITX40 module (pre Raduino vintage) and added my own VFO board using the usual parts.  Actually, I’m using a Teensy 3.2 instead of an Arduino because it is a faster part and has a lot of DSP functions built into it that I’m using for digital mode stuff.   But it’s the same basic idea.  

My BITX40 is not as photogenic as some of the others, but I sent a picture below. This is the “biscuit tin” variety.  It’s was funny actually: a co-worker of mine stopped by my office around Christmas to give me a gift and pulled out of his bag a very nice box of “peppermint bark” candies with a ribbon around it.  The VERY FIRST thing that crossed my mind the instant I saw the gift was …. BITX40 ENCLOSURE!  He must have been pleased to see the huge smile that came across my face. :-)   I’ve been bitten by the bug for sure.  

My first three HF QSOs (ever) where on the BITX and were all very interesting:

  • First real QSO of my life was with KE4TJB “air-born mobile” off Delaware.  He is a commercial pilot flying for JetBlue and apparently has time to work QRP stations during flights??  I wonder who was flying the plane?
  • Then I was scanning around this morning and caught K4HW making last calls for check-ins on a net running on 7242 out of North Carolina.  I decided to give it a shot, having never joined an HF net and I was recognized!  As the first round got going I realized I had joined a Jehovah’s Witnesses net.  They were very friendly and the net control stopped to help my get my frequency calibrated before they continued with the scripture passage for the week.
  • Later this morning I reached K3KLC in Maryland who had the high-end SDR rig with the waterfall/panadaptor/etc.  Remembering comments that you guys have made about these types of folks on 40m, I was very concerned.  But this guy turned out to be very helpful and sent me some screen shots showing what my signal looks like.  

Thanks again, and 73s,
Bruce MacKinnon
Wellesley, MA

Friday, May 26, 2017

Homebrew Peppermint BITX: KC1FSZ Goes Scratch-built and Sweeps a Filter

Hi Bill/Pete:

Congratulations to Bill on the award.  Very well deserved!  

I just watched the video that Bill made with Farhan and I really enjoyed it.  As usual, lots of useful information there.

Farhan’s demo of the Sweeperino was particularly timely because this past weekend I was doing something very similar.  

As I’ve mentioned to Bill before, I am working on a scratch-built BITX to accompany the Peppermint BITX-40 module rig that I’m running right now.  I took Pete’s advice and started from the audio end.  After building the audio amplifier, product detector, and first/last pair of IF amplifiers, I was able to connect the VFO where the BFO is supposed to go and enjoy a pretty reasonable direct conversion receiver.  It works great!!  My first working receiver.

So my next step was the crystal filter.  I puzzled over all of the different articles, tried to follow the G3UUR method, sorted crystals, etc. and finally put the whole thing together.  But all along I’ve had this doubt that I could have possibly followed all of the steps closely enough to achieve the precision needed for a 3.5 KC SSB filter - it just didn’t seem possible.

Last week I decided to try to “sweep” the filter.  This was a multi-day undertaking in itself.  I pieced together the microprocessor, an AD9850, a TIA amplifier, the RF power detector from the SSDRA book, and some software that generates the necessary frequency sweep and collects power readings.  The picture of the test rig is included below.  It’s not much to look at.

With low expectations (and wires that are too long), I ran a few seeps and then downloaded the data onto my computer for analysis.  No fancy software here, I’m just using Excel.  When I put the data into a line chart in Excel, what emerged from the jumble of seemingly random numbers was a thing of beauty: a 3.5 KC passband right below 12 MHz. It’s the next stage beyond the Joy of Oscillation:  The Joy Of Selectivity!

It’s even showing about the right insertion loss.  Note the setup is very primitive and noisy so the fact that I can’t measure anything below -8dB isn’t surprising, you can ignore that part.

But I’m starting to get the feeling that this might actually work.  Onto the diode mixer …


Sunday, February 18, 2018

HB2HB QSO with KC1FSZ and his Al Fresco Scratch-built BITX

I had some good luck on the ham bands last weekend.  First, I was called by Bruce KC1FSZ -- this time he was on his Al Fresco scratch-built BITX-on-a-board.  FB.  The next day, I called CQ on what seemed like an empty 17 meter band.  I heard someone come back -- it sounded like DX.  I had to swing the Moxon a bit -- oddly, I thought, to the south-east.  FR5FC was calling me from Reunion Island.   TRGHS. 

Here's a follow-up message from Bruce: 

Hi Bill:

Great to catch up with you on 40m yesterday.  I was using the Peppermint II which is a scratch-build of the BITX-40 for the most part, although I did my own digital VFO/BFO and made a few other modifications in order to be able to use it on 80m.  It took about 8 months of noodling to get the thing to work, but it was a great learning experience. 

As discussed, I’m working on a 24V power supply (LM723 + 2N3055) and a push-pull IRF510 final so that I can get some more power.  

I got a few more Williams-Sonoma Peppermint Bark tins off of EBay so I’m ready to start boxing things up as soon as the linear is working. 


Bruce KC1FSZ

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Another Wood Box BITX! KC1FSZ Abandons Al-Fresco but Continues with Wood

'Tis a thing of beauty.   I like the wood.  And I like the hood.  The handles are a nice touch.  A fitting follow-up to its al fresco organic origins.  

Hi Guys:

I know there was a view that my giant BITX was supposed to be left out in the open, but I’m going to try to attend my local club’s Field Day festivities this year and the 4 foot long “planker” was pressing the limits of portability.  So I moved from the shack to the wood shop and built myself some custom cabinetry.  I think it looks a bit like an IC-73000 now don’t you think?  OK, maybe not.  

There is a hinged door at the top and shelf levels inside for the different parts of the circuit. The power supply and PA section are mounted on the bottom which can be removed for accessibility/serviceability.   The whole thing weighs about 10 pounds!!


Bruce KC1FSZ

Sunday, April 22, 2018

KC1FSZ's Above Board, Al Fresco, Free Range, QRO, 4-Foot-Long, Wood-Based BITX



Hi Guys:

First off, congrats on back-to-back SPRAT covers.  

I’ve succeeded in my QRO quest.  Now I’m running the finals from 28V using a home-brew linear power supply and getting about 20W out.  LM723 + 2N3055’s.  I’m making a lot more contacts too.  The only problem is that the “Peppermint Line” is close to 4 feet long now! (Photo below).  I don’t know how N6QW gets his rigs packed into such small cases.  Putting the various boards in edge-wise will probably help a lot, so that’s going to be my approach to the final packaging job.


Bruce KC1FSZ

Friday, May 1, 2020

10 Meter Quarantine QSOs near Boston -- KC1FSZ's Peppermint 10

Hi Guys:

I hope all is well.  Thanks for the more frequent episodes!

I’ve not submitted anything lately but I’m still doing a lot of building.  Over the last few weeks I’ve been working to get myself on 10 meters.  There is some good local activity up here in the Boston suburbs on 10.  The result of this effort is the next in the Peppermint Line of high-performance radio products for the discerning operator: The Peppermint 10.  This rig uses digital VFOs and puts out about 12 watts on a good day.  It works in conjunction with a direct-conversion receiver that has been modified for 10 meters.  The details are described in the write-up (see link):


Bruce KC1FSZ

Saturday, December 29, 2018

KC1FSZ's Peppermint III Homebrew BITX with Mods

Hi Guys:

I had some time over the holiday to finish off my second scratch-built rig.  I am very thankful that I got the work done on these projects before I read Pete's "Don't Build It" diatribe.  That would have been very demoralizing. :-)

Scratch build #2 (called Peppermint III) is still fundamentally BITX although I've made changes this time around.   I've switched to ADE-1 mixers with LO ports driven by adjustable gain buffers (ala N6QW LBS).  I've noticed that performance can be improved a lot if you can buffer/tweak the LO levels of the VFO and BFO (particularly carrier suppression on TX).  I did W7ZOI TIAs in the IF chain.  I've also taken the shielding/layout of the finals more seriously and have been able to dial up the power a lot (I did the KB1GMX thing with cutting off the drain pin on the IRF510 and using the tab).  The software is also greatly improved and now supports LSB/USB modes as well as software-driven PTT control for RTTY/FT8 and the hooks for my poor man's panadaptor.  I've been working lots of stations on QRO.

Total build time was about three months (half the time of #1) and the layout came out much smaller than before.  I made a trip over to Williams/Sonoma after Christmas and picked up the 2018 edition of the Peppermint Bark candy tin on discount and I think I can make it all fit.  More to follow ...

Happy New Year and 73s,

Bruce KC1FSZ

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Digital Pot

No, this is not some on-line mail order thing.  Bruce KC1FSZ has done something that I find both amazing and horrifying:  he using a "digital potentiometer"  as the AF gain control in his BITX.  Remember when pots were simple and pure, when they were just a metal wiper that ran across a crescent of carbon of increasing resistance?  Well, those happy days are apparently behind us my friends.   What now?  Will we have endless discussions about where to find the driver for the 10k pot?   Will Facebook or Amazon or Microsoft secretly seize control of the data on our AF gain, perhaps to sell us hearing aids?   But enough of my ludism.  Good going Bruce.  AGC beckons. 


I've built a few BITX rigs from scratch now and I'm starting to move to a modular approach using fabricated PCBs to make it easier/faster to build/mix/match the stages.  My audio amplifier module is based on the LM386.  I know others have moved away from this chip, but it still works for me.

I've added one feature to my audio amp stage that opens up some good possibilities.  Instead of the traditional potentiometer between the AF preamp and the LM386, I've inserted a digital potentiometer (MCP4131-103) that is controlled by three extra pins on the microcontroller.  The digital pot lists for $0.81 on Mouser so it's no more expensive than a physical pot and it's way more versatile.

Why do this?

  • The module is quick to make if you're building a lot of rigs.
  • AF gain can be controlled via the CAT port.
  • AGC control can be done in software.  This enables all kinds of fancy AGC "attack" and "release" controls that can be seen in the docs for commercial rigs.
  • This is an enabling feature for remote ops, which is why I did this in the first place.
  • AF gain can be controlled using the same encoder (different mode) as is used to control frequency, etc. if you wanted to build a more compact rig.
The board is shown below.  This is one of my first forays into KiCAD/PCBs/etc. so it's probably not as "tight" as it could be.  Also, I'm using through-hole components so it's old-school building.  But the board only costs $7 on OSHPark and it's pretty quick to wire up.  Anyone who wants to order one from them drop me a line and I'll send you the link.

Schematic below.

Bruce KC1FSZ

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


This was very cool.  I got on 40 SSB this afternoon with my trusty Digi-Tia.  I heard a station saying he was running 5 watts... Hmm, could that be a BITX40?  Indeed it was.  And it was the Peppermint Bark BITX 40 of Bruce KC1FSZ that we featured a few weeks ago.   He was up in Boston.  K3MY was kind enough to let us have the frequency.  Bruce and I had a nice contact.  He told me he is working on a completely scratch-built BITX.  FB.  TRGHS.   

Saturday, June 17, 2017

SolderSmoke Podcast #197: Farhan, Fame, 'Fest, Testgear, SSB History, Dishal Dystopia, QRP CW, MAILBAG

SolderSmoke Podcast #197 is available:

Up in NYC, met Dave W2DAB. got Steve Silverman's HP 8640B Sig Gen.

Farhan's visit to SolderSmoke HQ
Got me a TEK1401A Spectrum analyzer
Farhan at "Geekfest" @W7ZOI   http://w7zoi.net/Farhan-visit.html

BITX40 Modules.  5,000 already.   1,000 a month.
The BITX pronunciation problem. 

QRP Hall of Fame.  I suspected April 1 reprisal!    "I am unworthy" 
Dusting off my Tuna Tin 2, Herring Aid 5 and Farhan's key from India.

The Manassas Hamfest:  OLD crystal gear.   20's and 30's stuff. Leon Lambert RX and Philmore Fixed Crystal Detector. 
 Reminder of how YOUNG the radio art is.
RELATED:  Bell System 1953 Transistor Documentary.  11 year old Pete and his CK722.
Bought some good stuff from Charles AI4OT.

Armand WA1UQO gave me a big collection of Electric Radio.  So much history and HB wisdom in there. Frank Jones and Lafayette Radio.  Jim Lamb and 1930s SSB.  

Is the CK-722 the source of Pete Juliano's affinity for Juliano Blue?
Was Wes Hayward already using Juliano Blue?

"Your rig sounds real good for a homebrew rig!" 
"Well, your rig sounds pretty good for a Yaesu!"
Related topic: Going over the Waterfall:  The SDR Superiority Syndrome.  Feathering.

ARRL Arduino Book   by Popiel.    Very nice.  Right level.  Lots of good info.


Pete's Dishal Dystopia --  Is the perfect TRULY the enemy of the good enough?

Bill's  NE602 RIG: 
Replaced OLED.  Blue one seems noisier.  Shielded it with  copper flashing.
Made me yearn for bigger boxes WITH A HOOD!


Special Thanks to our correspondent in the Dayton Xenia Metropolitan area -- Bob Crane W8SX.

Jack Welch, AI4SV 5R8SV -- Our Man in Antanarivo -- Sent me a GREAT BOOK "I, Libertine" by Frederick R. Ewing.   EXCELSIOR!

Bruce KC1FSZ https://www.qrz.com/db/kc1fsz  Building Scratchbuilt BITX.  On the way put the VFO where the BFO should go and had a DC RX.  FB

Greg, VK1VXG   Suggestion for WA8WDQ on Arduino serial plotter

Ben KC9DLM  Mercury PTO.  In a syringe!   No thanks! Maybe add some high voltage and selenium.  And a radium dial!  Yea!

KY3R's metalized cigar boxes!  FB On Blog.

Richard WB2PEF has revived his Doug DeMaw 8P6 rig.  FB.  But bothered by PTT thump.

Update on Dave AA7EE (from Mike KC6SAX)


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Video of SolderSmoke Podcast #235

Pete and Bill in LIVING COLOR! 

SolderSmoke Podcast #235 is available for download: 



6 weeks in the DR for Bill
One contact on uBITX. More SW listening.
Repaired my Chrome Book in Santo Domingo!
Christmas Present for All: James Web Space Telescope launch

Bill's Bench
-- Understanding the NE-602 (see blog post)
-- Thinking about a 17/12 dual bander.  Looked at old G3YCC Tx for circuits... 
-- Using Spurtune08. WB9KZY found it.  In the LADPAC zip file here:
-- Then Put G3YCC Acores SSB TX back in operation
-- Now working many stations with this old "split" TX/RX

Pete's Bench
-- Dean's VWS build of your DC RX
-- Homebrew Crystal Filters
-- The shrinking of the PSSST

Bad Dead Soldering Stations
-- My X-Tonics 4000 dies.   But it left behind a great box with ample socketry. 

AA1TJ Mike Rainey --- Again in the Hobbit Hole! 486 kc RX
Thomas K4SWL -- Radio Astronomy and the Raspberry PI 
WC8C Dennis Invite to the L'Anse Creuse ARC   FB  Fun
Todd K7TFC got boosted at Tektronix Beaverton Ore.  
What happened to Chuck Adams K7QO?  His work taken off the net.
N7DA worked W7ZOI in Sweepstakes.  FB
Kirk NT0Z formerly of ARRL HQ
Farhan VU2ESE was up in the Pench Forest, trying to spot a Tiger! 
We spoke to Farhan's Lamakaan ARC in Hyderabad.  QO-100 beam down! 
Dean KK4DAS's 16 watter.   On SS blog
Scott WA9WFA  Bad 6U8s?   Ordering 6EA8s
Bruce KC1FSZ Peppermint Bark gift box
Bob Scott KD4EBM So many good ideas and links 
Rogier PA1ZZ sending parts packages -- Thanks Rogier

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Youngest Homebrew Hero: 17 year-old Sam Zeelof Makes His Own Integrated Circuits

Seventeen year-old Sam Zeelof, KD2ENL, is making his own integrated circuits in his garage. 

Wow.  This makes me think about another seventeen year-old -- the fellow who appears on pages 63-64 of Cliff DeSoto's "200 Meters and Down." (I have the story on page 81 of "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics.")   In the early days of radio that kid amazed us by making his own vacuum tubes.  Sam Zeelof is clearly following in that tradition. 

No "mysterious black boxes" for Sam!  No "appliance chips" for him!  FB OM.  

This is really amazing.  Here are the links: 


One of Sam's chips
Thanks to Bruce KC1FSZ for alerting us to this amazing work. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Video (Audio) of N2CQR (me) on 40 Meters with BITX DIGI-TIA

This was the icing on the cake.  Ruben AC2RJ up in New York was monitoring as I called CQ with my BITX Digi-Tia last night on 40 meters.  He recorded the contacts that ensued.  I was really glad that he recorded VE3XBO describing his experiences with a BITX 40 Module at his local radio club -- The WAX Group of the Barrie Radio Club in Ontario. 

Farhan's module is really starting to show up more often on the band. On the 19th of April I talked to Bruce KC1FSZ -- he was on his Peppermint Bark BITX 40.  And on March 30 I talked to Josh KE8CPD on his BITX 40.

Click on the arrow (above) to listen to Ruben's recording.  Ruben has a nice YouTube channel here:

Sunday, January 13, 2019

SolderSmoke Podcast #209 SKN, Old Rigs, Movie Review, Safety Tips, Mail Bag

SolderSmoke Podcast #209 is Available: 

13 January 2019


An HT-37 "With Presence!"  Even on CW!  A Straight Key Night Story
Saving a much-loved HT-37 
Drake 2-B Alignment
Tweaking the Mate for the Mighty Midget
Fixing a Deaf DC Receiver
A Wobbly National HRO-ish Gear Box 
Minimum Discernible Signal Tests
Pete's Festive Holiday Transceiver in a Bottle

Movie Review:  "First Man"  Neil Armstrong goes to the moon. 

Safety Tips for 2019:  Fuses, Hard Drives, Flu Shots. 

Dave G6AJW builds Pete's Sudden Transceiver
Rogier KJ6ETL builds a new shack
Steve N8NM Helps save the HT-37
Jim AL7RV W8NSA builds Parasets
Dave AA7EE puts a beacon on the air -- Please Listen! 
Jan OM2ATC builds and documents an Si5351 VFO
Bruce KC1FSZ Homebrew's a BITX
KB1GMX's Tip on IRF-510 Oscillation Prevention
Ryan W7RLF Homebrews a DC Receiver

Listening to August K5HCT from the East and West Coasts on 40
Tim WA1HLR rebuilding his 1968 transmitter.  

Monday, February 7, 2022

SolderSmoke Podcast #235 NE-602, Azores Rig, Spur Problems, SSB Rigs, Peashooter, HB Filters, MAILBAG

SolderSmoke Podcast #235 is available for download: 



6 weeks in the DR for Bill
One contact on uBITX. More SW listening.
Repaired my Chrome Book in Santo Domingo!
Christmas Present for All: James Web Space Telescope launch

Bill's Bench
-- Understanding the NE-602 (see blog post)
-- Thinking about a 17/12 dual bander.  Looked at old G3YCC Tx for circuits... 
-- Using Spurtune08. WB9KZY found it.  In the LADPAC zip file here:
-- Then Put G3YCC Acores SSB TX back in operation
-- Now working many stations with this old "split" TX/RX

Pete's Bench
-- Dean's VWS build of your DC RX
-- Homebrew Crystal Filters
-- The shrinking of the PSSST

Bad Dead Soldering Stations
-- My X-Tonics 4000 dies.   But it left behind a great box with ample socketry. 

AA1TJ Mike Rainey --- Again in the Hobbit Hole! 486 kc RX
Thomas K4SWL -- Radio Astronomy and the Raspberry PI 
WC8C Dennis Invite to the L'Anse Creuse ARC   FB  Fun
Todd K7TFC got boosted at Tektronix Beaverton Ore.  
What happened to Chuck Adams K7QO?  His work taken off the net.
N7DA worked W7ZOI in Sweepstakes.  FB
Kirk NT0Z formerly of ARRL HQ
Farhan VU2ESE was up in the Pench Forest, trying to spot a Tiger! 
We spoke to Farhan's Lamakaan ARC in Hyderabad.  QO-100 beam down! 
Dean KK4DAS's 16 watter.   On SS blog
Scott WA9WFA  Bad 6U8s?   Ordering 6EA8s
Bruce KC1FSZ Peppermint Bark gift box
Bob Scott KD4EBM So many good ideas and links 
Rogier PA1ZZ sending parts packages -- Thanks Rogier

Saturday, May 23, 2020

SolderSmoke Podcast #222 Antennas, Phasing, VFOs, 2-Bs, 6 years of N6QW, MAILBAG

After 46 years, finally a dial skirt

SolderSmoke Podcast #222 is available:  

No travelogue but… SolderSmoke Almanac!

Memorial Day in U.S.

End of Ramadan so Eid Mubarak! 

#222 marks SIX YEARS of Julian-ismo.  He started on SS 161.  Thanks Pete. 

Thanks to all who sent good wishes on Billy's graduation.  He heads to Boston and the lab in a week or so.  Very proud. 
Bill was on Ham Radio WorkBench Podcast  

-- Antenna Ideas -- Don't Buy that $165 dollar dipole!  It is just wire!   
-- THE PHASING RIG. Does this point to a need for meditation?  Or at least some temporary disengagement? Tribal wisdom from Pete. 
-- DEAN KK4DAS's rig.  The Furlough 40.  Troubleshoot.  Tribal knowledge. 




n  Shortwave dials and exotic locations.  Java!  
n  Galaxy V VFO Project. Series-tuned Colpitts.  
n  DRAKE 2-B.  Hayseed Recap. Put the skirt back on the old rig.  Reduction drives?   

I got a replacement for the Xtronics 4000 soldering station.  Yaogong worked! 
Ordered screws and stuff from McMaster -- Came very fast! 
Working on a resistor kit from Mouser. 

VK2BLQ's Phasing RX with an HRO dial.  Cool Retro.  
Adam N0ZIB -- Cool station.  TFT screen Aluminum welded box. FB. 
Karl G7AFT    BITX 40 doing USB and LSB by changing the VFO freq.  Pete's trick! 
Jerry KI4IO  out in nearby Warrenton.   Hope to be able to meet up soon. 
Keith N6ORS's Hot Mustard Phasing Board. 
Mike N5GTF'd FULLY INDOOR Quarantine Receiver.  Need a slogan for the antenna!
Nick M0NTV's Bread Bin 80 Quarantine rig
Bruce KC1FSZ   Quarantine 10 -- Brave man in solar minimum. But I hear 10 is opening.
Talking to Grayson Evans KJ7UM  TA2ZGE about Collins 9.9 MHz transformers.
Talking to Alan Wolke W2AEW about Drake 2-B stuff  Was there a reduction drive?
Paul VK3HN about Ceramic filter spurs.
Peter VK2EMU notes no animals were harmed in the making of my videos.  But many electrons were agitated. 

N6QW Phase Shift Success -- It aint over 'till the fat lady sings

Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column