Those intrepid digital hams at the University of Twente have temporarily put their WebSDR receiver on six bands (we should lobby to make the expanded freq coverage permanent). It is really great. I love the waterfall display. Audio quality here is excellent. (I'm listening to 75 meter SSB now.) Check it out:
You should also check out PA3FWM's SDR page:
Very interesting. I thought picture above should be entitled "The Ultimate Dead Bug."
I have successfully completed troubleshooting my old (1983) frequency counter (found some bad CMOS gates), and I just finished assembling Doug N3ZI's very FB freq counter semi-kit (thanks Jerry!)... Now I'm listening to the Web SDR receiver... The SoftRock40 kit seems to be calling me.... I feel myself being pulled into the digital vortex! Quick, someone throw me an analog life saver!
December 30, 2024. Throwing down the gauntlet challenge ~ A Thermatron
Direct Conversion Receiver
With lots of time to think, but little time to build, and as we close out
2024, my thoughts turned to "why not a vacuum tube version of a Direct
1 hour ago