It kind of pains me to do this. These articles are from a long time ago, and the author is an esteemed Silent Key, but the myth about the origins of the USB/LSB convention is still out there, and as a homebrewer of SSB gear I feel obligated to point out these examples of the error that that myth is based on.
Last Friday, Pete WB9FLW and I were talking about homebrewing SSB rigs. I recommended a series of QST articles by Doug DeMaw. "Beginner's Bench: The Principles and Building of SSB Gear" started in QST in September 1985. There were at least five parts -- it continued until January 1986. (Links to the series appear below.) I hadn't looked at these articles in years, but when I did, a big mistake jumped right out at me: In the first installment, on page 19, Doug makes the same mistake that he made in his Design Notebook:
"Now comes the conversion section of our SSB generator. We must move (heterodyne) the 9-MHz SSB signal to 3.75-4.0 MHz. Our balanced mixer works just as it does in a receiver. That is, we inject the mixer with two frequencies (9 MHz and 5 MHz) to produce a sum or a difference output frequency (9 - 5 = 4 MHz, or 9 +5 = 14 MHz) If we are to generate 75 meter SSB energy, we must chose the difference frequency. We could build an 20-meter SSB transmitter by selecting the sum of the mixer frequencies. The RF amplifiers and filter (FL2) that follow would then have to be designed for 14-MHz operation. In fact, many early two-band homemade SSB transmitters were built for for 75 and 20 meters in order to use this convenient frequency arrangement. The use of upper sideband on 20 meters and lower sideband on 75 meters may be the result of this frequency arrangement (the sidebands become inverted when switching from the difference to the sum frequency.) "
Those last two sentences are incorrect. They repeat the "Myth," or the "Urban Legend" about the origins of the LSB/USB convention. Contrary to what many hams now believe, with 9 MHz filter and a 5.2 MHz BFO it takes more than just switching from sum frequency to difference frequency to invert one of the sidebands.
There are two conditions needed for sideband inversion to take place:
1) You have to be taking the difference product (DeMaw got that right)
2) The unmodulated (VFO or LO) signal must be larger than the modulated signal. (DeMaw and the ARRL obviously missed that part. Repeatedly.)
This is another way of stating the simple, accurate and useful Hallas Rule: Sideband inversion only occurs when you are subtracting the signal with modulation FROM the signal without modulation.
For DeMaw's claim to be correct, one of the SSB signals going into the balanced mixer would have to invert, and the other would have to not invert. Let's see if that happens: He has the sideband signal being generated at 9 MHz and the VFO running around 5 MHz.
9 - 5 = 4 But we are not subtracting the modulated signal FROM the unmodulated signal. SO NO INVERSION
9 + 5 = 14 We are not subtracting at all. SO NO INVERSION.