Phil W1PJE managed to hear and record some of the 2021 transmission (Thanks Phil). Listen here:
Phil also sent this spectrogram of the signal.
Serving the worldwide community of radio-electronic homebrewers. Providing blog support to the SolderSmoke podcast:
Phil W1PJE managed to hear and record some of the 2021 transmission (Thanks Phil). Listen here:
Phil also sent this spectrogram of the signal.
I know we could do something similar with the NE602 or the LM386. But probably not with an Arduino microcontroller or an Si5351. And that says something about understanding and complexity.
Thanks Radraksha. And thanks to Hack-A-Day for alerting us to this:
In the 2004 QST article I discuss a problem I had with "spotting" or "netting." This is something of a lost art, something that you had to do back in the pre-transceiver days, when running a separate transmitter and receiver. This was how you got the transmitter on the receiver's frequency. Essentially you would turn on the carrier oscillator and the VFO and let a little signal get out, enough to allow you to tune the VFO until you heard zero beat on the receiver. My problem was that around one particular frequency, I would hear several zero-beats. This made netting the receiver and the transmitter hard to do.
Important note: This is really just a problem with the "netting" or "spotting" procedure -- the problematic spur does not show up in any significant way in the output of the transmitter. I can't see it on my TinySA. But it is strong enough to be heard in the unmuted receiver sitting right next to the transmitter. And that creates the netting problem.
In the QST article, I said that I noticed that the problem seemed to be centered around 18.116 MHz. As I approached this frequency, the tones -- desired and unwanted -- seemed to converge. That was an important clue. In the article I said I thought that I could eliminate the problem with just one trimmer cap to ground in the carrier oscillator, but looking back I don't think that this really fixed the problem.
I recently took a fresh look at it. Exactly which frequencies were causing the unwanted signals that appeared in my receiver?
I used an Excel Spread sheet to find the culprits.
A view of McMath Region 11976 from the Paris Observatory early on 4 August 1972.
I have a vivid memory of seeing -- as a kid -- Aurora from our home near New York City. Eric Carlsen, my childhood friend and colleague from the Waters Edge Rocket Research Society, told me his mom had similar memories. A while back I did some Googling and concluded that it had to have been the monster solar flare of August 1972:
That blog post got about eight comments, mostly from other folks with similar memories -- they apparently were led to my blog by the same kind of memory-based Googling that I had done.
This year, on Christmas Eve, Elisa and I were flying home from the Dominican Republic. I was reading (on my phone) "To Hold Up the Sky," an anthology of Cixin Liu's science fiction short-stories. I'd read his excellent "Three body Problem" in the Dominican Republic back in December 2017. His work is usually "hard" sic-fi, with a strong connection to real physics.
One of the short stories in the anthology is entitled "Full Spectrum Barrage Jamming." Wow, I thought, that one is really promises to be very interesting for a radio amateur. I turned out that it was more interesting than I expected.
I won't spoil the story for you. Suffice it to say that Cixin Liu makes reference to the same August 1972 solar flare that I remember from my childhood, and discusses its effect on radio propagation. It was really kind of eerie to be in that plane, flying over the Bahamas, reading Chi-Fi on my I-phone, and seeing the author reference that memorable event from 1972. TRGHS.
There were plans to turn this story into a movie:
Here is an excellent article describing what happened back in 1972: The August 1972 flare was so strong that it caused U.S. Navy anti-ship mines to explode in Haiphong harbor in Vietnam.
The fishing pole worked well, but I operated with fear that it would fall or that the neighbors would complain). Today I got on 17 CW with the uBITX (more power than the SST), put it on 17 CW and promptly worked W4A, a special events station commemorating E. Howard Armstrong. Turns out that today is Armstrong's birthday. TRGHS.
On the Reverse Beacon Network my CQs were heard by KO7SS in Arizona (very cool skimmer station at 8100 feet!) and by W2NAF (interesting operations in Antarctica, Svalbard and Virginia Tech).