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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Michael AG5VG Builds a Sub-Harmonic Receiver and Moves it to Higher Bands

Michael AG5VG built a Sub-Harmonic Direct Conversion receiver.   But then he took it a step further and moved it up from the 80/40 meter version that I had built, and used the same concept to run it on 20 meters using an oscillator on 40 meters (after some re-winding of the front-end coils).   Using a station from Puerto Rico transmitting on 20 meters as an example, he starts out showing how well the receiver works in sub-harmonic mode (with the oscillator on 40), then quickly switches to normal Direct Conversion mode with the oscillator also on 20 (but using only one diode as the detector) -- he can still hear the Puerto Rican station in that mode.  Very cool.  

Good Evening Bill,

I built the Polykov and I attached a picture of it. I also used Pete's pre audio driver circuit from his jessystems.com site. Then I used an lm386 as the main audio driver. I could hear ft8 on the 40m band. Then I hooked the output of my lm386 circuit to a conventional set of computer speakers to really hear it. I am currently using an indoor wire antenna along the ground so it's certainly not optimal. Very fun build and I'll be learning more about it. When I have a better antenna system I'll hook it all up and send a video of it.



I am just using a standard signal generator at 1 vpp output. The volume gets louder with every 100 millivolt I go up, but so does the noise. 0.8vpp was a little low for me so I bumped it up a bit.

The indoor antenna actually did surprising well but I'm looking forward to putting a wire up into a tree I have here. I just recently moved so I have to setup my outside antenna. I live in the San Antonio, TX area. 

I am currently using three stages of audio amplification to be able to really hear it. 1st stage is Pete's pre audio driver, then an lm386, then a standard set of computer speakers. 

I did plenty of playing around with it last night and the doubling function is so cool how it works. When I was around 3.538 MHz, with the variable cap tuned for the 7Mhz area, I was actually listening to 7.76Mhz, the FT8 frequency for 40 meters. I agree with You and Pete in a podcast you did a bit ago, that FT8 is great for seeing if the band is open and checking receivers with! 

The next project is the art of the 3.5 - 4Mhz analog VFO and use it with the Polykov. I am very dependent on the Arduino/Si5351 pair as the code is available and easy to hook up.

Will keep you both updated. 


Two more videos from Michael: 


I think this is a great example of good experimenting.  Michael took the concept, made some mods,  and put the device on another band.  FB.  

Monday, September 5, 2022

Why Do Some VFOs Tune More Linearly Than Others?

This has been one of the major complaints about our beloved analog LC VFOs:   The frequency tuning on these circuits is often not linear.  For given amount of VFO frequency dial turn you can get vastly different changes in frequency.  At one end of the tuning range the frequencies are nicely spaced and tuning is easy.  But at the other end of the tuning range all of the frequencies are bunched together.  This is one of the problems that leads some homebrewers to defect to the sad land of "digital VFOs." 

But wait.  It appears that the old designers found a solution to this problem.  Just look at the tuning dial of my HT-37.  The frequencies are all spaced out evenly.  How did they do that? 

I had been thinking that this success may have resulted from Hallicrafters' engineers using the series-tuned Clapp circuit.  Here the main frequency determining element is a series-tuned LC circuit and not the parallel tuned LC circuit that we see in the more commonly used Colpitts circuit.  

But hold on -- how could that be?  The frequency bunching problem that we attributed to the Colpitts circuit must also exist in the Clapp, right?  I went back to SSDRA where there was a good discussion of Colpitts and Clapp VFOs.  The advantage of the Clapp was said to be in its use of a larger value coil which helped minimize the effects of stray inductances.  But there was no mention of the Clapp offering improved linearity in tuning.  

I have in front of me two transceivers:  The Mythbuster uses a 9 MHz Clapp circuit (see below).  The 17-12 rig uses a Colpitts Circuit.  I checked the tuning linearity of both.  Both appeared quite linear in tuning, with no real difference between the two.  

Then I looked at the tuning capacitor in the Mythbuster 17-12 rig.  It came out of an old Hallicrafters transmitter, probably the HT-44.  I looked closely at the stator and the rotor plates.  Both are curved.  I'm guessing that this may yield a more constant change in capacitance for a given movement of the main tuning dial.  

Next I opened up the VFO on the Mythbuster.  (It is the VFO from an old Yaesu FT-101.)  I couldn't see the stators very well but it appears that their shape is different from the square shape we often see in variable capacitors.  Could it be that this variable capacitor was also made to provide linear tuning?  

Back in 2013 Norm Johnson wrote about all this in the Antique Radios.com forum: 

A capacitor that has uniform increase in capacitance with rotation will have the stations at the high end of the band squeezed together. Another type known as the straight-line frequency variable capacitor has, as you might guess, a characteristic that gives even spacing of frequencies with shaft rotation. These were popular in the 1920's but weren't very good for superhets where you needed to have a dual section capacitor that would tune both the RF and local oscillator, and have them track each other properly. The midline variable capacitor is more compatible with a superhet, and easier to make both sections track properly. This is the type that you see in most receivers from the late 1930's to the end of the tube era. They don't have quite the equal spacing between stations across the band that the old straight-line frequency caps had, but they're much better than the variables that change capacitance linearly with rotation.

I wrote an online calculator that helps in the design of the tuning. It shows what frequency range you'll get with a specific type of variable capacitor, including the effects of padder and trimmer capacitors. It also displays a dial scale that shows how the frequencies are lined up accross the dial.

Steve W6SSP also provided some really good info back in 2013: 

There are three types of open, variable plate caps;
SLC= straight line capacitance where the capacitance varies linearly,
these are the most common and have half-circle plates
SLF= straight line frequency where the plates are tapered to allow
for linear tuning of the frequency
SLW= straight line wavelength, you get the idea...

SLF and SLW caps have oblong plates.

The effect on tuning a receiver can be dramatic. One example is the
Hammarlund SP series of receivers where the ham bands are very
compressed at one end of the tuning range. They used SLC caps
in the VFO. On the other hand rigs like the Kenwood TS-520
and FT-101 series have linear tuning across each band. These use
SLF variable caps. Most old 1920's battery radios used SLW
where stations were identified by their wavelength.
Steve W6SSP

These two variable caps came out of my junkbox.  Both are Eddystones, made in England.  My guess is that the one on the left is SLF.  But could the one on the right (out of an old regen) be SLW?   

The Drake 2-B also has perfectly linear tuning.  I looked at the manual:  "The tuning condenser is of special design..."   I'm guessing that they used an SLF variable capacitor. The 2-B had no need for ganged capacitors -- the "preselector" was tuned via a separate front panel control. 

I looked at the tuning dials on my Hammarlund HQ-100 receiver.   It is fairly linear in its tuning, but not as linear as the HT-37 or the Drake 2-B; on all of the tuning ranges the frequencies seem to spread out a bit at the lower end.  My guess is that Hammarlund used the midline variable described above by Norm Johnson.  The HQ-100 did use a ganged variable cap, with one section tuning the RF amplifier and the other tuning the local oscillator. 

Mythbuster on the bottom.  17-12 rig on the top

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Free Book! "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" by Bill Meara. Free for the Next Five Days


From time to time, Amazon lets me make my books available for free on Amazon Kindle.   SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics is now -- and for the next five days -- available for free download.   Use this link: 


Please spread the word and post reviews.  Comments posted on the Amazon page (above) are especially welcome. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Where Do You Think This Variable Capacitor Came From? What Piece of Gear Did it Come out of? Is it in the Old Catalogs?


In an effort to stop the slaughter of innocent Heath QF-1s (for their very nice variable capacitors), I bought this thing on e-bay.  Here is the info I have: 

I checked the resonance of the cap and the coil:   It tunes from about 10.140 MHz to about 13 MHz.   The cap is nice -- brass vanes and with the linear tuning shape.  I don't know about it being from a Hartley oscillator -- no signs of a tickler coil.  There seems to be some sort of a pass-through cap from "Faradon" of Camden N.J.  

It tunes from about 9 to 138 pf. The coil that it had on the back of the cap is about 1.6 uH and is tapped (Hartley style). The capacitor is marked on the back: "Licensed Under Pats. MC 15257781258423"

From the e-bay ad: 

"Here's a great project part.  These were likely a VFO assembly for some RF equipment from the late 1920's or 30's.  Essentially it's 4" Type A Velvet Vernier dial (standard 5:1 reduction drive) with a variable capacitor.  The variable condenser is a high quality ceramic frame with brass plates and looks suspiciously like a General Radio house part (also in Cambridge at that time). The variable condenser looks like a SLF shape or similar, about 135pF.  It has a ceramic frame and has an insulated shaft, which was critical to keeping hand capacity down back then.  It appears to be wired for a Hartley oscillator, probably 10 MHz+ give or take (not measured).

The vernier is in excellent condition--smooth, without backlash or sticking.  There are no chips in the skirt and the numbers and nice and clear--these were obviously well cared for over the years.  They have the the hard-to-find dial markers!

There is a rigid metal panel to which the vernier assembly is attached, and this in turn supports the condenser frame.  I suppose you could just that in a project box with an appropriate sized hole for the shaft and have an instant shielded enclosure for a VFO, or maybe screw it to the side of a breadboard.  You can also remove the vernier assembly from the panel and use it separately (e.g., to fix up an old NBD).  Lots of possibilities.  

There is a loose sheet-metal collar behind the rigid panel that friction-fit a (now missing) can that went over the whole assembly. It's easy enough to unscrew the front and remove this piece.  Everything comes apart if you want, including the unobtainium dial pointer."

So where do you guys think this very nice cap came from?  Who made it?  Was it salvaged from a piece of radio gear?   Does it appear in any of the old catalogs?  

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Old Smoke: SolderSmoke's Early Theme Music from W8MOJ, Boatanchors in South Africa, and Homebrewing in Dubai

Over on the SoulderSmoke YouTube channel I have been putting up some podcasts from days-gone-by.  Recently they have been from our last days in London and our earliest days in Rome.  We have had a nice series that includes "Echo-calls" from Andy ZS6ADY  in South Africa, talking about old tube radios (Boatanchors) in that country.   Soon we will start a series that includes Echo-calls with Ron Sparks AG5RS, who was homebrewing in Dubai. 

But these early podcasts begin and end with some very distinctive techno-music from Mark O Johnson, W8MOJ.   Here is our old blog post that describes Mark's musical contribution to SolderSmoke.  Thanks Mark!  https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2011/01/tech-details-on-soldersmokes-theme.html

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Building a Solid-State "Magic Eye" and Fitting it in the Old Tube's Glass Envelope

I was feeling kind of bad about my solid-state conversion thoughts.  I had gone so far as thinking about putting an FET and some resistors in an old tube's glass envelope.  There was something about this that felt well, kind of immoral. 

But then this morning Facebook sent me the video above.  This fellow built the solid state equivalent of an old Magic Eye thermatron!  And he put it inside the glass envelope of the old tube.  FANTASTIC!  

I feel better already. There are others with similar thoughts, and some who have put these thoughts into action!  Maybe now the Thermatron Protection Society will call off the protests outside my house, and I can stop wearing the Kevlar vest. I know, haters gonna hate, but after seeing this video I realize that I am FAR from being the most egregious of thermatron defilers. 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Free Book by Bill Meara -- Not About Radio. But it is about family life on a very long trip.

Free! From time-to-time Amazon Kindle allows me to make this book available FOR FREE. You can get the Kindle version for free until the end of August. Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L8DR4RK

All I ask is that you spread the word, and post reviews. I hope you like it. Thanks, Bill  

SDR on a Breadboard -- But Isn't This an Old-Fashioned Fantasy?

Nice video, but I'm afraid it is a bit of an old-fashioned fantasy.  It would be nice to think that our beloved analog mixers and direct conversion receivers still have a place in the SDR world.   That may have been true a few years ago when we were using soundcard-based SDRs.  But today we just put an Analog to Digital Converter at the antenna, do "Direct Sampling," create a digital stream, and sent it to the CPU for processing, right?   

Sometimes we think that we can show younger people how our older tech (Direct Conversion receivers) is STILL relevant in the age of SDR radio.  But I can just hear them scoffing at this notion, pointing out that I,Q-to-soundcard front ends have gone the way of the dinosaurs, and all we need now is an ADC and a CPU.  

But hey, I am an HDR guy.  Am I missing something here?  

Friday, August 26, 2022

PA3CRX's 6 Meter BITX in an Old CB Case

Thanks to Rogier PA1ZZ for alerting me to this video and to the PA3CRX YouTube channel. 

I like what Chrix did with the old CB transceiver case -- this gives me ideas about the old transceiver that I picked up at a hamfest a while back.  I also like Chrix's practice of running coax and power leads UNDER the main BITX boards.  

Chrix has been building some great stuff and making some very nice videos -- I have put his channel on the SolderSmoke links in the right-side column of this page. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

SolderSmoke Podcast #73 Jan 2, 2008 -- AA1TJ Circuits and Poetry, Mixers, CW, Straight Key Night at WA6ARA, Boatanchors in South Africa with ZS6ADY (Part 1)

This is the first in a series of four podcast that include Echolink conversations with Andy ZS6ADY about old tube radios (boatanchors) in South Africa.  Click on the YouTube link above to listen. 

January 2, 2008 SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S EDITION AA1TJ's circuitry and poetry. Homemade tubes. Book Review "Early Radio" by Peter Jensen. The Vatican's antennas. Google Earth flight simulator. Mixer madness continues (now in LTSpice). Mars-asteroid collision? Bollywood: The BITX-20 connection. BANDSWEEP: Straight Key Night at WA6ARA. ECHO-GUEST: Andy, ZS6ADY, South African Boatanchor fan. MAILBAG: Jake N4UY(NOVA QRP), Steve G0FUE (Bath Build-a-thon), Nigel M0NDE

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Solid-Stating an HT-37 VFO -- Advice Needed

Original HT-37 VFO Circuit
A couple of things before I start:  

First, this is not my fault.  The Radio Gods are to blame.  I innocently tried to by an HT-37 tuning capacitor on e-bay, but the seller sent me the entire VFO unit.  The only thing missing was THE TUBE. Clearly, that was a sign, right?  

Second, this is a work in progress.  That is why my diagram (below) is a bit ugly.  I am looking for your input and advice on how I might do this better.  I will understand if religious principles prevent some of you from participating in this endeavor. 

I am trying to solid-state this device WITHOUT major surgery, and without adding any reactive components that would change the resonance or tuning range of the original.  The original circuit tunes from 5 to 5.5 MHz and that is fine with me.  

I started out by just sticking a J-310 FET into pins 1, 2, and 5 of the tube socket.  I put 12 V on the drain and the thing oscillated right where it is supposed to.  That was a good sign.  

Here is what I have done so far: 
Bill's initial solid state conversion of HT-37 VFO

Mechanically, my effort has been very simple.  At first I tried to fashion a more serious male socket for the FET using two broken 7 pin tubes.  This didn't work well.   

So then I just ran three short wires up through the center hold of the tube socket to the connections for pins 1,2, and 5.   I superglued the J-301 to the chassis and made some non-reactive connections: I put a 47 ohm resistor on the source,  and a 220 ohm resistor on the drain. I grounded the drain for RF with a .01 uF cap to ground.    I added a 100k resistor and a diode on the gate.   Oh yea, I put a couple of ferrite bead on the FET gate lead.  (See pictures below.)

Three lead up through the center hole

A rare look inside an HT-37 VFO

The original thermatron circuit has an output bandpass transformer, a 3900 ohm resistor and a coupling cap.  I left them in the circuit, but they are not doing anything. 

The output from the source of the FET looks pretty good.  I can see some VHF on the trace, but I suspect this is from my FM broadcast nemesis at 100.3 FM (one mile away).  On a receiver, I can hear some AF noise on the signal, but this may be the result of the RFI from THE BIG 100 -- WASHINGTON'S CLASSIC ROCK. 

So what do you folks think?  What else could I do, or should I do?  
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