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Tuesday, April 5, 2016
My Mate for the Mighty Midget Thermatron Receiver
Sunday, October 24, 2021
WA9WFA's Mate for the Mighty Midget 1966 QST Receiver
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Jan PA3GSV's Amazing Mate for the Mighty Midget
Saturday, October 29, 2016
DONE! Jan's AMAZING Mate for the Mighty Midget Receiver
For the lower end of 80m I had to add additional 47 pF next to the 47 pF trimmer caps, so there it is about 600-650 pF max!
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Putting the "Mate for the Mighty Midget" Back to Work -- With a DX-100 on 40 Meter AM
After working on it for a while I got so fond of my old Hammarlund HQ-100 that I moved it from the AM/Boatanchors operating position over to a more convenient spot right next to my computer. This left a big gap on the receive side of the AM station.
I briefly put my HRO-ish solid state receiver above the DX-100, but I'm afraid that receiver needs some work. More on that in due course.
I thought about putting my SOLID STATE Lafayette HA-600A atop the thermatronic DX-100, but this just didn't seem right. The Radio Gods would NOT approve.
So I turned my attention to the Mate for the Mighty Midget that I built in 1998 and have been poking at and "improving" ever since.
This receiver worked, but not quite right. It received SSB stations well enough, but when I turned off the BFO I could no longer hear the band noise. I wasn't sure how well the RF amp's grid and plate tuned circuits tracked. And I had serious doubts about the detector circuit that Lew McCoy put in there when he designed this thing back in 1966.
As I started this latest round of MMMRX poking, I realized that I now have test gear that I didn't have in 1998: I now have a decent oscilloscope. I have an HP-8640B signal generator (thanks Steve Silverman and Dave Bamford). I have an AADE LC meter. And I've learned a lot about building rigs.
The MMRX has a tuned circuit in the grid of the RF amplifier, and another in the plate circuit of the RF amplifier. There is a ganged capacitor that tunes them both. They need to cover both 80/75 and 40 meters. And they need to "track" fairly well: over the fairly broad range of 3.5 to 7.3 MHz they both need to be resonant at the same frequency.
McCoy's article just called for "ten turns on a pill bottle" for the coils in these parallel LC circuits. The link coils were 5 turns. No data on inductance was given. Armed now with an LC meter, I pulled these coils off the chassis and measured the inductances of the coils. I just needed to make sure they were close in value. They were:
L1 was .858uH L2 was 2.709 L3 was .930uH L4 was 2.672
Next I checked the ganged variable capacitors. At first I found that one cap had a lot more capacitance than they other. How could that be? Then I remembered that I had installed trimmer caps across each of the ganged capacitors. Adjusting these trimmers (and leaving the caps connected to the grid of V1a and V2A, I adjusted the trimmers to get the caps close in value. I think I ended up with them fairly close:
C1: 63.77-532 pF C2 64.81 -- 525.1 pF
I put the coils back in and checked the tracking on 40 and on 80/75. While not perfect, it was close enough to stop messing with it.
I've had my doubts about the detector circuit that Lew McCoy had in the MMMRX. In his 1966 QST article he claimed that the circuit he used was a voltage doubler, and that this would boost signal strength. But I built the thing in LT Spice and didn't notice any doubling. And consider the capacitors he had at the input and output of the detector: 100 pF. At 455 kHz 100 pF is about 3500 ohms. At audio (1 kHz) it is 1.5 MILLION ohms. Ouch. No wonder years ago I put a .1 uF cap across that output cap just to get the receiver working.
Scott WA9WFA told me that by the time the MMMRX appeared in the 1969 ARRL handbook, the second "voltage doubling" diode was gone, as were the 100 pF caps. Now it was just a diode, a .01 uF cap and a 470,000 ohm resistor. I switched to the 1969 Handbook circuit (but I have not yet changed the 1 meg grid resister to 470k -- I don't think this will make much difference). Foiled again by a faulty QST article, again by one of the League's luminaries.
6U8s out, 6EA8s in
We learned that the 6U8 tubes originally called for by Lew McCoy are getting old and not aging well. So I switched all three to more youthful 6EA8s. This seemed to perk the receiver up a bit.
MUTING from the DX-100
My K2ZA DX-100 has a T/R relay mounted in a box on the back of the transmitter. When the Plate switch goes up, it switches the antenna from receiver to transmitter. The box also has a one pole double throw switch available for receiver muting. I put the common connection to ground, the normally connected (receive position) connect the ground terminal of the AF output transformer to ground -- it is disconnected from ground on transmit. The other connection (normally open) is connected to the antenna jack -- on transmit this connection ground the receiver RF input connection. These two steps mutes the receiver very nicely.
Replacing Reduction Drive
Over the years I have had several different reduction drives on the main tuning cap. I had a kind of wonky Jackson brothers drive on there that needed to be replaced. I put in a new one -- this smoothed out he tuning considerably.
Ceramic Resonator
I never could get McCoy's 455 kc two crystal filter to work right. So at first I made due with the two 455 kc IF cans. This made for a very broad passband. Then I put a CM filter in there. This was more narrow, but with a lot of loss. There may have been others. But the filter spot is currently held by a 6 kHz wide ceramic filter. This one is my favorite so far.
Digital Readout
When I was running the DX-100 with the Hammarlund HQ-100 I built a little frequency readout box. The box was from a Heath QF-1 Q multiplier (I am sorry about this). The readouts are in Juliano Blue and come via e-bay from San Jian. I now have it hooked up to the DX-100's oscillator. I haven't tapped into the MMMRX's oscillator yet.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Mate for the Mighty Midget with 6 kHz Ceramic Filter
Monday, October 4, 2021
Scott WA9WFA's Mate for the Mighty Midget Receiver is WORKING! (Video)
Sunday, August 21, 2016
First Signals from the PA3GSV Mighty Midget Mate
Obviously the Radio Gods (Spirits in the Sky) approve of Jan's work. How could they not? I can now see why he took the trouble to cut that hole in the sewer pipe cap that forms the large wheel on his homebrew reduction drive. But what are we going to see through that center hole Jan? What will the frequency readout be like?
Hi Bill,
Monday, February 14, 2022
6EA8s in the Mate for the Mighty Midget, and WA9WFA Re-Builds a Heath HW-12
I reported to Scott and Grayson that I had finally gotten around to changing the three aging 6U8 tubes in my Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver. I replaced them with three more youthful 6EA8s. This switch really seemed to perk up the old receiver. I'm listening to 75 meters on it right now.
Speaking of 75 meters, Scott sent me this picture of his latest effort: re-building a Heathkit HW-12. FB. This is a way of experiencing (or re-experiencing) the construction of a Heathkit. I did something similar, but much less complicated) with a Heathkit VF-1. Scott did a wonderful job taking this old rig apart. That PC board looks great (see photo below).
Scott's e-mail:
Hi Bill and Grayson, I’m glad to hear of your good results with the 6EA8’s in your MMMrx! I had similar results when I finally got rid of the 6U8’s with their iffy performance and went with the 6EA8’s. I did put a set of 6GH8A’s and tried it out, it worked, but I don’t have any data on performance improvements. After completing the outboard power supply and audio amplifier, I’ve taken a break from my MMMRx and it’s sitting there on the bench. I’ll get back to it in a while.
In the meantime I’ve started a new project where I’m re-kitting a Heathkit HW-12 eighty meter transceiver. I have completed the disassembly process including the pcb. I bought a Hakko vacuum desoldering iron for taking all (ALL) parts off of the pcb, and it’s bare now. I’m planning to start rebuilding this coming week. 73 Scott WA9WFA
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Joe Galeski's 1960 "IMP" 3 -Tube Filter SSB Transmitter, and the Spirit of SSB Homebrew
Here is another important bit of SSB history. In May 1960, Joe Galeski W4IMP published an article in QST describing his super-simple SSB transmitter. While Tony Vitale's "Cheap and Easy" rig was a phasing design, Joe came up with a filter rig. He built USB filter at 5775 kc. With it, he ran a VXO at around 8525 kc. This put him on 20 meter USB.
Here is the QST article: http://marc.retronik.fr/AmateurRadio/SSB/A_3_tubes_filter_rig_%28SSB%29_%5BQST_1960_5p%5D.pdf
In discussing how to put this rig on other bands, Joe got the sideband inversion question exactly right:
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Glowbug Christmas
Some excellent Christmas verse from Brad, AA1IP:
The Glowbugs' Christmas
T'was the night before Christmas
And all through the shack
Not a heater was glowing
In all of the rack.
Sitting totally silent and quiet that night
The old HRO shed nary a light.
The Johnson exciter and its homebrew final
Felt cold as leftovers, or seat-cover vinyl,
I drowsed at my workbench feeling tired and weary,
The print in the Handbook looked fuzzy and smeary.
I thought, "I'll make coffee", and groaned to my feet
When I heard a loud clatter outside in the street.
What the--? I wondered and turned on the lights
And there I beheld a wondrous sight:
A battered old van heaped high with components
And a grizzled old ham with a bagful of doughnuts.
I noted his callsign-- can't recall it today--
But a patch on the side read "FMLA".
I opened the door and hollered "Come in!
The coffee pot's heating, and we'll sit down and chin!"
He spoke not a word but whistled in Morse
A "GE OM", and "By golly, I'm hoarse.
Too many contacts, and hot rosin smoke."
I nodded and poured him a mug of jamoke.
He emptied the doughnuts in a pile on a plate
And explained in a whistle, "I'm running real late.
I've new 6L6s and fine 211s, 6146s and good 'SN7s.
And 866s and 0B2s, type 45s and mil-spec 807s."
"For the regennie crowd, 201s by the score
And good ol' type 30s and 19s galore.
I haven't neglected the passive-parts run
There's lots of good iron by old Thordarson."
I nodded and smiled, suppressing a chortle
As he reached in his pack and left me a 304TL.
He whistled, "I'm leaving, the coffee was great,
But I'm overdue in the neighboring state."
"Keep everyone building the rigs of their choosing
Or we'll lose the bands that we're lazy in using.
Transistors or tubes-- any project is fine--
Just keep on constructing and sharing on line."
He leaped to his feet and waved a gloved hand
As he sprang for the door and his rusty old van.
I heard him exclaim as he drove away from me,
"Merry Christmas, you Glowbugs, and to all 73!"
(With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore, who surely would have
been a ham had radio existed in his time. Alas, all he had
to build with was words.)
For new readers: the FMLA (Five Meter Liberation Army) appeared in a
series of short stories written by Michael N. Hopkins, AB5L (sk). If you have never
read these, you're in for a fun evening!
For QRP fans: the numerical references in the poem are for classic
vacuum tubes, several of which operate at QRP levels (whether or not that was the
original builder's intention) and (mostly) within the amateur bands.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Radio History Question: Why 455 kHz as the IF frequency?
My work on the S-38Es, on the HRO-dial receiver, on the Mate for the Mighty Midget, and on various mechanical filters has caused me to think (once again) about why we ended up with 455 kHz as the IF frequency for so many radios. I've heard many explanations for this, but unfortunately I've forgotten the explanations and lost the sources. I started digging into this again today. I found the below e-mail from Al N3FRQ on the Boatanchors mailing list (2008).
I contacted Al to find out if he had learned anything else on this topic. He has not. So if anyone out there has answers to Al's questions, or anyother info that would shed light on why they went with 455, please let us know.
Every so often the question comes up: Why are all the IF’s 455 KHz? I’d like to get an article together that solves this riddle while the people who know are still with us. I know parts of the story, but I need help with a couple of issues. There are two major consideration is the choice of the intermediate frequency used in a superheterodyne receiver. The lower the frequency, the easier it is to attain high selectivity. Also, in the early days, before tetrode and pentode tubes, it was easier to achieve a high degree of amplification at lower frequencies. Conversely, a higher IF frequency results in better image rejection. Early superhets had the IF at 100KHz or lower in order to get adequate gain from the available triode tubes. They suffer severely from “two-spot tuning” (images). By the early 1930’s, broadcast set had settled in at 175KHz, and automobile receivers would later adopt 262KHz as a standard. The advent of the short-wave craze, and multi-band broadcast receivers dictated a higher IF frequency to achieve adequate image suppression on the short-wave bands. The broadcast band occupied 550-1500KHz at this time, and the designer encounters sever problems if his radio tunes across it’s own IF. Some shortwave sets used 1600-1700KHz for better image rejection, but one couldn’t go higher if the 160-meter ham band (1800-2000KHZ) was to be covered. Most multi-band receiver settled in near 450KHz, a comfortable distance from the first broadcast channel at 550KHz. Questions: Odd multiples of 5KHz, 455, 465, etc., were usually chosen so that the image of the carrier of a broadcast-band station could be zero-beat with the carrier of the station being tuned to achieve minimal interference. (This assumes 10KHz channel spacing. Did the Europeans (9KHz) do something else?) The Radiotron Designers Handbook, Third Edition, p. 159, states “A frequency of 455 Kc/s is receiving universal acceptance as a standard frequency, and efforts are being made to maintain this frequency free from radio interference.” (1) Do FCC and international frequency allocations reflect this? (2) I’ve heard the term “Clear-Channel IF.” Can anyone cite references? (3) At lease one news group posting claims that broadcast frequencies in a particular market are assigned to prevent strong inter-modulation products from falling near 455KHz. Is this factual? Need reference.” (4) Was this (3) at least part of the reason for “Radio Moving Day” in 1941? See: http://www.dcmemories.com/RadioMovingDay/ 032341WINXFreqChange.jpg (5) Many National Radio sets used a 456KHz IF’s and I think I remember a 437 somewhere. Why? Are there different considerations for short-wave CW operation? Further input, corrections, and elaborations are greatly appreciated. Scolarly reference will be looked upon with great favor. Regards, Al -- Al Klase - N3FRQ Flemington, NJ http://www.skywaves.ar88.net/
Thursday, April 7, 2016
The meaning of "CM" in the Toyo CM-455 Filter
Photo by ZS1KE |
Today I started wondering about the passband characteristics of the device. What do the skirts look like? So I started Googling. There is not much out there, but I did come across a really interesting Epson site that describes the origins of this filter, and what the CM means. CM is for "Crystal Mechanical." Wow, this little box combines the characteristics of a crystal filter AND a Collins Mechanical filter:
Does anyone have the specs on these filters, and perhaps a passband graph?
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Recent Homebrew Projects from Jan PA3GSV (of "Mate for the Mighty Midget" Fame)
Recent talk of the Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver and Pete's PIMP SSB transmitter brought me back in contact with the work of Jan, PA3GSV. I took a look at his QRZ.com page and found that he has some projects that rival even his seemingly unbeatable MMM RX project.
Check it out for some real homebrew eye candy:
Friday, September 7, 2012
Eddy's "Salvage Super"
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