This morning I built a mic/PTT for the BITX 40. I used the little electret element that Farhan sent with the rig. The element sits atop the plastic tube from a pen. For the push-to-talk I used a little push switch that locks down (on) until you push it again (which opens it). This is very convenient -- you don't wear your thumb muscles out on long "old buzzard" transmissions! I used some PVC pipe and some wooden dowel to make the thing a bit ergonomic. It is held together with Gorilla tape.
It works great! I put the rig on the air this morning and very quickly worked KD3TB up in Pennsylvania -- Irwin was testing his K3. Then I worked KM4LWP -- James was only a mile or so from me, running 3 watts from a KX3. Then Mario, K2ZGW called in. Everyone said the rig sounds great.
In the picture above you see the rig, the mic and (on the right) the VFO.
talkSPORT in the UK to close 7 AM transmitters on the Medium Wave band
It was recently announced that OFCOM, the UK regulator has given permission
to *talkSPORT* to close down 7 of its 18 AM transmitters on the Medium Wave
3 minutes ago
Is the included tuning not ok ?