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Showing posts with label test gear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label test gear. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Why we have "BW Limit" Switches on our Oscilloscopes

Dean KK4DAS asked me why we have these switches on our 'scopes.  I didn't know.  Dean asked Alan Wolke W2AEW.  Alan knew: 

Alan Wolke wrote: 

Interesting background on the 20MHz vertical BW selection. This feature has existed on the vast majority of all oscilloscopes since the 50s or 60s (both analog & digital). When I explored the history of this, I spoke to some of the folks at VintageTek.org, and wound up having a chat with THE engineer that did it first!  Tt was John Addis, designer at Tektronix. 

At the time, Tektronix was located in Portland Oregon. While working on a wideband vertical preamp for a new scope (the 7A11 vertical plugin for the 7000 series scope), John Addis was plagued with interference from the local television broadcast station in the 50MHz band. So, he popped in a 20MHz low pass filter that he could switch in/out so that he could complete the work on the preamp. Since it was deemed useful, it was left in the design. 


And, since Tektronix added a switchable 20MHz low pass filter  in their scope, and Tek was the leader in oscilloscope technology, other manufacturers followed suit, and this feature has "stuck" as a staple in vertical setting controls. 


The main reasons you'd use this filter would be to improve the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for signals when their frequency content is below 20MHz.   You've probably noticed that, even without any signal connected, the thickness of the trace is thinner when you engage the 20MHz filter. 


Alan sent a link to a Wiki page about the 7A11 that John Addis was designing.  Alan says this places the initial inclusion of the 20 MHz BW Limit filter to the mid 1960s: 


Thanks Dean, thanks Alan!  

Monday, March 11, 2024

Radio Items Picked-up at VWS Winterfest 2024 Hamfest

As always, click on image for a better view

Above you can see what I picked up at the Vienna Wireless Society's 2024 Winterfest Hamfest. 

-- On the left in the blue box is an MXM Industries SuperRX/TX 40 transceiver. It is a kit from a Texas company.   Superhet receiver with IF at 455 kHz.  Crystal controlled CW transmitter on 7040 kHz.  The oscillator works, but so far no receive signals.  I will have to troubleshoot.  Does anyone have a schematic? 

-- Behind the MXM there is a nice box marked "Diode Detector" I opened it up and there is just a solid state diode and a 50 ohm resistor to ground.   Box may be useful. 

-- I got a couple of books: "Weekend Projects" 1979 from ARRL, and "A History of QST -- Volume 1 Amateur Radio Technology 1915 - 2013" 2013 from ARRL. 

-- On top of the Weekend Projects book you see a "Crystal Holder" from Gross Radio of New York City.  W1UJR has some good history on this company:  https://w1ujr.com/written-word/gross-radio-company-circa-1931/  This device seem to be intended to hold in place a raw piece of quartz!  Cool. 

-- To the right of the books there is a serious-looking VFO.  One dollar!  Deal!  It is a CB VFO, but the markings say it puts out 5.44 to 5.99 MHz.  So it should be useful.  The dual speed dial is very nice.  

-- Above the VFO is a nice step attenuator from the "Arrow Antenna" company of Loveland Colorado. 

-- Further to the right are some Electric Radio and Antique Wireless Association magazines that Armand WA1UQO gave me.  Really nice.  The AWA mags have a very thoughtful piece (warts and all) on Jean Shepherd.  And the ER pile has an article by Scott WA9WFA that mentions my work on the Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver.  Thanks again Armand! 

-- I also got some ADE6+ surface mount mixers.  The price was right! 

Thanks to VWS for putting on this great hamfest! 

Friday, November 10, 2023

SolderSmoke Podcast #249 -- Travel, Pete's 6BA6 rig, Books!, VFOs, SDR, Computers, Spectrum Analysers, Transistor Man! MAILBAG

New VFO for 15-10 Transceiver
Schematic below

SolderSmoke Podcast #249 is available:  http://soldersmoke.com/soldersmoke249.mp3

There is also a video version of this podcast: https://youtu.be/5xyaYivtOhw



Trip out to San Francisco. Sticker placed on the corner of Haight and Ashbury:  See picture below.  Note other sticker.  Really Groovy! 

Bill's DXCC-100.  DONE.   

Tribal Wisdom:  W1REX on HRWB https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/11/listen-to-rex-w1rex-lots-of-tribal.html

Pete's Bench:

Pete's 6BA6 rig

Pete's 6BA6 Rig

Pete Re-invents the Shirt-pocket SSB Rig

Pete's remake of the ShirtSleeve Transceiver

Pete Builds Two Computers 

Pete Adds a Second Band to his Homebrew SDR 


BEZOS BUCKS ARE BACK!  PLEASE  BUY THERE! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Mostly DIY RF:  Work proceeds in the Oregon Silicon Forest on P3ST kit development. Todd is confident the P3ST will be released on December 18th.Many other kits available now:  https://mostlydiyrf.com/ 

Sign up for the newsletter:  https://mostlydiyrf.com/subscribe/ 

Bill's Bench: 

Rebuild of the 15-10 VFO (for improved Dial Spread) (with yet another QF-1 capacitor) https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/10/dial-scale-linearity-spreading-out.html

Why Building for 10 meters is harder: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/09/why-building-for-10-meters-is-harder.html

Copper Tape shielding of 15-10 rig. 

Crushing Spurs with Better Bandpass Filters (see blog post) https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/09/crushing-17-and-12-meter-spurs-with.html

Another 15-10 rig in the works... for SSSS.   Boards are accumulating... 

More problems discovered with the Herring Aid 5 Receiver . Lots of SS blog posts  Comment from Rick WD5L.  ) https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/10/a-big-error-discovered-in-1976-qst.html   Did you try to build one?  Did you succeed or did you fail?  Please let us know. 

The Basil Mahon books (blog posts) https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/11/basil-mahon-is-author-for-us-he.html

The Sunburst and Luminary book of Don Eyles (blog posts) 

The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill (blog posts) 

Spectrum Analysers:  Tiny SA Ultra https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-tinysa-ultra-spectrum-analyser-video.html  and Polarad 632C-1; George WB5OYP gave me one of these spectrum analysers  (I NEED a manual! Does anyone have a manual or a schematic? )  : 

Polarad 632C-1

Stabilizing the EB63A (with Pete recommended LP filters from e-Bay. 



Todd VE7BPO on AF amplifiers.  Thanks Todd.  

Wes W7ZOI -- Always a privilege to exchange e-mail with Wes. 

E-mail from Jay Rusgrove W1VD. About the Herring Aid 5. 

E-mail from Eamon Skelton EI9GQ!  Amazing! 

HB2HB with Denny VU2DGR https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/09/hb2hb-contact-with-denny-vu2dgr.html

Nick M0NTV on diode matching for ring mixers: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/10/does-matching-matter-diode-matching-for.html

Paul Taylor VK3HN on the new Elecraft CW rig. 

Dean KK4DAS fixed the noise in his Hallicrafters SW receiver.  A long battle, finally won. 

Dean also in contact with G3UUR. 

Ramakrishnan VU2JXN helping me set up a backup of blog on WordPress.  

Mark KA9OOI noticed that SS podcast archive appears gone.  In fact just temporarily relocated to http://soldersmoke.com/podcastarchive.html

(SS PODCAST Archive temporarily relocated to http://soldersmoke.com/podcastarchive.html

Andreas DL1AJG - Crystal radio video. https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/10/building-crystal-set-videos.html

George N2APB on the Herring Aid 5

Grayson KJ7UM experimenting with Varactors and Thermatrons! 

Thomas K4SWL on Mattia's DC receiver. https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2023/10/mattia-zamanas-amazing-direct.html

Bob Weaver of Dial Bandspread Linearity  fame.  Electron Bunker

Mike Bryce WB8VGE QRP Hall of famer -- he too couldn't get the Herring Aid 5 working. 

Kirk NT0Z wrote about the Wayback machine.  But this former ARRL staffer he also tried and failed to get the Herring Aid 5 going.  Way back when... https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2015/03/kirks-herring-aid-tuna-tin-and-regen.html

New 15-10 VFO with schematic

Dial Bandspread (Before)

At corner of Haight and Ashbury

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Another Evaluation of the TinySA Ultra (with Teardown) (Video)

More info on using the TinySA Ultra. 

-- Makes me wonder if it makes sense for me NOT to enable Ultra mode now.  I am not going into the UHF range.

-- Waterfall!  Sig Gen! 

-- Kerry got a lot of distortion when listening to FM broadcast signals.  I wonder if this is due to the Tiny SA detector being an AM detector? 

-- Teardown was very cool.  

-- Comparison to the HP spectrum analyser was very illuminating.  Bottom line:  TinySA Ultra gives you a lot of capability for $150.  


Saturday, September 30, 2023

The TinySA Ultra Spectrum Analyser (video)

I got mine this week, and I've been playing with it.  When I spoke to Dean KK4DAS, I asked what he thought the first thing I did with it was.  He guessed that I tried out the greatly improved Resolution Bandwidth.  Good guess, but not quite:  I tried out the  "listening" feature on this SA.  You will recall that the plain-vanilla, non-Ultra TinySA required a hardware mod to allow for listening.  Dean had told me that the Ultra came with a headphone jack.  Indeed.  I fired it up and was able to listen to 1220 AM and also to the FM broadcast stations in the area.  With the FM stations, I'm guessing I was using a form of slope detection (IMSAI guy says it detects AM).   I tried to see if I could see/hear stations on the ham bands -- so far, no luck.  I'm not sure why, but I will work on this.  

The IMSAI guy video (above) does a great job in comparing the TinySA Ultra to a "real" spectrum analyser.   I think it compares very well.  

One note on where I got mine:  I ended up getting it from R&L Electronics, the recommended U.S. dealer for the device.  I had tried getting it (cheap) through AliExpress.  This didn't really work out.  The tracking info from AliExpress showed that the box had made it to my local post office, but I never got it.  It may have been that they just didn't take the complete mailing address from PayPal.  In any event, I was able to get a refund from PayPal, so no loss here.  R&L turned out to be a great source. 

Ultra, of course. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Crushing Spurs with Better Bandpass Filters

PA3AKE's passband (on screen) an mine (on NanoVNA) 

While I was away in the Dominican Republic (3-9 August 2023),  I was thinking about spurs.  While there I watched Nick M0NTV's video about mixers.  The video was all great, but I was especially taken by the way he used a spectrum analyser to evaluate the output of various mixers.  This made me think that I should do the same thing with the output of each of my dual-band BITX rigs. 

I was especially worried about the output from my 17-12 rig.  The IF is at 21.4 MHz.  The VFO runs around 3.5 MHz.   So if you add the IF and the carrier oscillator signal you get to 12 meters.  If you subtract them you get to 17 meters.  But you need some good bandpass filtering to sufficiently knock down the unwanted output from the mixer.  And the BP filter should be sufficiently narrow to take out any remnants of the carrier oscillator signal. I had taken the easy way out and had used simple dual-tuned-circuit (DTC) filters.  I started to wonder if these simple BP filters would be enough to knock down the 12 meter signal while on 17 and the 17 meter signal while on 12.  I pulled out my NanoVNA to look at the passbands: 

Here is what the 17 meter DTC filter passband looked like. The cursor is at 29.6 MHz and you can see that near the 12 meter band it is only providing about 21 db of attenuation.  That is not enough. 

And here is what the 12 meter filter looked like. Here the cursor is at 18.150 Mhz and shows about 25 db of attenuation at this frequency.  Again, not enough.  

The results are as you would expect: I could see 24.9 MHz signals in the output when I was on 17 meters, and I could see 18 MHz signals in the output when I was on 12 meters.  The spurs weren't strong, but they were there.  I knew that more robust BP filters would help.  

At first I used the circuits prescribed by Martein PA3AKE.  He used larger toroidal cores, I used smaller T-50-6 (yellow) cores.  The results were very similar.  See the first picture on this blog post. 

The results were really good.  See pictures below.  I was using a TinySA with the signal fed through a 50 ohm 30db attenuator.  I was putting a 1 kHz signal in to the mic input.  

This picture shows the 12 meter output and the now non-existent 17 meter spur.  The cursor is at 18.142 MHz:    

This picture shows the 17 meter signal and the now non-existent 12 meter spur. The cursor is at 24.993 MHz.   We can see some second harmonic signal getting past the LP filter -- I will fix this.  

Then Farhan commented on Martien's filters, noting that they are all in the "LSB" configuration.   You can see from the charts below how they would be really good when you are trying to use the "difference" output from your mixer while knocking down the sum output,  but not vice versa.     So I built new USB filters for 12 meters,  and for 10 meters in my nee 15-10 rig.  I got better results on the two "sum" bands in my rigs (10 and 12 meters) 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Phase Noise and the Radio Amateur

A weak signal disappears in the phase noise of the stronger signal.

The March 1988 QST provides a relatively clear explanation of what phase noise really is:


Phase noise is an undesired variation in the phase of the signal. In this case, an oscilloscope shows that the time between zero crossings of the signal varies over time when compared to the zero crossings of an ideal sine wave. An exaggerated example of phase noise is shown above.

Phase noise on an oscillator signal has exactly the same effect as frequency modulating the oscillator with noise.

Whenever a carrier is passed through a mixer, the phase noise of the oscillator driving that mixer is added to the carrier.

Phase noise on a transmitted signal causes effects identical to phase noise generated in a receiver.

Any signal that reaches a mixer in the receiver is modulated by the phase noise in the local oscillator driving that mixer. As such, the signal appears to have at least as much phase noise as the local oscillator. Thus, sufficiently strong signals off the receiving frequency can degrade receiver sensitivity by raising the noise floor at the receiving frequency. Receiver dynamic range is reduced as the noise floor rises.

With a frequency-shift-keyed or- a phase-shift-keyed signal, the close-in phase noise limits the maximum bit error rate that the system can achieve. Both of these effects can be quantified once the communications system is defined. With an SSB voice signal, the effects are much harder to predict, but excessive phase noise does degrade SSB signal intelligibility to some extent.

Receiver guru Rob Sherwood provides some very useful historical background on his web site:


Phase Noise: Old radios (Collins, Drake, Hammarlund, National) used a VFO or PTO and crystal oscillators to tune the bands. Any noise in the local oscillator (LO) chain was minimal. When synthesized radios came along in the 70s, the LO had noise on it. It is caused by phase jitter in the circuit, and puts significant noise sidebands on the LO. This can mix with a strong signal outside the passband of the radio and put noise on top of the weak signal you are trying to copy. This is a significant problem in some cases: You have a neighboring ham close by, during Field Day when there are multiple transmitters at the same site, and certainly in a multi-multi contest station. You would like the number to be better that 130 dBc / Hz at 10 kHz. A non-synthesized radio, such as a Drake or Collins, has so little local oscillator noise the measurements were made closer-in between 2 and 5 kHz.   

Experimental Methods in RF Design (EMRFD) has this to say about phase noise:

"The local oscillator is a critical part of any communications system. Modern transceiver performance is often compromised by LO systems that suffer from excess phase noise, effectively limiting the receiver dynamic range. While quiet oscillators, those with low phase noise, can be built using traditional methods, these circuits often lack the thermal stability of a synthesizer.... Frequency synthesis is not, however, the answer to all the LO problems presented to the experimenter.  Some PLL synthesizers are burdened by excessive phase noise. Those using DDS, while quieter, emit spurious outputs, often in profusion.  Both use an excess of digital circuitry that can often corrupt a receiver environment."  page 4.1
"At first glance, phase noise sounds like an esoteric detail that probably has little impact on practical communications.  This is generally true." page 4.12 


Hans Summers G0UPL analyzed and measured the phase noise of the Si5351a chip: 



DC4KU appears to be using the crystal filter method used by Hans: 



Martien PA3AKE has done a lot of great work on this topic.  See: 



Dean KK4DAS commented on the phase noise video of the IMSAI guy: 

Watching the video I was reminded of Segal's law roughly paraphrased as follows.:

A man with one spectrum analyzer knows his phase noise. A man with two is unsure.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

The TEK 465 'Scope Used to Create Pong and the Apple II

Wow, this is almost enough to make me take another shot at repairing my TEK 465.  


Friday, June 23, 2023

Part III: Curious Marc Repairs an All-Discrete Freq Counter: DO NOT ATTEMPT REPAIR OF CAVITY RESONATOR

I love all the "DO NOT ATTEMPT" warnings.  Wow, even HP got so skittish about this stuff.  Marc has a great sense of humor and notes that, "no cavity resonators were harmed in the production of this video."   I like the description of the mixers and the photo of the mixer antennas. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

CuriousMarc Repairs an old DISCRETE COMPONENT HP Frequency Counter

I really liked this repair video from CuriousMarc (aka AJ6JV).  This counter pre-dates the use of integrated circuits -- it is all discrete transistors.  Near the end, Marc mentions how this made this repair "like debugging a big integrated circuit, but with access to each transistor -- this made it quite satisfying."  I hear ya Marc -- with big ICs maybe all you would get to do would be to swap out a single IC.  There would not be much of a challenge there.  

With the older, discrete circuitry you get a good view of how Marc troubleshoots -- how he finds the precise points where the device is failing.  Note his use of the old HP paper manuals. I know this is an old guy thing, but I think the paper manuals (as opposed to the online versions)  just make the process easier.  Note too that Marc at one point had to go back to microfiche. 

The transistor tester Mark used was very cool. 

The whole physical structure of the HP device is very similar to my NYC HP8640B.  Thanks again Steve Silverman and Dave Bamford. 

I will look at Parts II and III of this series soon.  

Monday, May 1, 2023

Apex Surplus in Los Angeles

The Polaroid camera for the Tek 'scope was pretty cool.  And the comments about the Simpson 260 made me feel good about finding one at a recent hamfest, but I don't think mine is an extremely rare Model 2.   

Monday, March 20, 2023

Winterfest Loot: Who Can ID the Homebrew Receiver?

First a big congratulations to the Vienna Wireless Society and its President, Dean KK4DAS.  In spite of low temperatures that made the Winterfest Hamfest live up to its name, this year's 'fest was a big success with excellent turnout both by buyers and sellers.  There were a LOT of older rigs -- on one table I saw three HT-37s.   It was all great. Here is a video of the hamfest.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oheht5jCuKE&t=619s  This was shot early on Sunday morning March 19, 2023, about 30 minutes after it opened.  An hour later there were a lot more customers. 

One of the first things I bought was the item pictured above.  I bought it mostly because we are currently building 40 meter receivers with the local high-school students.  I didn't have a screw driver, so I couldn't open up the box.   Something was rattling around in there.   I worried that the box might be mostly empty.  Or that it would have one PC board with a sad collection of ICs.  But in the hope that I would find something truly homebrew, I bought it.  

Below are pictures of what I found inside.  Can anyone tell us what this is?  ( I recognized it immediately.)  More on this device in due course. 

Other loot from the 'fest: 

The one on the left I've been using since around 1998!  It is getting beat up.  I bought the one on the right at the 'fest.  It is in much better condition.  5 bucks.  TRGHS. 

I always wanted one.  I had nice leather case, but I gave it to Dick Dillman years ago. I now feel like a real boatanchor guy.  I got for 15 bucks.  I see on Amazon they are selling for $466! 

I had one as a kid.  Will be useful in the DR.  In great shape. 

Eamon Skelton's book was a great find.  As were the early editions of SSB for the Radio Amateur.  Eight bucks for the whole lot.

I like homebrew speaker enclosures.  They add soul to the new machine. Perhaps a prize for the high-school project.  Three bucks. 

Finally, this thing.  Plagued by guilt for past cannibalizations of QF-1s,   I was going to pass on this one, but I realized that my friend Dean KK4DAS would be on his way, and if I didn't take it (and extract the variable capacitor) he would.  So I bought it.  But I may leave this one as is, for possible use as the The Radio Gods intended.  It could use some cleaning up.  It seems to have a coat of nicotine. Ten bucks. 

I also picked up a few larger knobs that may be of use with the high-school receivers. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

SolderSmoke Podcast #244 PETE IS BACK! TR-7, CK722, BFR106, HP8640B, High-School Receiver, 10 Min TX, MAILBAG

SolderSmoke Podcast #244 Is available:


Video version at:

(118) SolderSmoke - YouTube

Pete's new blog: https://hamradiogenius.blogspot.com/ ---- Update on the high school project: Mixers made. Harder than they seemed. First QSO with the DC RX. Allan W4AMV Homebrewer TRGHS Ten Minute Transmitter – Better than the MMM! AF4K (SK) crystals. Other supporting projects: Farhan in Hyderabad. Rick N3FJZ, Walter KA4KXX, Andreas DL1AJG Electronics for Biologists. Peter Marks VK3TPM (fighting the siren call of the Si5351) . Steven VK2BLQ built a beautiful one. Daniel VE5DLD will build three of them with his students. Orlando PY2ANE is building one in Brazil. This week: The Bandpass Filter. (Thank you Hans Summers) --- SHAMELESS COMMERCE DIVISION: BECOME A PATRON VIA PATREON. I am posting some fun stuff for the Patrons. AMAZON SHOPPING ADS Now on both the left and right columns. CHECK OUT Mostly DIY RF in the right hand column. ---- My HP8640B Lives to Fight another day. Two new DMMs A low-end Fluke and a AstroAI 6000 Electrolytic Replacement Controversy Continues
Mailbag: -- Dave AA7EE is blogging again! Yea! -- Mike Rainey AA1TJ back in the Hobbit Hole Building a WWVB receiver. -- Farhan is coming to FDIM. -- Tony G4WIF reminds us that 39 bucks for JUST a 60 MHz counter would be great! -- Dave VE3EAC again helped me fix my HP8640B. -- Dean KK4DAS finalizing 10 meter DSB rig. FB. Upgraded my NanoVNA. -- Mike KD4MM giving me a Nano VNA for the SolderSmoke Shack South. -- Ian VK3LA asked what happened to Chuck Adams content. Good question. -- Don ND6T and I have been discussing envelope detection. -- Nick M0NTV working on AM modulators. He has a new video. -- Ciprian YO6DXE built a Ten Minute Transmitter. -- Steve EI5DD Connacht Regional News: https://www.docdroid.net/YJAV800/crnews0223-pdf

Hyderabad DC RX Workshop

Farhan explaining the receiver in Hyderabad

Friday, March 3, 2023

My HP8640B Signal Generator Lives Again

I'd really come to like this old signal generator.  The construction is superb.  It was built to be repaired.  As you open it up you find all kinds of useful diagrams and pointers.  It is very solidly built - it looks like something that was built for the Apollo program.  And it was given to me by a friend:  Steve Silverman KB3SII gave it to me in 2017 -- he had it in his New York City shack.  Dave Bamford W2DAB picked it up for me just before Steve moved out of the city.  

I've already done one complex  repair on it -- one of the tines on one of the selection switches fell of and I had to replace the tine.  That was difficult, but it was a very satisfying repair.  

But lately, the HP8640B started acting up again.  It developed an intermittent problem that caused both the signal generator and the frequency counter to just shut down.  

I was thinking that this might be the end of the road for the HP8640B.  I even started looking for alternatives.  But they were all very unappealing.  They come in plastic boxes with names like Feeltech and Kooletron.  The boxes are filled with flaky wiring and boards hot glued to the plastic.  Yuck.  The contrast with the HP8640B could not be stronger.  

So I started to think about the problem.  This was the first part of the troubleshooting process.  I asked myself:  What would cause several different systems (counter, frequency generator, and display) to all shut down?   The power supply was a leading candidate.  

I started reading the power supply section of the HP8640B manual.  There was a line in there that caught my eye:  The power supply boards had on them LEDs that glowed if the board was functioning.  Thank you Hewlett Packard!  I opened the top of the signal generator and found the power supply boards. Sure enough, there were the LEDs.  I turned the generator on, and found that one of the lights was out. Bingo. (Trevor takes a look at the power supply boards in the video above.  I have it cued up to the 12:57 point at which he talks about and shows these boards.) 

Here was the other clue:  The problem was intermittent.  It kind of seemed like a loose connection.  So I just unseated the board and took it out.  I put some De-Oxit on the connector and popped it back in.  Boom:  The LED came on and the HP8640B came pack to life. 

There is a whole bunch of great info and videos on the HP8640B on the internet.  It is almost as if a cult has developed.  This signal generator is worthy of a cult following.  Count me in.  

I especially liked the video below.  Kevin really captures the admiration that many of us feel toward the way this piece of gear was built.  He also kind of hints at the way this sig gen could become a pirate transmitter on the FM broadcast band (at 8:44):  

I know that eventually the problematic plastic gears in this device might fall apart.  I am prepared for this:  I already have the metal replacement gears from India.   

Thanks again to Steve Silverman KB3SII and Dave Bamford W2DAB for bringing me into the HP8640B cult. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Couple of New Digital Multimeters: a Fluke and an AstroAI

Our high school direct conversion project made me realize that I really need to upgrade my digital multimeter. I've been using an old Radio Shack DMM that I bought about 25 years ago.  It is OK, but it is not auto-ranging and it is starting to physically deteriorate.  So off I went to Bezos-land. 

First I spotted the Fluke 101.  I was enticed by the brand and the low price.  But when it got here I was a bit disappointed.  It is really small -- smaller than my cell phone. It is auto-ranging, and it does measure capacitance,  but it doesn't measure hFe and the frequency counter only goes up to 100 kHz.  I couldn't use it to measure the frequency of our DC receiver PTO.  So, back to Bezos. (I'll keep the Fluke as a toolbox DMM.)  

Next I found the AstroAI True RMS 6000 DMM.  Obviously not as prestigious as the Fluke, but both the Fluke and the AstroAI are manufactured in China.  The AstroAI was really inexpensive:  Like 34 bucks.  And Amazon would do same day delivery here.  Soon it was on my front porch. 

I've only been playing with it for a day or so, but I really like it.  It is auto-ranging, it has automatic shut-down, the frequency counter goes up to 60 MHz,  it measures hFe and even has temperature sensor.   The frequency counter had no problem measuring the output frequency of our DC RX PTO.  The screen is big and bright. And I think the True RMS feature will be very helpful when I try to measure amplifier gain. 

I like it. And you can't really go wrong for the price.  34 dollars! 

I have the Astro AI DMM in the Amazon ads on the right-hand column of the blog.  I should have bought the package with the additional test probes.   Click over there on the right for more info. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

R-390s, KWM-2s, Airplanes, and Magnetic Loops -- A Really Interesting Interview with Ted Robinson K1QAR

Eric Guth 4Z1UG has a really interesting interview with Ted Robinson K1QAR.  

I really enjoyed hearing Ted's inspiring story: 



Listeners will like the discussion of the R-390 and the KWM-2.  And his talk about airplanes.  And the joy of repair.  

Here is Ted's QRZ.com page:  https://www.qrz.com/db/K1QAR

Thanks Eric!  Thanks Ted! 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Mr. Carlson's New Lab and Workbench

I am very glad to see that Mr. Carlson is NOT slowing down.  In fact he has built another lab and is ramping up.  FB!  

Monday, November 21, 2022

The TinySA ULTRA: Audio out! 200 Hz Resolution! Works Up to 6 GHz! Bigger Screen! (Video)

The improved resolution could be useful -- we may now be able to see the sidebands coming out of a mixer that is producing AF out (as in a DC receiver). 

The bigger screen is nice. 

Looks like Dean and I will not have to modify our TinySAs for audio out.  We will just upgrade to Ultra so we can listen in style to Vatican Radio and Radio Marti.   

Thanks to Karl K5KHK for alerting us to the Ultra. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Watching Shortwave Broadcast Stations on the TinySA Spectrum Analyser

November 18, 2022 1244 UTC. I was using a TinySA spectrum analyzer to look at noise levels on the 40 meter ham radio band. I also wanted to take a look slightly above the band (in frequency) to see Radio Marti at 7355 kHz. As I was doing this I remembered that Vatican Radio was on the air at 7305 kHz from 1230 UTC to 1245 UTC. So was just going to catch the last moments of that day's transmissions. Sure enough, I caught it, and watched it disappear from the TinySA screen. See the video above.

Radio Marti continued on. In the morning we can hear the rooster recordings from that station. We are using it to test how well our homebrew Direct Conversion receivers avoid AM detection. In the video I mistakenly said these two transmitters were on the air with 250 megawatts. The correct power is 250 kilowatts. Both transmit from Greenville NC. I think the signal from Vatican Radio is stronger here because they are using a different antenna pattern -- Radio Marti is aimed at Cuba.

This reminds me of a cool project I have not yet done:  modifying the TinySA to allow the user to listen to the station: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2021/10/how-to-listen-with-your-tinysa.html  I notice that Dean KK4DAS (my colleague in DC receiver design) was the only commenter on the blog post describing the TinySA mod. TRGHS.  We need to to do this. 

Here are the reports showing when Vatican Radio and Radio Marti were on the air on November 18, 2022: 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Great Technical Info and Tribal Knowledge from GQRP

Thanks to Tony Fishpool G4WIF for sending us this link.  


There is a lot of great tech info and Tribal Knowledge on the GQRP page.  This is all related to our discussion of how to set up an electronic workbench or workshop. 

Thanks Tony and thanks to GQRP. 

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