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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

ZL2BMI @ AA7EE -- Possibly the Most Beautiful DSB Rig Ever Built

Dave AA7EE has a very cool blog post on his version of the famed ZL2BMI DSB transceiver (seen above).  As usual, Dave puts most of us to shame with his excellent non-ugly construction and enviable in-focus macrophotography.

Check it out:

I especially liked Dave's discussion of how and why .1 uF caps are used in the coupling and bypass network between the two chips.

Of course, the only thing I don't like about this rig is the, well, the chips.  Can we persuade Dave to build the earlier discrete component version of this rig?

Be sure to read the many comments on Dave's post.   Our friend Rogier comments on the beauty of it all.  Edgardo LU1AR (the Argentine wizard with the gyrocopter) chimes in.  And we see  feedback from Eric Sears ZL2BMI himself.  FB. 


Sunday, September 4, 2016

First Signals from the "Armand HROish" Receiver

I've been kind of busy lately with other things, but I have managed to squeeze in a few minutes most days to work on my latest receiver project.  I call it the Armand HROish receiver.  Armand WA1UQO sent me the big National HRO-style dial and gear box, and he was there at the Manassas hamfest when I bought the dual variable cap that now serves in the front end pre-selector.

I went with a 455 kHz IF.   The idea is to have a receiver that tunes from around 6.5 MHz to around 8 MHz so I can do some shortwave listening AND listen to 40 meters.

So far the filter consists of three IF cans (one small transistor can and two larger tube-type cans).  The small transistor can was given to me by Michael Rainey AA1TJ - thanks Mike. Doug DeMaw suggested this use of IF transformers in his "Design Notebook."

At the front end I have a tunable dual tuned circuit filter followed by a 40673 amp. 

The mixer is an SBL-1.

1st and 2nd IF amps are a 23 db 50 ohm termination insensitive amplifiers.

I have a second SBL-1 that will be the product detector, but I haven't built the BFO yet.  So today I hooked up two 1N34A diodes in voltage double config and -- with a bit of AF amplification, got the receiver inhaling with a diode detector.   I could pick up Radio Canada.  Then I heard SSB sigs on 40.  With no BFO, I decided to put my sig gen on 455 kHz and just wrap the lead around the IF cans.  It worked -- I could listen to SSB and CW sigs.  Very satisfying. 

Still to do:
-- BFO and product detector.
-- Work on AF amp.
-- Get my CM-455 crystal mechanical amp in there with some relays around it so I can switch from narrow to broad via the front panel.

Lots of soul in this receiver:  All parts either 1) came out of the junkbox, 2) were gifts from friends, or 3) were recent hamfest purchases.  The HRO dial from Armand and the IF can from AA1TJ.  The 455 kHz filter idea came from Doug DeMaw, the VFO circuit from SSDRA.  The VFO base is from Whole Foods and the whole thing is built on a kitchen cutting board. It includes a 40673 and germanium diodes. The VFO amps are in Altoid tins.  It will, when finished, go into a big metal box given  to me by Tim KI6BGE and shipped east by Pete Juliano.  And when I was working on the 1st mixer, I accidentally pricked my finger and a drop of N2CQR blood went onto the breadboard.  Of course, I left it there.   SOUL!

The Radio Gods are apparently pleased:  In the first hour or so of listening, I was rewarded for my efforts when I managed to hear Tim WA1HLR on 40 AM describe his troubleshooting of an old piece of gear.  TRGHS.  

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Signal for SETI? HD 164595

That's the Russian radio-telescope that picked up what was thought to be a possible signal from an extraterrestrial civilization.   This article from the SETI Institute has some interesting tech info on antennas and power levels.  Definitely not QRP!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Update on the PA3GSV M4MMRX -- And a Mystery

Note the establishment of a new acronym (M4MMRX) for Lew McCoy's Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver.  We  have needed this acronym for a long time, and SolderSmoke HQ is proud to have come up with it.  We do our part my friends.

Jan has made more progress on his amazing Dutch M4MMRX and has produced a short video showing the receiver in action with SSB and CW signals. 

Here is a bit of intriguing homebrew mystery:  Jan has gone to a LOT of trouble to create that semi-circular opening in the center of the front panel.  He even cut a corresponding semi-circular hole in the sewer pipe cap that serves as the large wheel in his amazing homebrew reduction drive.  But he won't tell us what he plans to do with that space.  So I ask you, dear SolderSmoke readers:  What is that space for?  Why the see-through panel and sewer-pipe cap?  What is Jan's plan? 

From Jan:

Hi Bill,
 The rattle is gone, so I made a little video of the MMMRX in ssb and cw mode.

In the text, a ch327 and a ch45 crystal is mentioned, but I can’t get this to work.
The ch45 has a 453.6 kHz fundamental, for ch327 can’t find one.
The ch327 is a FT-243 one, tested several, but no fundamental somewhere around 455 kHz.
For ssb there is a ch45 and a ch46 crystal in, which should provide a bandwidth of about 2kHz.
(Still not totally in the clear how this should work with the very narrow resonance response of the crystals.
One should expect two peaks and nothing in the middle?)
For cw I found two ch45 crystals about 130 Hz difference in frequency, which seems to work well.

Still need to correct the 40m oscillator coil, then move on to finishing the receiver.
This is my first home brew tube superhet.
The project isn’t finished yet, but it sure is fun to build, and learned a lot during the process.

73  Jan

Sunday, August 28, 2016

40673 LTSpice Model?

Does anyone have an LTSpice Model for the venerable 40673?  Or for a similar MOSFET?  I'm hoping to find something that I can easily plug into LTSpice. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

The NAA VLF Station (NOT QRP!) and Brad's Receiver

NAA Towers -- Arlington Va. 1913

Brad WA8WDQ wrote to us about a VLF (24 kHz) his receiver project (see below).  This led to some Googling about the VLF station NAA.  Wow, there is some important radio history associated with that call sign.   The station's original location was just a few miles from I where I live now.  From Wikipedia  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLF_Transmitter_Cutler):

The station began operations in 1913 as a radio telegraphy station call sign NAA in Arlington, Virginia, at a facility next to Fort Myer. Although its broadcasts occasionally included band concerts and speeches, it was most famous for its nightly time signals. The three towers known then as "The Three Sisters" stood 600 feet, 450 feet and 200 feet (183, 137, and 61 m) above the ground. The site was referred to as "Radio", Virginia. The towers were the second largest man-made structure in the world behind only the Eiffel Tower. The word "Radio" was first used instead of "Wireless," in the name of this Naval Communications facility. The First Trans-Atlantic voice communication was made between this station and the Eiffel Tower in 1915. The Nation set its clocks by the signal and listened for its broadcast weather reports. The Towers were dismantled in 1941 as a menace to aircraft approaching the new Washington National Airport. The towers stand today at United States Naval Academy in Maryland, on the edge of the Chesapeake Bay. 

Be sure to read about the de-icing system for the antenna.  It uses more power than the actual transmitter!

From Brad:

Bill, Pete,
Here's the current status of the 24 KHz NAA SID receiver.  All the major sub-assemblies are mounted in the chassis and power is hooked up.  For convenience, I've been using the PowerWerx USBbuddy switching DC-DC converter to supply +5V power to the Raspberry Pi from the +12V input.  I've found them extremely RF quiet, clean and stable; capable of supplying 3A though this project will only need about 1.5A @ +5V.  At this point, I'm just waiting for Adafruit to send the A/D chip I'll wire up to the Pi on that empty protoboard just under the meter.  Speaking of the meter, it's not really needed as the Pi records and broadcasts over Wi-Fi the received signal level.  However, I like my projects to have some sort of physical human interface so I added the signal level meter and an LED for SID event alarms :).

As previously mentioned, my bench test of the receiver using my signal generator was successful.  Once everything is wired, I'll do an actual on-air signal test receiving NAA.

Brad  WA8WDQ

Monday, August 22, 2016

Radio New Zealand Booming in on 7245 AM

The day is off to a good start here at SolderSmoke HQ, with Radio New Zealand booming in on my homebrew Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver.  I was listening from around 0900 to 1030 UTC on 7245 kHz. Once again we see that The Radio Gods favor homebrew receivers. Gray line propagation also played a role.  

Above we see a technician at work at RNZ in 1945.  More historic photos here:

Sunday, August 21, 2016

First Signals from the PA3GSV Mighty Midget Mate

Obviously the Radio Gods (Spirits in the Sky) approve of Jan's work.  How could they not?  I can now see why he took the trouble to cut that hole in the sewer pipe cap that forms the large wheel on his homebrew reduction drive.  But what are we going to see through that center hole Jan?  What will the frequency readout be like?  
Hi  Bill,

Just finished the last stage of the Mighty Midget MK2.
There are first signals!
The first one I heard was a broadcast station, believe it or not, the song that was on was “Spirit in the Sky” ..
All stages were built, tested and as far as possible, adjusted separately.
It was built from back to front, so the RF amplifier was last.
I added an ECL82 for more audio, the first thought of only using an EL84 didn’t bring enough.
The triode of the ECL82 as a pre-amp, the pentode as final.
Furthermore ECF82’s were used instead of the 6U8, they’re more widely available over here.
The Miller coils are hard to come by, so the 300 uH coils are homebrew.
Also used a grid detector instead of the two germanium diodes.
The triode of V1 originally intended for audio was used for this.
Made the BFO adjustable as well, still remember the screwdriver sticking out of the coil on your side... 
Happily there was not much troubleshooting needed.
The 80m coil was only 5 kHz off, the 40m coil 300 kHz (to low in frequency), still have to fix that.
Initially the receiver worked reasonably well without adjusting, but C1 quit at some point.
After some investigation, the problem was a dirty wiper contact on the rotor.
An ultrasonic bath fixed the problem, so no looking out for a replacement there. (hope it stays that way)
After adjusting, sensitivity is around -114dBm (0,4 uV) / 10 dB S/N!  (with the FT241 crystals in place, and careful tuning of the controls)
Really not bad for this small receiver, Lew McCoy was right, it really is a Mighty Midget.
I wanted to make some video’s, but over here there’s a terrible S9 rattle from 160 to 15 meters.
Every now and then it appears out of nowhere, and disappears the same way.
As soon as it is gone, I’ll make some video’s.
I made one video though, just after completing the receiver.
Reception on CW and SSB sounds really well, but unfortunately didn’t record that.
The receiver is not finished yet.
Next to the 40m coil,  S-meter has to be tried, and there’s still some work on the cabinet and front panel.
More to follow.
73  Jan

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

N7UN Talks About Summits on the Air (FDIM Interview by Bob Crane)

Bob Crane, our intrepid correspondent at the Dayton Hamvention talked to Guy N7UN (pictured above) about taking ham radio up to the mountaintops.  It was nice to hear Guy mention Wayne Burdick and Wes Hayward and WG0AT.    Thanks Bob!  Thanks Guy!

Listen here:


More on N7UN here:


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Reggae Knack?

Could it be that Bob Marley's son Ky-Mani has The Knack? Probably not (no mention of it in Wikipedia) but he certainly has some nice old receivers on his 2007 album cover.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Joy of Analog Oscillation -- A Character-Building Experience

I'm a younger ham, just 26, and I've just experienced what I think you call Joy Of Oscillation as I completed my first L-C VFO. What fun!

I'm working on Peter Parker VK3YE's
Beach 40 Double-Sideband transceiver, and while my natural proclivity is toward the SI5351 and it's brethren, I figured it would be character-building to actually put together an analog VFO for once.

After much tweaking of the feedback capacitor in the oscillator, and massaging the tank inductors, and conking out an additional buffer stage to drive the diode-ring mixer at the appropriate level, and gluing Manhattan pads on top of Island pads.... I say, without reservation, that this was
great radio fun! And isn't that what it's all about?
(Now it only it didn't drift so much... so I guess it's not quite complete yet)
Just wanted to share, love the podcast and the blog, I learn something new each episode.

All the Best,

Jeff, KK9JEF


Great stuff Jeff.  Character building indeed!    As for the drift, try this:

-- Replace the toroid in the oscillator circuit with a coil wound on a non-metallic core.  I use a cardboard tube from a coat hanger.

-- Make sure the capacitors in the oscillator and even in the buffer are NP0 caps (they don't change in value as they heat).

-- Try to run the oscillator stage at reduced voltage.  Six volts is better than nine.

--  After you solder, always let the device cool down for several hours (or even overnight) before you evaluate it.  Heat from the soldering iron will be dissipating and changing the freq for a LONG time.

Above all, IGNORE the inevitable recommendation from Pete Juliano that you forget about all this nonsense and just go with an Si5351.

Please keep us posted on your progress. 
73  Bill   N2CQR

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