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Saturday, May 8, 2021
Chuck Penson WA7ZZE, Heathkits, and the Titan Missile Museum
Friday, May 7, 2021
"Adventures in Electromagnetism" Video by Julius Sumner Miller
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Ciprian's Romanian Ten Minute Transmitter with Roots in SPRAT, KA4KXX, and the Florida Sunrise Net
Monday, May 3, 2021
A New Michigan Mighty Mite Oscillates in Northern Virginia
- Capture this MMM into a semi-permanent design: ie, perf board.
- Measure performance. What does the carrier wave look like on a scope?
- Build a low-pass filter.
- Can I amplify the signal? Maybe add an amplifier stage or two. Transistor?
- Next, let's look at receivers. Pete & Bill recommend that I build a Direct Conversion receiver. I know Peter Parker (VK3YE) has a simplified version.
Friday, April 30, 2021
Trying to Repair Some Old Gear, He Got Hit with a Dose of LSD!
Oh no, here's something else for us to worry about when working on old gear. As if the treat of electrocution or radioactive poisoning were not enough, now we have to worry about being hit with a dose of the 1960's drug culture. That could be one bad trip indeed. Imagine if you were having a hard time troubleshooting the Buchla Model 100. All of a sudden things start getting weird and your test gear starts dancing on the bench.
Fortunately, this is not likely to happen with a rig like the DX-100. With rigs like that the only similar danger is nicotine poisoning.
Thanks to Stephen Walters for finding this groovy story.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Coming Soon! An N6QW Action Figure!
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Argentine SSB (BLU) Homebrew from Guillermo LW3DYL
Really nice work. BLU is Spanish for SSB. (Juliano BLU?)
But I think Guillermo needs to build ONE MORE BOARD! A VFO or a VXO. Analog. To finish the job. Guillermo tells me this is in the works -- he selected an IF of 11.0592 MHz specifically so that he can use a variable oscillator built around a 4 MHz ceramic resonator.
Complete schematic and PC board patterns on his site:
Friday, April 16, 2021
Homebrew Lives! TWENTY N6QW Simple SSB Transceivers Under Construction in Northern Virginia
What Kind of Car Would Have this Plate?
We are proud to say that the owner is a SolderSmoke listener. Can you figure out what kind of car he is driving?
(See comments for answer).