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Sunday, July 10, 2022
A Truly Great Book: "From Atoms to Amperes" by F.A. Wilson (Free Download)
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Would this Really Be Homebrew?
Monday, July 4, 2022
Ciprian Got His Ticket: YO6DXE (and Romanian Mighty Mite FIXED!)
Ciprian writes:
Thank you so much to you all... and thank you SolderSmoke for always writing about my learning in homebrew gear. I did finally got my license... just waiting for the paperwork to arrive. But now I'm finally YO6DXE ( DX Explorer lol ). I did found my issue with the power... it seems that it's from the cheap BD139 that doesn't seem to work as expected. I get about 500mW with a 2n2222. So I ended up making another version of the transmitter that I'm really happy about. 73 to you all DE YO6DXE.
SolderSmoke posts about Ciprian: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=Ciprian
Ciprian's QRZ.com page: https://www.qrz.com/db/YO6DXE
Ciprian's blog: https://dxexplorer.com/
Ciprian's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DXExplorer
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Homebrew Variable Capacitors -- VU2NIL's Antenna Tuner (and other projects from Basanta)
Saturday, July 2, 2022
A Double Sideband Transmitter from France -- F4IET's "Master Robert"
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Details on Pete N6QW's Wireless Set
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Flip-up Workbench Build -- Possible Application for Our Test Gear
Monday, June 27, 2022
Pete N6QW's Hybrid Wireless Set -- A Thing of Beauty, with Thermatrons
Thoughts on Homebrew, Makers, DIY, and Hams -- from Lex PH2LB
Sometimes we get a comment that is so good that we elevate it to the main blog page. That was the case with Lex PH2LB's comment on the blog post of Owen Duffy (yesterday).
When I started the hobby, it arose out of technological curiosity, the interest in understanding things and the will to make things myself (designing myself was not my main goal). It doesn't matter to me whether it is 100% DIY or a kit (such as Heathkit, Elecraft, QRP-Labs etc) which is modified or not after construction. Just having fun with the hobby and pushing boundaries. And yes I also have some off-the-shelf transceivers (I'm super happy with my FT817ND) and my QO-100 uplink is also a kit (which is then already soldered a little more than average). As far as new tools are concerned: here at home are 2 types of 3D printers, various tools for SMT assembly, and I have a nice workshop equipped with tools and equipment for metal / plastic / wood processing. And every day I try to learn something new, because I stand by the IBEW moto : If you know stuff, you can do stuff.
Am I a maker then? I wouldn't call myself that. Just like I don't call myself a hacker because I'm quite handy with computers, technology and have certain skills. I'm just a hobbyist who wants to do and make things after work.Sunday, June 26, 2022
ZL2BMI Double Sideband QRP Transmitter in SPRAT #191
Very cool that SPRAT had a Double Sideband (DSB) transmitter article in its current issue (#191 Summer 2022). The author is DSB guru Eric Sears ZL2BMI,creator of the famous ZL2BMI DSB QRP transceiver.
I think DSB is a great way to break into homebrewing for phone. Building a DSB transmitter is a LOT easier than building an SSB rig. The DSB transmitter can then be converted into a DSB/Direct Conversion transceiver.
Here is a link to 75 SolderSmoke blog posts about DSB (keep on scrolling, keep on hitting the "older posts" button): https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search/label/DSB
Here are a bunch of blog posts that mention ZL2BMI: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=ZL2BMI
Thank you Eric, and thanks to G-QRP.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Australian Homebrew: Owen Duffy ex VK1OD now VK2OMD. Are Hams Makers?
This week I stumbled upon this amazing blog from Australia. I had to check with Australian friends to find out more about the author. Owen Duffy has for many years been a rigorous homebrewer who has documented his findings on his blog: https://owenduffy.net/blog/
For example, Owen asks the question, "Are hams makers?" https://owenduffy.net/blog/?p=122
There is a lot of great material on this blog. It goes back to 2013. Peter Parker notes that an earlier version of the blog (before Owen was forced to change his callsign from VK1OD to VK2OMD) goes back even further and is accessible via the Way-Back Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/*/
Check it out. Lots of really useful and interesting material there. Thanks Owen. And thanks to the Australian friends who provided background info.