Today's aparatus (above). Chamber is larger and I left the bottom sealed. It sits directly atop a chunk of dry ice. The spongeat the top is soaked in alcohol.
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Saturday, April 27, 2024
Cloud Chamber Finale
Friday, April 26, 2024
Re-building the Islander DSB/CW Tube Rig in Cuba
Pavel CO7WT is making great progress in re-building an Islander DSB rig, the same kind of rig that got him started in ham radio, and that was so popular in Cuba years ago. Here are some background blog posts on this rig: In essence, the Islander was the earlier tube DSB/CW rig; the Jaguey was a later, solid-state DSB/CW rig.
When they get this Islander going, hams outside Cuba should definitely try to work this re-creation of an important rig.
Thanks Pavel for all the information. I will share with the group info that Pavel sent about temperature stabilization techniques used on this rig.
Pavel CO7WT writes:
The 600V is 300ish V from the transformed DOUBLED stright from the transformer and if you look closely on the diagram the doubling capacitor need to be of good quality otherwise it will explode in the spot.
As you can imagine, using scrapped parts means that very often this capacitor explodes, even after a few months of duty, that was a common problem.
We used to use 47uF/800v from Germany that was almost easy to obtain, but exploded like fireworks a given day.
Later I learned that if you put a resistor of about 1k 5W in series and work it for a while like this [no real voltage at the end] it will behave in the future and this trick saved many, a trick that was shared with Coro CO2KK and he found the explanation on the taming/training of the dielectric after storage/inactivity will prevent it from exploding.
I think he made mention this on a DXers Unlimited program...
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Big Success with Cloud Chamber
Here's the C.L Stong book. My project begins on page 307
So what band would this be? Something in the nanometer range, right?
Here is a video showing what you see in a large cloud chamber:
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
EXCELLENT Video Series on RF Amplifier Design
Sunday, April 21, 2024
The War of the Worlds -- In CW -- By Chuck Adams AA7FO
This is for CW fans, or for those wishing to improve their CW skills. You can now listen to the entire H.G. Wells book in CW, thanks to Chuck Adams, AA7FO.
This seems very timely becasue my son and I are watching the NETFLIX version of "The Three Body Problem" by Cixin Liu. This deals with an entirely different war of the worlds.
Check out Chuck's CW version of the book. Thanks Chuck!
Friday, April 19, 2024
Deep Space Station 43 -- Canberra, Australia
DSS-43 boasts a pointing accuracy of 0.005 degrees (18 arc seconds)—which is important for ensuring that it is pointed directly at the receiver on a distant spacecraft. Voyager 2 broadcasts using a 23-watt radio. But by the time the signals traverse the multibillion-kilometer distance from the heliopause to Earth, their power has faded to a level 20 billion times weaker than what is needed to run a digital watch. Capturing every bit of the incident signals is crucial to gathering useful information from the transmissions.
The antenna has a transmitter capable of 400 kilowatts, with a beam width of 0.0038 degrees. Without the 1987 upgrade, signals sent from DSS-43 to a spacecraft venturing outside the solar system likely never would reach their target.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
The Rad Receiver from N6GWB
Geoff N6GWB and his eldest have produced a really wonderful receiver, and have joined the elite ranks of those who have built their own receivers. Congratulations to both! ( Be sure to watch the video below.)
Geoff writes:
Though I built it, my eldest has retained naming rights. Behold the Rad Radio Receiver, an Soldersmoke inspired build. It’s a 40m DC reciever. I had planned on making this a truly 50-50 N6QW N2CQR build, but I needed to get it done for a show and tell this Wednesday. I have N6QW dual JFET RF amp and mixer modules. I have the N2CQR ceramic ocillator circuit from the 2017 DC receiver project. I had planned on including the all analog audio amp from the more recent N2CQR DC project, but alas, time got the best of me. I was hoping to make the whole thing all-analog. (I thought the all analog would get me more “hard work” kudos at the show and tell.) I ended up including a LM386 audio amp making this a bit of a cyborg.
Monday, April 15, 2024
A QRP Quiz Question
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Homebrew-to-Homebrew Contact on 17 meters with DL2RMM (Video)
Here is short clip of a very cool HB2HB contact on 17 meters. Thanks Jens!
Check out his QRZ page here:
Monday, April 8, 2024
Woebot -- An AI-Based Therapy Bot for Us?
"I have discovered spurs in the output of my transmitter. They are 60 db down, but I still can't stop thinking about them. What should I do?"
I can't help thinking that if Jean Shepherd had access to something like this, his Heising modulator trouble might not have spoiled his date with the girl from his school.
What do you guys think about the Woebot?