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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Smoke on the way

SS 112 has been recorded. I'm out in the Sabine Hills right now but
should be able to upload around 2000 UTC tonight.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Homebrew Telescope Finds Earth-sized Scar on Jupiter

Wow! Amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley in Australia was the first one to see this new scar on Jupiter. Reminds me of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impact back in 1994. I saw the results of that strike direct from my front yard in the Dominican Republic using a Tasco 4 inch reflector. (The story of that adventure is in the book, "SolderSmoke -- A Global Adventure in Radio Electronics.") Exciting stuff!

Icing on the cake: The discovery was made with a HOMBREW telescope! Here is the web page of the fellow who made the discovery:
I really enjoyed reading his account of the discovery.

Here is a news article about the event:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Apollo 11

I was 10 years-old and totally involved with the mission. Armstrong
was my hero. I kept a scrapbook (still have it). There is an
interesting Italian angle: Collins was born in Rome. His dad was with
the US Embassy. Glad to see Buzz is doing well. There is a great story
in the book Moondust about his dealings with an obnoxious reporter. I
think Buzz handled it perfectly.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

No Smoke Today

I'm away from Rome this Sunday morning. We are back in Sicily. I can't
generate a podcast on this Blackberry!I hope to get the next
SolderSmoke out next Sunday. 73 from sunny Sicily. Bill

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Taming the Beast: Progress on the One FET Regen Rig

I went back to work on the ET-1R, my relay-based version of the single FET transceiver (check the index on the left under Minimalist Radio for more on this). The contest this weekend (was it CQ WW DX?) gave me plenty of signals to tweak the receiver with. I finally got the RX in the right freq range, and I have a nice banset/bandspread arrangement with two variable caps. I attacked the dreaded hand capacity issue via the use of non-conducting attachments to the capacitor shafts (one is the cap from a pen, the other is a piece of wood from a clothes pin).

The slaughter of innocent MPF-102s has ended (some victims are visible on top of the SPRAT). The culprit was NOT voltage spikes from the relay coil (although that might have contributed). Instead, what was happening was that I had the gate voltage set way too high on the transmit side. Whenever I powered up the rig, it was for an instant in the transmit mode (before the relay kicked in). The high voltage jolt on the gate was enough to kill the FET.

You can see the transmitter tucked in behind the relay. It moves my SWR meter on key down, so I'm confident I can get at least one QSO (perhaps across Rome) with this rig. Then, I intend to retire it. It will probably be a few years before I forget the pain and decide to build another minimalist regen rig.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Into Space (almost) with the Basic Stamp

L. Paul Verhage has been a leader in the edge-of-space balloon game for a long time now. This morning, Hack-A-Day led me to a site that has an on-line version of his book, and a collection of his balloon and Basic Stamp articles for Nuts-and-Volts. Inspirational stuff.

Here it is: http://www.parallax.com/tabid/567/Default.aspx

Friday, July 10, 2009

Clayton's Cool Solar QRSS Rig, WA5DJJ, TESLA!

Clayton (who is NOT crazy) has put together a really neat solar-powered QRSS rig with the two wires for the dipole antenna sticking out the ends of the transmitter box. During the testing phase he went the extra mile by first freezing the circuit into a block of ice and then heating it up in an oven. I guess he really wanted a wide range of temperature data! Clayton's web site on the project is very interesting and very well done. Check it out:

In other QRSS news, David, WA5DJJ, just back from vacation, fired up his QRSS rig only to discover that there are no grabbers on in North America. What's up with that? Can someone out there help out OM DJJ?

Did you guys see that Google is today marking Tesla's birthday. Clearly there are some Knack vicitms in the Google-plex.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The End of Field Day... and SDR

Deon, K6WH ZS1ACP has been having a great time with Software Defined Radios and stealth vertical antennas in San Diego. His blog site has this great shot of what the band (was it 40?) looked like at the moment that Field Day ended. Check out Deon's blog:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

World Moonbounce Day

I was thinking that if you have World Moonbounce Day marked on your calendar, you probably have The Knack.

The picture above is of a dish in Tasmania.
Check out the article in Wired about this very interesting event:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Nice Video on 40 Meter Receiver Project

Tom, AK2B, put up a nice video about a 40 meter receiver that he made from the small circuit boards that Diz sells at PartsAndKits.com. Also, you will see KD1JV's digital dial and the New England QRP club's NEScaf. Nice work guys!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Links from #111: W7ZOI, VU3ICQ, AA1TJ

Here is the excellent discussion of bi-directional amps I mentioned. From the web site of W7ZOI:

Here is Farhan's new JBOT 5 watt final amplifier:

Here is the mysterious (and perhaps diabolical) Xtaflex from AA1TJ (the first rig EVER to promise "buns of steel.")

Sunday, July 5, 2009

SolderSmoke Podcast #111

Lunchtime on Ponza (with Palmarola Island in the background)


In SolderSmoke 111:

July 5, 2009
Ponza and the Pontine Islands
The Xtal Set Society -- Great guys!
Spark plugs as lightning arresters
The Grundig Mini 300 SW receiver
Jupiter from Rome and from Mars
Saturn from the window
More tremors
Back to visual MEPT
Is my antenna down, or is it conditions?
W7ZOI on bidirectional amps
Farhan's simple "JBOT" 5W BJT amp
AA1TJ's Xtaflex
Regens from hell
Sprat 139
Arthur C. Clarke's "Voices from the Sky"

Check out the new book "SolderSmoke -- A Global Adventure in Radio Electronics. " Read the first chapter here:
http://www.lulu. com/content/ paperback- book/soldersmoke /6743576

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Pontine Islands

We were out on Ponza island this week. Amazing place. Part of the Pontine Island group. Brave Ulysses was an earlier visitor. Roman emperors used it as a summer place. It is only about 33 km from the mainland and you can get there from Anzio in about one hour by fast hydrofoil. We took a small boat over to the beautiful island of Palmarola. I did a bit of shortwave listening. More about this trip in the next SolderSmoke.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I liked this video of the launch of NASA's new lunar orbiter.

Friday, June 26, 2009


David, VK5DGR, built this very fine QRSS rig, and is currently shaking up the grabbers with 20 mW.

I really like his way of putting that power level in perspective:

"Look around your room and find a glowing LED. Well a typical red LED has 2V and 10mA flowing through it, or about 20mW. It can barely make it a few metres to be detected by your eyes. Imagine detecting it at a range of 1200km! That’s what I find remarkable about QRSS - tiny power levels that go a very long way."

For more info, go to David's "Beer, Coffee and a little DSP" blog:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jupiter from Rome (and from Mars)

I was up earlier than usual this morning and decided to do some planetary astronomy from the Eternal City. The Heavens Above web site showed Jupiter high in the pre-dawn sky. A quick look out the window confirmed that from our courtyard it would be clear of the Trastevere rooftops. Soon the six inch Dobsonian Newtonian reflector was in operation. I got a very nice view of Jupiter and the four Galilean moons through fairly clear Roman skies.

The view was similar to that of the picture above. There are a lot of better shots of Jupiter available on the 'net, but this one is a bit unusual. It was taken from Mars:

Jupiter/Galilean Satellites: When Galileo first turned his telescope toward Jupiter four centuries ago, he saw that the giant planet had four large satellites, or moons. These, the largest of dozens of moons that orbit Jupiter, later became known as the Galilean satellites. The larger two, Callisto and Ganymede, are roughly the size of the planet Mercury; the smallest, Io and Europa, are approximately the size of Earth's Moon. This MGS MOC image, obtained from Mars orbit on 8 May 2003, shows Jupiter and three of the four Galilean satellites: Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa. At the time, Io was behind Jupiter as seen from Mars, and Jupiter's giant red spot had rotated out of view. This image has been specially processed to show both Jupiter and its satellites, since Jupiter, at an apparent magnitude of -1.8, was much brighter than the three satellites.

Text and image from:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Xtal Set Society

The Xtal Set Society wins our "Good Guys of the Month" award. In an effort to improve the performance of my Vatican City Crystal Radio, and my hellish regen, I ordered a Hi-Z crystal earphone from the Society. It arrived very quickly, along with a free copy of their newsletter, their amazing catalog, and a free piece of candy!

There is great stuff in the catalog, and the newsletter seems like gold mine of technical info.

Check it out: http://www.midnightscience.com/index.html

Monday, June 22, 2009

SolderSmoke Podcast #110


June 21, 2009
Day trips in Lazio and Tuscany
My SSSSSolder SSSSSSMoke SSSS problem
Crystal Radios pick up heavenly Gregorian chants...
... regen picks up screeches from somewhere else
Speech processing for DSB?
I0ZY's linear amplifiers
Book Review: "The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments" by George Johnson
MAILBAG (including an update from Dover)
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