January 18, 2009
Epiphany in Rome -- La Befana brings two Gerbils (Dot and Dash)
Ice skating near (but not on!)the Tiber
QRSS: Eldon's beacon spotted. 723 miles with 15 millwatts
QRSS Calibration Problem: My proposed solution
A Tale of Two BENELUX Grabbers: ON5EX and PA1SDB
Watching VK2ZAY cross Tasman Sea. Watching G6AVK reach VK6DI
Inspiration from old SPRATs: From PA3BHK and W7ZOI
Book Review: "Empire of the Air" (Good bios, but author Knack-less)
AA1TJ's CFL revolution reaches Cuba. Now a CFL receiver.
AA1TJ's "Reggie" converts all sigs to QRP!
Several new videos on the Blog (from WA7MLH, N0TU, KD1JV)
MAILBAG: Ragav VU3VWR has Knack since 9th grade. Wants to QRSS in VU
Nick M0NJP likes show, getting used to the voice, Amazon UK instructions
Bryan VK3HXR has eeePC running Ubuntu
Paolo IK1ZYW has external keypad chips for FT-817 (available at cost)
Jim AL7RV's wife thought SolderSmoke gave him a fit. Agrees on 1)design 2)build
Wes W7ZOI on feedback circuits
Joe Rocci has an LtSpice model for the NE602
Gerri EI8DRB asks if he should buy a Drake 2-B (Uh... YES!)
Steve "Snort Rosin" Smith : SMT paste lacks bouquet of 60/40 multi-core
Chris KC2LFI prescribes 3500 Hz notch for sibilant SS problem (advice followed)
talkSPORT in the UK to close 7 AM transmitters on the Medium Wave band
It was recently announced that OFCOM, the UK regulator has given permission
to *talkSPORT* to close down 7 of its 18 AM transmitters on the Medium Wave
9 hours ago
Am down in Tasmania (from Brisbane) for, waiting for breakfast to be available.
ReplyDeleteListening to show 99 and you start talking about the Tas online grabber :)