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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Dilbert, Shep, Dex, Pete, Farhan, and Wes! N2CQR Presentation on Homebrewing to Local Radio Club

Dean KK4DAS asked me to speak to our local radio club, the Vienna Wireless Society.   It was a lot of fun.  I talked about my evolution as a homebrewer, some of the rigs I made, the moments of joy, and the tales of woe.   You can watch the presentation in the video above. 

I was really glad to be able to explain in the presentation the importance of people like Pete, Dex, Farhan, Wes, Shep and even Dilbert. 

I was also pleased to get into the presentation the N2CQR sign that Peter VK2EMU made for me.  Thanks Peter! 

Here is the URL to the YouTube video (also above): 

And here are the PowerPoint slides I used: 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Jerry's Sproutie: A Short Wave Receiver (and a Limerick) by Jerry KI4IO

Jerry KI4IO is a really talented homebrewer;  I've called him the Wizard of Warrenton:  

Warrenton Va. is not far from me (and is the birthplace of Cappucio the Wonder Dog).  Once we are done with the pandemic I hope that Jerry and I can get together to talk about homebrew radio.  

Like me, Jerry recently turned his attention to the shortwave broadcast bands. He too went the homebrew route, but his receiver is a regen.  It is based on the Sproutie by Dave AA7EE. 

Here is Jerry's article detailing the project and the results: 

Jerry had been scheduled to talk about antenna tuners at FDIM this year, but the pandemic caused the event to be canceled.  He shared with me a Limerick that he was going to include in the presentation.  Obviously we have similar feelings about automatic antenna tuners. 

In days of old
when hams we bold
and BALUNs weren't invented
We adjusted our C
and fiddled with L
and reflected power was prevented

KI4IO in his shack Feb 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

Software for Computer Interface with NanoVNA: NanoVNASaver

In the UK, "brilliant" is high praise indeed.  So when Tony G4WIF told me that the NanoVNASaver software was brilliant, I took heed. 

Being able to use the tiny (nano!) device with your computer makes it a much more accessible and useful tool, especially for those of us with fat-finger syndrome. 

The photo above shows the NanoVNA measuring Return Loss and SWR  on my 40 meter dipole. You can see the identical Smith Chart traces on the two screens. 

Download and installation was very easy. I got my Windows PC version from here: 

Other versions available from here: 

Coincidently, a fellow just today put out a video on how to use this software with the NanoVNA. 

Thanks Tony! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Alan Wolke W2AEW Explains the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) (Video)

I told Alan that his video on VNAs was -- for me -- very timely.  The video popped up on YouTube on the day than my NanoVNA was being delivered.  TRGHS. 

Alan does a great job in explaining what the VNA does.  Particularly useful for me was his explanation of the VNA's ability to measure phase differences (through the use of directional couplers).  

I am having fun with my NanoVNA, happily measuring SWR and the bandpass characteristics of various filters.  Mine came with what looks like a guitar pick -- this is used as a stylus to hit the small boxes on the touch-screen.  A nice touch...   

I wish there was some good software for use with this VNA.  Apparently the nice software described by Joe Smith (yesterday's blog post) is quite expensive.  Is there a free alternative out there? 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

NanoVNA, Millen Dip Meter, Kilo-Megacycles, and Measuring the Speed of Light (Video)

Yesterday my NanoVNA arrived.  This morning I was looking for info on how to use it and I found this really wonderful video from Joe Smith.  

Wow.  Joe gives a really useful intro to the capabilities of this amazing little device. He even reaches back in time and compares NanoVNA results with those obtained by a Millen Grid Dip Meter.  He pulls out of his junk box an attenuator that is so old that it is marked in "Kilo-Megacycles."  (Shouldn't we revive terms like that?)

Joe also gives us a taste of what it is like to live and work in the GHz range.  He warns us never to touch the SMA connectors on our NanoVNAs (too late Joe).  And -- get this -- he uses a torque wrench to connect the little SMA coax connectors to the NanoVNA.  I'm not kidding.  A torque wrench.   Joe connects surface mount capacitors and inductors that have their values specified not only in picofarads and microhenries, but also at the specific frequency at which they were measured.  

My understanding of the Smith Chart was greatly improved by watching Joe's video. 

Icing on the cake:  Joe wraps up the video by using the NanoVNA to MEASURE THE SPEED OF LIGHT.  Great stuff.  Thanks Joe.  

Here is Joe Smith's YouTube channel:  

Now I have to get the software to use the NanoVNA with my computer. 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Lightning Strike on the Washington Monument

Here in the DC area, the monument is very frequently in view.  I have been up to the observation deck.  We were here for the earthquake that damaged the structure.   On Thursday night someone made a good video of lightning hitting the monument.  

This particular storm was flashing through my window, and was visible during a Zoom class through the windows of persons elsewhere in the area.  

This lightning storm took out one of NA5B's amazing Web SDR receivers.  I think it was only the LF receiver.  I am sure Mehmet will have it back on-line soon.  

Here is an article on the topic: 


Thursday, June 4, 2020

No Main-Tuning Reduction Drives in Stock Drake 2-Bs -- But why no mod articles?

Alan Wolke W2AEW and I were recently discussing our Drake 2-Bs (again!). Both of our receivers have reduction drives between the main tuning control and the string mechanism that moves the main tuning capacitor.  I wondered if these were the results of modifications by previous 2-B owners.  I vaguely recall that my Elmer -- Hilmar WB2NEC -- had done this sort of mod. 

OM Wouter ZS1KE sent me this very illuminating photo of the inside of his Drake 2-B.  No reduction drive.   So Alan and I obviously have modified 2-Bs.

One thing that puzzles me:  I can't seem to find a single article that describes this apparently common mod.  Does anyone know of an article in the ham magazines that might have described how to do this?  

Thanks again Wouter!  

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

"The Radio Collector" A TV Series from 1985

Here is a really nice five part series of PBS TV programs about the history of radio and about restoring old radios.   I got a kick  out of W6AM's description of the "exam" that got him his first radio license -- you will find that story at the end of the first episode (above). 

Here are all five of the progams: 


And here is the background info (from the YouTube Channel): 

The Radio Collector from the California Historical Radio Society

5 videos 156 views Last updated on May 25, 2020

The 5-part PBS series from 1985, “Radio Collector” was nominated for a Los Angeles Area Emmy for Best Informational Series. Radio Collector was shot in 1985 on 3/4″ video, a marginal format that boasted 240 lines of resolution. It was edited 3/4″ to 3/4″ using a control track/insert cuts-only editor, then that 2nd generation 3/4″ was transferred to 2″ at KOCE in Southern California where the credits were added. KOCE sent it to PBS and it was available to all member stations, and it has been aired on many stations. Mike Adams' students in Radio-TV-Film at California State University, Fullerton, were the camera operators, musicians, etc. Twenty eight years later CHRS President Steve Kushman transferred a copy of a copy of a copy of the master which went from 2nd generation 3/4″ to 2″ to 1″ to Beta SP to his computer. The story has held up well, and of course many of those profiled here are silent keys/valves. Mike’s inspiration for this series was the original “This Old House,” thus “This Old Radio.” Enjoy

Monday, June 1, 2020

Adam N0ZIB's FB Station (and UGLY Michigan Mighty Mite)

Bill and Pete, 

Thanks for the work you put into your podcast. I’ve been listening to it on my commute and while at work (I’m a welder/fabricator). Fantastic content.  Keep up the great work.  

All your talk about Farhan and the Ubitx convinced me to order one.  I welded an aluminum case for it and upgraded to the Nextion 3.5” screen. Also added a tuning knob from a Heathkit SB-401.  So far I’m really enjoying this rig. Plan to add an audio amp (to drive a larger speaker) and a CW filter to it this weekend.  In the station picture I sent I also show my paddles made from a hacksaw blade and stainless steel hardware. It’ll send 25 WPM before it gets a little sloppy.  My QCX 40 is also pictured.  I have a commercial rig too but find I’m not using it very often. 

Plan to start building the simpleceiver soon and maybe a bitx 17 too. Your podcast played a big part in convincing me to pick up a soldering iron again.  You guys are awesome.  Keep it up.  


(Pete noticed that the main tuning knob on Adam's uBITX was NOT from Heathkit but was instead from a Collins KWM-2 or 32S3.  He advised Adam that the knob would sell quickly on e-bay.  It did, and will finance additional N0ZIB homebrew projects.  We are thinking of adding these knobs to our SolderSmoke Retirement Fund Portfolio.)   

Adam continues: 

I was listening to your older podcasts and heard several discussions about the Michigan Mighty Mite.  So this jumbled up mess probably doesn’t look like much but I built one. I need to order a 40 meter crystal and actually build it again on a board(with the coil rewound for 40) but my “proof of concept” build was a success. Using a variable cap from a Hallicrafters S20-R and the crystal holder from a Heathkit.  

Sunday, May 31, 2020

QCX SSB -- But How Much QCX Remains?

Hack-A-Day carried a very nice video describing recent efforts to turn Hans Summers' amazing QCX CW monoband transceiver into a multi-mode, multi-mode (including SSB) rig (see above).   This is project will greatly interest QCX and SDR fans.  

But I wondered how much of the old QCX is still there after the modification.  Not much, it turns out.  

Here is the bloc diagram of the QCX.  It is essentially a phasing rig, using the same principles as my venerable HT-37 transmitter and my version of KK7B's R2 receiver: 

Yesterday Paul VK3HN sent me the schematic of the new multi-mode, multi-band version:  

Notice how different it is.   I thought that perhaps the new rig would keep something of the I-Q circuitry of the QCX, but it does not.  This is not a criticism, just an observation.  

But here is something that harks back to a topic we've been debating on the blog and podcast.  Notice that the top diagram is a bloc diagram.  There is a lot of circuitry in most of those boxes -- lots of resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transistors.   There is a schematic diagram under that bloc diagram.  But look at the second diagram.  While it looks like one, that one is NOT a bloc diagram. That IS the schematic diagram.  Most of the circuity has been sucked into the chips.  

While many will prefer the rig described by the second diagram, I remain an HDR guy, and don't really like seeing the circuitry disappear into the ICs.  But, to each his own.  This is all for fun.  Congratulations to the guys working on the new rig. 

AJ4SN Homebrew

OM Stan AJ4SN reports that his operating position is on the left. The workbench is on the right.  FB. 

I like the Turner +3 Transistorized microphone. 

Thanks to Ed B. for the link. 

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