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Sunday, January 17, 2021

STOP. LISTEN. Shep on Building a Shortwave Receiver

Oh man, how could I have possibly missed this one?  Perhaps I didn't, but even if this one has been on the blog before, it is so good that it is worth repeating.  

Shep really captures the frustrations and joys of a teenage radio builder.  I could really identify with this.  It all reminded me of my heartbreaking effort to build the Herring Aid 5 receiver. 

So much cool stuff in this 1963 recording: 

-- The wonderful smell of radio service shops. 
-- The terrible shirt and tie choices of radio service guys. 
-- The truly dire consequences of mistakes in published schematic diagrams. 
-- The AGONY of not being able to get a homebrew radio to work. 
-- The JOY when you finally do get it to work. Shep's "whole life changed" when that happened. 
-- Hugo Gernsback, Lee DeForest and "unscientific scientists."

As the YouTube video plays, they show several covers of old Short Wave Craft magazines. At one point they show some homebrew phone rigs.  I think they look like my wooden box BITX rigs.  And the front panels are clearly Juliano Blue.  TRGHS. 

Here is the 1933 Oscillodyne article that launched Shep's effort: 


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Nick M0NTV's Really Useful SDR Transceiver (video)

Even though I am more of an HDR guy, I really liked Nick's SDR rig.  I like the modular approach, with all the modules inside a transparent plastic box (see below).  Don't worry about the shielding Nick -- I had the same concern about my BITXs in wooden boxes, but they worked fine. 

Nick really did a great job on the video.  The bloc diagram was especially useful, both on the hardware and on the software.  Very cool.   It is nice to use this phasing approach,  with the digital magic happening at audio frequencies.   I fear that soon FPGAs and direct digital sampling will take the hardware fun out of these rigs.  We already have a bit of that with the RTL-SDR dongles. 

Very cool how the Teensy takes care of the 90 degree audio shift.   I had to do that with chips in my phasing receiver. When I first saw Nick's bloc diagram, I was looking for the audio phase shift network -- then he explained that that was in software, in the Teensy. 

Nicks arrangement for switching the filters is very nice.  

Thanks Nick!  


Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Poem about Shacks and Rigs and Ham Radio

The Little Black Box of jewels and rocks
with lanterns that flicker and glow,
make lighter the gloom in my little back-room
where often I hasten to go.
An anthem it peals of whistles and squeals
and voices so ghostly and dear
that you'd never decry, should you chance to pass by-
what a brotherhood foregathers here!

Each separate tone has a soul of its own;
each voice is the voice of a friend.
United through space in this gathering-place
at the radiant signal's end.
Reverberant sounds ride the wave that rebounds,
like the waves of the sea from afar,
reporting the doings, the comings and goings
of brothers... wherever they are.

A curious band, spread over the land,
yet joined from equator to poles
disperses the gloom in the little back-rooms
by this magic communion of souls.
I could part with a lot of the things that I've got,
but I'll carry my love to the tomb,
of that little black box and the joys it unlocks
... when I enter that little back room.

(published in QST magazine sometime 1965.)

Thanks to Jeff Murray for alerting us to this. I had not seen it before. It really got me -- I am working in my little back room on a box with jewels (jeweled movements!) and rocks.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Pete N6QW and Steve G0FUW Talk to RSGB About Homebrew (Video)

Wow, what an unexpected treat!  Here we can watch Pete N6QW and Steve G0FUW talk to the Radio Society of Great Britain about homebrew radio.  Steve talks about kits and scratch-built rigs.  I really liked seeing his early rigs and his description of how building these rigs helped him become a more advanced homebrewer.  I also liked his mention of George Dobbs as a guiding light in the QRP and homebrew world. 

Pete focuses on SDR and provides a really great description of this approach to homebrew.  I was struck with how great it is that, after a lifetime of HDR building, Pete is willing to embrace this new technology. He talks about it as part of "a learning journey."  As always, he sets the example for us all.   

Thanks to Pete, Steve, and RSGB. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

KLH Model Twenty-One II -- Is My Speaker Dried Out?

A few years back Rogier PA1ZZ very kindly sent me a box of electronics parts.  Included was an FM table-top radio with a nice walnut case.  Thanks Rogier! 

I hadn't looked at the receiver in years, but this week I dusted it off and looked it up on the internet.  Turns out that it is kind of famous.  It was produced by the KLH company.  The K stood for Henry Kloss, one of the giants of Hi-Fi audio gear.  Henry appears in the picture below. 

I got the receiver working, but it sounds awful.  It sounds much better with an external speaker, which is disappointing because the internal speaker was the main attraction of this receiver. It even has a little badge on the front panel trumpeting(!) its "Acoustic Suspension Loudspeaker."

I'm wondering if the problem is in fact the speaker.  The cone looks intact, but it seems very dried out.  It has been more than 50 years...  What do you guys think?  Picture above.  Any other suggestions on what to do with this thing, or how to make it sound better? 

Some KLH history:  



KLH receiver with pillow

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Dream of a Shortwave Fiend

Thanks to Mark Rowley and Jeff Murray for posting this magazine cover on Facebook.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

A Parachute that Flies Home Autonomously


Too often ham radio bloggers and podcasters tend to focus their efforts on the projects of, well, older guys like us.  I think it is a good idea to direct attention toward young innovators, the next generations of people who are working on interesting new projects using new technology.  

Yohan Hadji is definitely one of these young innovators.  He is 16 years-old and is working to develop a system that would guide the parachutes of descending balloon payloads to designated safe landing areas.  Having spent a lot of time chasing the parachutes of Estes rockets, and after having to PERSONALLY guide my own parachute to a safe landing area (sometimes without success),  Yohan's project caught my attention.  

The videos above describe the project.  

A Hack-A-Day article provides good background: 


And finally, if you want to support Yohan's work, he has a GoFundMe site: 


Friday, January 8, 2021

The Amazing Rigs of WA3TFS

There are a lot of great ideas and circuits on WA3TFS's page.   He spans the SDR-HDR divide.   He makes great use of simple SDR dongles.  Check out his QRZ page and the web site that describes his projects in more detail: 



Sunday, January 3, 2021

An End to the HDR - SDR Conflict? Kevin AA7YQ Combines the Best of Both Worlds

We've had some pretty amazing contact with Kevin AA7YQ over the years.  Kevin and I originally bonded due to our common experience with parachutes  (he was smoke-jumper, I jumped while in the army).  Kevin once used a parachute to insulate a QRSS beacon.   And one day, while thinking about SolderSmoke during a drive through Montana, Kevin turned on his rig only to hear... ME!  He caught one of my infrequent CW contacts. TRGHS.  

Now we hear that OM Kevin may be poised to end the HDR-SDR civil war that has for so long been dividing our great podcast.  Can Kevin's new rig heal our wounds and allow us to enjoy the beauty of SDR waterfalls while not forsaking the joy of hardware defined rigs?   Kevin will soon launch a blog describing his effort at rig-building. See below for a preview.  Stay tuned.  

Kevin wrote: 

I am currently working on a new rig design.  It is a hybrid HDR(Hardware defined)/SDR radio that incorporates some classic superhet design along with some of the more useful features of SDR.  I have found that pure SDR is really not that enjoyable for me.  I love using GNU radio to mock up and test design concepts, but SDR basically dilutes the “magic” of radio to nothing more than software and touchscreens, stuff we use every day all day.  Its not the Ham Radio I grew up with as a kid and was fascinated by.  On the other hand, I have always fought temperature drift, large variable capacitors minimal tuning range, and associated with classic VFO and VXO designs.  In fact, in 1997, for my senior capstone design in EE at Montana State University, I designed a 20m superhet that used a DDS LO.  At the time DDS was cutting edge technology I used an AD7008JP50.  I had to beg and plead with ADI to get a couple samples for my design, since they exceeded my self-funded college student project budget. 😊  But that’s another story.  SDR has made me grow extremely fond of the waterfall display.  I love having the visual “situational awareness”  of what is going on in a moderate bandwidth outside of the spot I am tuned to. I also am a big fan of digital filtering and modification-ability that comes with boot-loadable microcontroller designs.  So this design includes most of the real highlights of SDR but does not take the fun out of designing,  building, and operating a HDR.

Anyhow, this design is a big goal of mine to complete and build in 2021.  I am not retired yet so I still have to balance, work, family, and tinkering time, but I am very excited about this project.  I have “noodled” this design to the point of what I have achieved full-on “analysis paralysis”.  That is, I keep designing and redesigning, optimizing, and figuring to the point where after months of thought, I have nothing to show for it 😊.  So my New Years goal for 2021 is to make “good enough” rather than “perfect” design decisions and move forward.  I will keep you posted on the design and possibly start a blog so I can get some peer review input from the greater RF Design/Homebrew community on my project.  I’ll keep you informed on my progress.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Glowing Numerals for the Lafayette HA-600A (With Jeweled Movements)


I really like this receiver.  I have strong sentimental ties: it was my first SW receiver.  But the frequency readout situation was kind of rough -- depending on where you put the Main Tuning cap, your Band Spread dial could be WAY off.  

China to the rescue!  Specifically the very nice San Jian PLJ-6 frequency counter boards.  I have used these in several projects.  I like them a lot. I get mine on e-bay.  They are very cheap.  Here is the manual with specs: 

As I did with my BITX20, I put mine in an Altoids-sized box.  I got to use my Goxawee rotary tool with circular metal blade to cut the rectangular hole.  Hopefully future efforts will yield neater results, but the flying sparks were fun;  they made me feel like one of those car-part  "fabricators" on cable TV. 

To tap the VFO frequency, I just put a bit of small coax at the point where the 10 pf cap from the VFO circuit enters the first mixer.  I ran this cable to the unused "Tape Recorder" jack on the back of the Lafayette -- this connects to the input of the counter.  I attached 11 volts from the power supply to an unused terminal on the accessory jack of the Lafayette -- this powers the counter.

Having a counter on the VFO proved very illuminating -- in more ways than one.  I measured the Center Frequency (CF) of my IF to be at 456 kHz.  I set the PLJ-6 to display the VFO frequency MINUS 465 kHz.   For AM broadcast signals, this worked fine:  I'd tune the signal for peak S-meter reading.  This meant that the carried was right at the CF.  

For SSB, things were a bit different.  I set the BFO knob  to be RIGHT AT 465 kHz when the dot is in the center position.  With the BFO there, I could tune in SSB signals.  The suppressed carrier would be right at the center of the IF passband, with the audio information above or below the suppressed  carrier frequency.  But it didn't sound good this way -- it sounded better if I would tune an LSB signal 2 kHz down from the center, then adjust the BFO down about 2 kHz.  This put most of the the audio in the peak portion of the IF filter(s) curve.  Doing it this way means that I have to remember that the number displayed on the PLJ-6 is 2 kHz down from the actual suppressed carrier frequency of the transmitting station.  I can live with that.  

I am going to leave the Lafayette on the corner of my workbench so that I can easily tune in hams  and SW broadcast stations.  Having modified the product detector and added the digital frequency readout makes listening to this receiver even more pleasing.  The jeweled movements are as smooth as ever. 

So 2021 is off to a good start on my workbench.  HNY to all!  

Thursday, December 31, 2020

So Many Wonderful Things on W7ZOI's Site


There he is.  Wes Hayward, W7ZOI in 1957.  I had never seen this picture before.  I found it on Wes's recently updated "shackviews" web page: http://w7zoi.net/shackviews.html . 

There are so  many treasures on that page, and on all the other portions of Wes's site.

Some highlights for me: 

-- Wes's description of the station in the above picture. 

-- On his page about Doug DeMaw, Wes mentions that after Doug edited Wes's 1968 article about direct conversion receivers, Doug built some himself, experimenting with different product detector circuits. Having used Doug's mixer circuit in many of my rigs, and having recently experimented with different product detectors for my HA-600A, I kind of felt like Doug was watching over my shoulder, guiding me along as I experimented. 

-- Wes's use of a digital Rigol oscilloscope.  Makes me feel better about giving up on my Tek 465. 

-- The page about Farhan's visit to Wes, and the awesome gathering of homebrew Titans that ensued... 

-- Wes's meeting with Chuck Adams.  

Thanks Wes.  Happy New Year and best of luck in 2021!  

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