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Tuesday, June 7, 2022
SolderSmoke FDIM Interviews: A BRAVE HAM! Grayson Evans KJ7UM Presents a 50 Watt Amplifier to THE QRP GROUP!
Wow, talk about walking into the lions' den! Grayson Evans, author of "Hollow State Design" and guru of all things thermatronic, went to FDIM and made a presentation TO THE QRP GROUP on how to build a 50 watt amplifier with a 6146 thermatron. In New York that would have been called chutzpah. The QRP ARCI guys seem to have tolerated this QRO-heresy; I'm not so sure the zealots over in G-QRP would have been quite so tolerant.
Grayson gave a nice shout out to SolderSmoke's Pete Juliano.
And he offered some sage advice to those who live in fear of high voltage: "Don't touch anything with high voltage on it." Words to live by my friends. He even managed to call those who shy away from high voltage "wimps." This was all very reminiscent of the unforgettable safety advice he offered in his August 2021 interview on Ham Radio Workbench: "Try not to swallow anything, and don't sit on the thermatrons." I mean, who can argue with that?
You can listen to Bob Crane's interview with Grayson here (about 6 minutes total):
http://soldersmoke.com/2022 KJ7UM.mp3
Check out Grayson's Hollow-State Design Book 3rd Edition: tinyurl.com/hollowstatedesign3
Check out Grayson's technical blog:kj7um.wordpress.com
Monday, June 6, 2022
SolderSmoke FDIM Interviews: Hans Summers G0UPL Talks about the QDX and His New Balloon Tracker
Thanks to Bob Crane W8SX for getting us this wonderful interview with Hans G0UPL. Its really amazing to hear Hans talk about how many QDX rigs and Baloon Trackers have been sold by QRP Labs, and how quickly they sell. Really great. Hans's comments on the realities of the parts shortage was also very interesting.
Listen here (about 7 minutes): http://soldersmoke.com/2022 G0UPL.mp3
SolderSmoke FDIM Interview with Farhan VU2ESE -- The sBITX is Coming!
Bob Crane W8SX -- our correspondent in Dayton/Xenia -- once again collected interview with FDIM presenters. Thanks Bob! Here is his talk with our friend Farhan:
http://soldersmoke.com/2022 VU2ESE.mp3
Here is a great post on the sBITX (May 30, 2022) from Farhan's web site:
Here is Farhan's amazing presentation on the sBITX at the 2021 FDIM:
Sunday, June 5, 2022
JFET (Junction Field Effect Transistor) Video -- Part 1
Friday, June 3, 2022
Phase Noise and all that
Our friend Dave K8WPE has been listening to old podcasts. He recently came across those in which Pete and I were talking about phase noise. He asked for some resources on this topic. Here is what I sent him:
Receiver performance expert Robert Sherwood explains it this way:
Thursday, June 2, 2022
The Amazing Workshop and Test Gear of Tony Albus PE1ONS
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Marconi the Fascist
For obvious reasons Marconi stories pop up in my news feeds. This morning an article from Wales reminded me of a very dark and disheartening aspect of Marconi's life: his fascism and his participation in the persecution of Jews.
There have been at least 14 stories in SolderSmoke extolling the technological virtues of Marconi. I even met his daughter Elettra while in Rome and wrote it up for the blog. But it is just wrong to sing Marconi's praises while ignoring his fascist involvement.
His fascism wasn't even separated from his radio work. He won fascist honors and he won his appointment to Mussolini's Academy of Italy because of his radio work. Take a look at this quote:
The article from Wales:
Monday, May 30, 2022
A Modern Mechanical Television -- Nipkow Discs and Arduinos Lead to a Mechanical Color TV (video)
Saturday, May 28, 2022
"Experimental Methods in RF Design" LADPAC Software Available FREE!
We've frequently said that is pays to check the W7ZOI web site. Tony G4WIF did just that and pointed us in that direction, noting that the LADPAC "Ladder Package" software is now available for download from that site.
Homebrewers will really want to have that package on their computers. There are all kinds of useful programs in that package: software for designing crystal filters and feedback amplifiers, a program that allows you to think systematically about receiver gain distribution and dynamic range, and many other useful things.
You can get the program here:
Also on Wes's site is this May 22, 2022 picture of Farhan VU2ESE with EMRFD co-author Bob Larkin, W7PUA.
Thanks Wes!