Just look at that circuit! That's a complete QRSS beacon transmitter, including a multivibrator (the two transistors on the left) to generate a recognizable pattern on the grabber screens. This diagram appears in SPRAT 134. Hans Summers ran this rig with just a couple of volts from his homebrew bleach-based battery system back in 2008. I plan on putting a version of this rig into the solar powered lawn lamp I showed you two posts ago (scroll down).
In other news, I finished building the Ugly Weekender AF amp this morning, and it passed the smoke test. My WSPR system went toes up this morning, so today I am QRSSing on 30 meters. I'm running my usual upside down FSK. Please let me know if you see me.
Local ham catchup including Peter, VK3YE
Yesterday, in a Melbourne park, I had the pleasure of a catch up with a
bunch of old friends. Ham Radio Home brew hero, Peter, VK3YE, was there and
of cour...
52 minutes ago
Hey Bill,
ReplyDeleteQRG QRSS?
Phil de KA1GMN