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Monday, October 24, 2011

Better Link to 1932 Yardley Beers Article

(From the November 2004 issue of QST)

I hear that picture I posted of the 1932 newspaper article was pretty much illegible. Sorry about that. Try this one from the Delaware Valley Radio Association. Scroll down a bit until you see OM Yardley in his front bedroom shack (the one with a window on the world!). On my Firefox browser I was able to click on it and get an easily read-able view.


Thanks DVRA!

BTW: Did you catch the name of the fellow who taught young Yardley the Morse Code? Atherton Noyes. Such good strong names!

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  1. (With apologies to Mr. Peabody)

    Let's go wayback to 1920.......

    It is little known that Mr. Beers' mentor at Camp Choconut was the first person to devise a method of Morse training for his young charges whereby live QRN and QRM from on-site receivers was mixed with the audio output of a code practice oscillator. By replicating actual on-the-air conditions of CW communication the result was much more realism than that provided by using a CPO alone. This enabled the newly minted hams to jump right into DX chasing, CW traffic nets and so on while bypassing the usual novice jitters and on the air 'learning curve'.

    Just before the outset of WWII, Beers' teacher went on to hone those methods into a rigorous course of Morse training for the United States Army which is still used to this day. Those soldiers are considered the world's best Morse operators.

    What's that Sherman? Improbable you say? Oh, my. Have you never heard of.................................
    Atherton's Noise?!

    The End


    73.......Steve Smith WB6TNL
    "Snort Rosin"

  2. Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat...I must say the man's name is impressive. Tops McMurdo, almost. BTW and "off topic" I tapped the following: There is a woman composer out there named Yardley Beers as well. Highly creative bunch, if related. I know nothing of this Beers' music.

    Hmm...a pen name of Tankard Ale might be good...for subversive homebrew engineering projects...

    interesting, as usual..keep 'em coming

    saludos desde Guadalajara "Juegos Panamericanos 2011" and 4C1JPG: if you work us, you get a nice QSL card...

  3. The blog mentions Yardley having a son named "Jason", when in fact "Jason" is a distand cousin, and NOT his son. Is it possible to get it changed to describe Jason as a cousin? Much appreciated.


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