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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mystic Steampunk Icelandic Radio Symbology

Mike, KC7IT, alerted me to this one. Check out the decoration on the top of this box. The artist explains:

"The electrolytically etched brass plate on top of the box depicts symbols used in science, engineering, and alchemy. An Icelandic Vegvísir is featured prominently surrounded by the components of a modern magnetron microwave transmitting tube. The background features the schematic diagram for a vintage Heathkit oscilloscope. The Vegvísir is often thought of as a mystical symbol but it is in fact a very practical mnemonic device for mastering navigational rules of thumb."

Billy has been interested in the whole "steampunk" thing (he will be a steampunk guy on Halloween) so this one caught my eye. It also made me think that we need to jazz up those Altoid tins! (Speaking of boxes, while I had the 2-B on the bench yesterday, I took its old metal case out to the garage and gave it several coats of black paint. It looks wonderful.)

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  1. Actually, that image appeared in an editorial by Wayne Green in the April, 1960 issue of 73 Magazine. According to Green, archaeologists of the time claimed that the hieroglyphs predict ionospheric propagation over thousands of years. Look closely you will see that on December 21, 2012 the bands will be hot, hot, hot!

    From the Left Coast, bowing down to the gods of 15 Meter propagation....

    73.......Steve Smith WB6TNL
    "Snort Rosin"

  2. Fascinating stuff. Here is some symbology that goes good dipped in milk.http://radiotelegrapher.posterous.com/oreo

  3. Looks like the steampunkworkshop link went down. Maybe too much traffic. You can see more of the box on the Adafruit blog, where I saw it:

  4. Jake Von Slatt's work is legendary in the Steampunk community. I met him last year and he is all about homebrewing. He has the Knack.
    Steampunk is all about making/fusing the modern with the Victorian look. Plus the music is a lot better than the rubbish that plays on the radio.



  5. I'd like to hear some steampunk. What bands really, er, steam? Cool pictures, BTW. 73 RBB

  6. My favorite Steampunk band is Abney Park. There are others as well, Vernian Process, Unwoman, Vagabond Opera, Bakelite 78, Clockwork Dolls and many others.




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