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Friday, May 27, 2016

Pete's Beautiful New Blue Rig

A thing of beauty.  

Read about it here:   http://n6qw.blogspot.com/


  1. ...and a joy for a good long time:) . I won't say 'forever' because Pete's track record of "rip it apart and use the bits elsewhere" is against that. Still, FB!

  2. Actually I found enough boards in the bin to make another complete transceiver --stand by still have a lot more blue paint left over

  3. So this one could well be a "Keeper", Pete?
    I've been thinking: given your prolific output, you could almost call your QTH/Shack a Factory, rather than the Lab it's been referred to as (godoffel grammar there, but you probably get the drift :) .

  4. Yes --it is more like a factory and now I am living off of the inventory. But fun nonetheless. Yes this will be a keeper.

    Pete N6QW

  5. this is my next transcivier ;)i havent a crystal flter but never mind ...;)))


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