George KJ6VU is a long-time supporter of the SolderSmoke podcast. He has recently teamed up with another ham and launched a podcast called "The Workbench." This morning I listened to Part I of their interview with the legendary Alan Wolke W2AEW. It was great. As I was listening to Alan I was soldering together a crystal filter for my new receiver, and using my RIGOL 'scope to check the results.
I liked Alan's description of how they made images of 'scope patterns in the days before the advent of Digital Storage Scopes (Polaroid!). I also liked Alan's scorn for those who use the "Auto" switch on the 'scopes. The host's reaction to Alan's description of a $300,000 Tektronix 'scope was also fun: "For that price I want to be able to drive a car into it and put a swing set behind it!" Indeed.
Recommended listening:
Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column
Would like your opinion on which to purchase, Rigol DS1202Z-E or Siglent SDS1202X-E. They both fit in my budget.