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Monday, April 4, 2022

The Next Time You Hear Someone Complaining About Winding Toroids....

... send them this video. 

Lin is in Hong Kong. What a great job she does with very simple tools.  Notice how she casually mentions that for those parts that have been lost, she will make them herself.  Three cheers for Lin! 

This video reminded me of the people in Santo Domingo 25 years ago who rewound the transformers and RF chokes from my HT-37.  These parts still work.  

Chuck KF8TI recently told me that when he was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines (1965-1967) he visited a transformer re-winding shop there, seeing piles of insulation and wire on the floor.  Apparently business was good!  

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Video of SolderSmoke Podcast #236

SolderSmoke Podcast #236 is available!

Podcast Posted on 1 April 2022:


Winterfest!  Many Boatanchors.  Lots of old good analog test gear.  Talk with Dean KK4DAS.  Met up with Armand WA1UQO and Charles AI4OT. 

Pete's Bench: 

-- Looking for help in software development for MAX2870 board.  
-- Tapped Capacitance Impedance Matching
-- The Pea Shooter (See N2USD's version in videos
-- Tribal Knowledge on Making Enclosures

Bill's Bench: 

-- 17-12 Band Imaging SSB Transceiver.  It works on both bands. 
-- Plan for Glowing Numerals (N6QW has been there and done that!)
-- WU2D's videos on VFOs.  
-- Temperature Compensation:  HT-37 capacitor.  FT-101 VFO,  even in the ARC-5 receiver! 
-- Trying to get more rigorous about receiver design.  Gain distribution, IMD, Dynamic Range, etc. 
-- Do I need a true RMS audio voltmeter?  Or can I get the same info from freeware audio spectrum analyzer and soundcard?
-- 6EA8s replace 6U8s in MMRX 


PARTS CANDY out of Chicago produces quality test leads for your bench.  The guy who runs the company is Carlos, and he is one of us.  He is an electronic tinkerer. See the ad on the left hand column of the SolderSmoke blog.  Just click on the picture of the test leads and you will be taken to Carlos's ebay store.  Go for it. 


Walter KA4KXX in Orlando -- Diodes in BITX Bilats -- Why?  Farhan says To prevent reverse junction of off transistor from conducting and clipping waveform. 
Tony G4WIF -- Audio test gear and G3ROO paraset
Todd K7TFC Pine boards, TIAs and 12 meters
Dean KK4DAS  Ceramic Variable Oscillators on 40.   Juliano Criteria? 
Mike WU2D   VFOs and Temp compensation. ARC-5s
Chris KD4PBJ   A really nice parts care package -- Thanks Chris! 
Steve M0ECS.  Inspired by SS, moved something off the Shelf or Box of Shame. 
Jason KD2RKN Building a DC receiver.  It is all our fault. 
Chris Mannon in Indiana joining the CBLA
KC4GMH is listening! 
Ed N2XDD has been armed with a 3.579 MHz crystal.  
Harvey Wa3EIB working on his museum 
Fred KC5RT -- an old friend -- recommends Bangood RF sig gen for 88 bucks. 
Shlomo 4X4LF listening and homebrewing from a Kibbutz in Israel. 
Chuck KF8TI was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

SolderSmoke Podcast #236 -- Bill's 17-12 Rig, Pea Shooter, VFO Wisdom, Temp Compensation, Need Code for Max2870, Making Enclosures, MAILBAG

ARC-5 R-23 Nav Receiver Parts

SolderSmoke Podcast #236 is available!


Winterfest!  Many Boatanchors.  Lots of old good analog test gear.  Talk with Dean KK4DAS.  Met up with Armand WA1UQO and Charles AI4OT. 

Pete's Bench: 

-- Looking for help in software development for MAX2870 board.  
-- Tapped Capacitance Impedance Matching
-- The Pea Shooter (See N2USD's version in videos
-- Tribal Knowledge on Making Enclosures

Bill's Bench: 

-- 17-12 Band Imaging SSB Transceiver.  It works on both bands. 
-- Plan for Glowing Numerals (N6QW has been there and done that!)
-- WU2D's videos on VFOs.  
-- Temperature Compensation:  HT-37 capacitor.  FT-101 VFO,  even in the ARC-5 receiver! 
-- Trying to get more rigorous about receiver design.  Gain distribution, IMD, Dynamic Range, etc. 
-- Do I need a true RMS audio voltmeter?  Or can I get the same info from freeware audio spectrum analyzer and soundcard?
-- 6EA8s replace 6U8s in MMRX 


PARTS CANDY out of Chicago produces quality test leads for your bench.  The guy who runs the company is Carlos, and he is one of us.  He is an electronic tinkerer. See the ad on the left hand column of the SolderSmoke blog.  Just click on the picture of the test leads and you will be taken to Carlos's ebay store.  Go for it. 


Walter KA4KXX in Orlando -- Diodes in BITX Bilats -- Why?  Farhan says To prevent reverse junction of off transistor from conducting and clipping waveform. 
Tony G4WIF -- Audio test gear and G3ROO paraset
Todd K7TFC Pine boards, TIAs and 12 meters
Dean KK4DAS  Ceramic Variable Oscillators on 40.   Juliano Criteria? 
Mike WU2D   VFOs and Temp compensation. ARC-5s
Chris KD4PBJ   A really nice parts care package -- Thanks Chris! 
Steve M0ECS.  Inspired by SS, moved something off the Shelf or Box of Shame. 
Jason KD2RKN Building a DC receiver.  It is all our fault. 
Chris Mannon in Indiana joining the CBLA
KC4GMH is listening! 
Ed N2XDD has been armed with a 3.579 MHz crystal.  
Harvey Wa3EIB working on his museum 
Fred KC5RT -- an old friend -- recommends Bangood RF sig gen for 88 bucks. 
Shlomo 4X4LF listening and homebrewing from a Kibbutz in Israel. 
Chuck KF8TI was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Mike WU2D Looks at the "Dream" SW Receivers of the 1960s and 70s (Video)

Wow, I really liked Mike's walk down memory lane. I saw several of my own dream receivers: 

S-38E.  Indeed, this little monster did add some danger to your life.  AKA "The Widow Maker," I gave one to my cousin's husband so he could listen to what the commies on Radio Moscow were saying.  He later told me that the receiver had given him a shock.  I now have TWO S-38Es in my shack (two more than I really need).  I have installed isolation transformers in both of them, so they have lost the one element (danger!) that made them attractive.  

HA-600A. I got this one for Christmas in 1972.  The A model is MUCH better than the plain vanilla HA-600.  I recently got another HA-600A and found serious deficiencies in the Product Detector.  Has anyone else noticed these problems?  BACKGROUND INFO AND A PLEA FOR MORE INFO HERE: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=HA-600A+Product+Detector

HQ-100.  Got one in the Dominican Republic.  Fixed it up, repairing damages caused by radio life in the tropics.  Disabled the goofy audio amplifier circuitry.  I now wonder if this receiver might benefit from the insertion of a 455 kc ceramic filter. 

NC190.  Wow "Cosmic Blue"  Perhaps this was an early influence that led to "Juliano Blue?" 

HQ-180.  "18 tubes and almost as many knobs!"  FB!  

HRO-500.  Love the dial. 

Transoceanic.  Never had one, but built a BFO for the Transoceanic that W8NSA took with him to SE Asia during the war. 

R-390A.  I don't have a crane for the workbench.  

Thanks Mike -- that was a lot of fun.  

Monday, March 28, 2022

Vienna Wireless Winterfest Hamfest 2022

After a two-year pandemic hiatus, yesterday the Vienna (Virginia) Wireless Society's annual "Winterfest" hamfest was back.  And the weather was in fact COLD -- it definitely felt like Winterfests of years-gone-by. 

Club President Dean KK4DAS kindly invited me to participate in a forum on homebrewing.  You can watch the presentation STARTING AT 2:04:06 (hours:minute:seconds) here: 

It was especially cool to be able to tell the audience about Pete N6QW and Farhan VU2ESE. We talked about Pete's Simple SSB transceiver, the Michigan Mighty Mite and the BITX rigs. 

Some observations on the hamfest scene: 

-- There are lots of boatanchor radios out there, and it seems like a buyer's market.  These old rigs do not seem to be selling nearly as fast as they did a few years ago. 

-- There is a lot of older analog test gear on sale too, and it too seems to no longer be as in demand as it was a few years ago.  Perhaps the availability of cheap, small, and very effective digital oscilloscopes is affecting the sale of these once sought-after items. 

My purchases: 

-- A really old beat-up (crashed?) ARC-5 R-23 receiver.  I have already extracted the variable capacitor. 
-- A nice box of smaller variable caps. 
-- 100 feet of 550 parachute cord. 
-- Two nice metal chassis/boxes 
-- A bag of shaft adapters/connectors

With Armand WA1UQO (left) and Steve Boles W4SB (center)

With Charles AI4OT 

Thanks to Dean KK4DAS and the entire VWS team for a great event. 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Getting More Rigorous About Receiver Design (Video)

As I finished up the receiver on my 17-12 SSB transceiver, I started to wonder -- how good is it?  
Sure, I could hear stations on both bands, and when I got started as a homebrewer that was enough for me. But now, I find myself wondering about receiver performance.  Did I get the gain distribution right?  Do I have too much gain ahead of the mixer?  Ahead of the crystal filter?  Is the receiver generating too much noise?  Can I hear the band noise?  If not, why not?  Do my circuits lose linearity in the presence of strong signals?  What is my dynamic range?

This is a big complicated subject that takes time to master.  

I am just beginning.  I found the video above to be very helpful. 

I was jealous of this fellow's audio spectrum analyzer, but then Tony G4WIF told me that the the analyzer that this fellow was using was really just a sound card and some software.  I quickly found a similar piece of free software that lets me do the same thing he did:  Look at the audio output of my receiver and watch what happens as I put an RF signal of varying levels into the antenna port.  

I am using Visual Analyzer, a free program out of Italy: 


 The author of the software seems very cool" 

My name is Alfredo Accattatis; I love electronics and software, and I have been working for years in commercial companies as software/firmware engineer and software designer. I've been writing programs for embedded systems (with DSP and MICROCONTROLLERS), for PC, for Avionic Computers and even for Mainframes, using C, C++, Pascal, Ada, REXX and assembly. I starting write VA during my free time just for fun and using (also) my DSP experience. The program was and is completely FREE.

More info about Alfredo here: 


Do you folks think I need to buy the kind of True RMS Audio Voltmeter that is being used at the end of the above video? 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

First Ever Contact on 12 Meters: Homebrew, QRP, SSB, DX (Video)

I've recently finished most of the circuitry on the 17-12 meter dual band SSB transceiver. I have had contacts with it on 17 meters, but until yesterday morning (March 22, 2022) I had not had any contacts on 12 meters. This morning I talked to Paul EA5JZ in Valencia, Spain. I was running the 17-12 rig barefoot at about 5 watts with the final being one RD06HHT FET. The antenna was my 75 meter doublet fed with window line -- I had to modify the tuner to get it to work on 24.9 MHz. It was very cool to have my first 12 meter contact be QRP, HB and with Spain.

There is a LOT of soul in this new rig.  Here is a partial list of contributors: 

-- Overall BITX design:   Farhan VU2ESE

-- Termination Insensitive Amplifiers (TIA):  Wes Hayward W7ZOI and Bob Kopski K3NHI.  

-- TIA boards from Todd K7TFC

-- ASK-1 Mixer from Armand WA1UQO

-- VFO design parameters from Joe Carr K4IPV (SK) 

-- VFO stability ideas from Frank Harris K0IYE and Mike Murphy WU2D. 

-- HT-37 Tuning Capacitor bought from e-bay at suggestion of Pete Juliano N6QW. 

-- Pine board base of the rig:  Frank Jones (SK) W6AJF's preferred building technique. 

-- DTC Band-Pass filter circuits from Han Summers G0UPL. 

-- Low pass filter values from G-QRP web site. 

-- Idea of using RD06HHT instead of IRF-510 in the final:  Pete Juliano

-- Heat sink from Chris KD4PBJ

-- Trifilar Toroids used in many places from Farhan VU2ESE.

Thanks to all.  73  Bill  

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Receiver Dynamics -- How Good is my Receiver?

OK , so I've finished building my new 17-12 Dual Band SSB Transceiver.  I am now testing it out on both bands.   A big question I have is this: how good is my receiver?   Did I get the gain distribution right?   Is it generating too much noise?   Are any of the stages too vulnerable to distortion in the presence of large signals?  

These kinds of questions are at the heart of receiver design.  Many of us have for years just thrown together amplifiers oscillators and mixers, and have been pleased if we could copy signals on the ham bands.  But could we have been doing it better?   

This is a very complicated issue, and unfortunately much of the literature is plagued by jargon and unnecessary complexity.  Rarely do we find something that goes from the general to the specific and explains what it is we are trying to achieve:   We want the receiver to be sensitive, but we don't want it to be so sensitive that it distorts with strong signals.  It will make some noise, but we don't want the receiver's internal noise to be stronger than the noise coming in from the antenna.  The "front end" stages are very important because any flaws there will be amplified by the follow-on stages and will "cascade" down through the receiver.  Bandwidth is very important. 

This morning I found (again!) a document that defines terms in a very clear way.  Be sure to check out the footnotes mentioning Dave Newkirk and Wes Hayward!  FB!  Here it is:


Sunday, March 20, 2022

17 - 12 Dual Band SSB Transceiver On-The-Air


It is still completely al-fresco, with all the guts exposed, but I got it on the air this morning.  I was 17, running it through my CCI  .1kW  100 watt amp to a tuned doublet.   Four QSOs so far: HP3SAM, K5BM, N4ZUL, and II3WRTC.   

The structure of the rig is basically BITX. 

The blue boards you see are TIA boards developed by Todd K7TFC. 

No major problems to report.   I will try it out on 12 meters  soon.  The receiver was working well on that band. 

Flick Lives -- More from a Great Web Site about "Jean Shepherd"

Jim Clavin has some really great stuff on his FlickLives website: 

Much of this stuff I had never seen.   Like the picture he has of young Shep in his shack.  I wonder how old he was in this picture.  He appears perturbed.  Perhaps his Heising Modulator was distorting?

Jim dug up all of Shep's licenses and got the names and callsigns of all the hams who were active from Shepherd's  hometown during the years Shep was living there.  I think I can recognized some of the names -- Shep talked about some of these guys when talking (on WOR) about ham radio.  Boles.  Stan.  Good times. 

The CQ Guest editorials and the various articles are a lot of fun.   Some things never seem to change. 

Thanks Jim! 


Friday, March 18, 2022

Help! Can You Write the Software to Control the MAX2870 Board?

It is not every day that you get the chance to help a master homebrewer like Pete Juliano N6QW.  But today is just such a day.   Pete asks for some coding help: 

The Radio Gods would be pleased if you help.  The Mojo and Juju levels of all your projects would increase.   If you can help, please do so.  

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Colin M1BUU's Homebrew Manhattan SST


Wow, especially on St. Patrick's day I think it is appropriate to say " 'tis a thing of beauty. "

Colin did a great job on his homebrew version of the SST transceiver. It looks like his is on 30 meters.   I especially liked his description of the troubleshooting that followed the construction.  the assist provided by AA7EE's blog was especially cool, and demonstrates the long-lasting power of internet-shared tribal knowledge. 

Colin wrote (on Facebook):  

I was inspired by Bill and his adventure with the SST-20, so I started gathering a few parts last year to build a Manhattan SST. I did a joint SOTA activation with a fellow homebrewer ham at the end of January and we started talking about classic portable CW rigs, it turned out that we both had an SST build on our 'list'. I was challenged to build the SST for the next joint SOTA activation!
It took a lot of effort and a few late nights but I did manage to produce a rig capable of making QSOs for a joint SOTA activation of Fair Snape Fell, G/SP-007. I'd done a solo activation of Pendle Hill G/SP-005 a few days before with the rig for a trial run and I discovered that the AF was very low. After some troubleshooting I noticed that I'd soldered the LM386 gain set capacitor to an incorrect pad. Doh! I fixed my error and the rig had much more gain.
I found that with the improved AF gain, the rig would squeal if the gain was turned up. I was ready to give up really, but after a cool off period, I began researching the issue and it turns out that it's very common and indeed I found posts from 1997 about it! It seems as though my recreation was so faithful to the original, I'd included the original flaws too! I added in a 0.1uF cap and resistor connected to pin 5 of the AF amp chip as per the suggestion on Dave AA7EE's blog and now the squealing has stopped.
I'd made 14 QSOs during the joint SOTA activation, so I considered my challenge to have been met! It's been a bit of an epic build!
73, Colin, M1BUU

Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column