A link to the .asc LTSpice file for the NE602 rig appears below. Perhaps some brave soul more skilled in LTSpice than I am might want to turn this drawing into a real simulation. Some of the parts (like the NE602s) have actual simulated components behind the drawings. Others (like the relays and the LM741 and LM386) are just drawings. But go ahead and flesh this thing out. Who knows, it might come to life in the PC and start making QSOs on 40! Here is the .asc file: http://soldersmoke.com/NE602 Rig.asc
Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column
Here is link to LTSpice models for NE602/612 http://ltwiki.org/files/LTspiceIV/examples/LtSpicePlus/Rf/SA612%20LTSpice%20Model%20Rev%2004/
ReplyDeleteI have used it, while it works i found it less than useful.
ReplyDeleteI used W3JDR's. You can see it here:
Go to the LTSpice model page under RESOURCES. I have these in the LTSpice Schematic of the NE602 Rig.