I did this for Pete. And I did it to start out the new year with something different. And because I needed the crystal for my beloved BITX and didn't want to buy more crystals.
After successfully broadening the filter in my Barebones Barbados Superhet (originally built by Dale Parfiit W4OP) I decided to replace the VXO with an outboard Arduino/DDS device. Nothing new in that (I was playing with this back in October), but in what I think is a symbolically significant twist, I pulled out the tuning cap for the VXO and, in the hole left by the tuning control, replaced the knob with a BNC connector. That connector now carries DDS signals into the receiver. The crystal was at around 23.125 MHz -- that's why the LCD display is showing 23 MHz.
It works great. I was listening to the DX station in Iran this morning.
Here is a video of the October 2014 experiments: