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Showing posts with label Venezuela. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venezuela. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

"Onda Corta" ("Shortwave") -- A Short Film about Ham Radio in Venezuela (Please ID the Boatanchors!)

I have it cued up to 9:43 -- at that point Ramon is in his ham shack.  
Lots of good stuff in there! 

Please ID the rigs/parts you see and list them in the comments below. 

This version has subtitles in English.  I like it -- a nice story.  And the whole film is only about 15 minutes. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The NCDXF/IARU Beacons (very useful website)


So there I was, innocently checking the lower end of the tuning range on my now 17 meter SSB Barebones Barbados W4OP receiver.  I had it tuned to the bottom of the 17 meter phone band.  All of a sudden I hear YV5B in CW.  It was obviously a beacon transmission. 

I had forgotten about these beacons.  Some quick Googling brought me to a very up-dated web site: 

The site shows exactly which station is transmitting at any given moment.  There is also a very handy map display giving beam headings and distance from your location.  

So far, I'm only hearing YV5B and VE8AT.  I hope to hear more once the Coronal Mass Ejection is behind us. 

Check it out.  Leave your receiver on 18.110 MHz.  Let us know what you are hearing.  

Three cheers for the NCDXF and the IARU! 

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