15 March 2009
Beware the Ides of March! Ostia Beach and Ostia Antica 248 Knights of QRSS. And Wizards! ET Phones Home (with QRSS?) Possible new grabbers in VK6 and Dubai Telescope, Satellites... REAL QRP QSOs on 80 and 40 Saving an old Toshiba Laptop ECHO-QSO WITH JEFF, KO7M: -- Piper Cubs and MFJ Cubs -- Satellite QSOs -- LT Spice and test gear MAILBAG: Gene W3PM listens from QE2, HB WSPR rig Jim AL7V sending parts for my W3PM rig Jim AB3CV's color burst Gnat Jason NT7S on Tektronix guys and SolderSmoke Kevin ZL3KE on old computers Paul M1CNK's DDS 30-based QRSS beacon Soeren OZ2DAK on exercise bikes to power beacons