During a recent visit to Barnes and Noble I picked up Adam Savage's book (please use the Amazon link in the righthand column) about Making and workshops. Adam's book reminded me of the importance of giving thought to the organization and set-up of your workbench or workshop. I found more tips on YouTube:
Wow, watch the KatVoltage video (above). Unlike the person in a recent unfortunate advertisement, Kat clearly knows which end of the soldering iron to grab. She is setting up a good workshop -- you can tell from how she is organizing the bench. I wish her a lot of luck. htt(s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NcVzTu7TbE&t=54s
Andreas (the guy with the white glove and the Swiss accent) has some good ideas:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inW57njiq1A
The EEVblog guy has a good guide to the basic stuff that you need to build an electronics workshop. It is a bit dated (2011) but the guidance is still very good (I wouldn't go with the homebrew or kit-built power supplies): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_PbjbRaO2E
Van Neistat has a very good Top Ten List of things NOT TO DO in a workshop. NO FLATHEAD SCREWS. I'm with you Van. NO HOARDING. etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?