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Showing posts with label Scott-- Richard N3FJZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott-- Richard N3FJZ. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Rigs on Vertical Boards -- Then and Now

I saw this on Facebook today.  G1AVQ (SK) Rig

The G1AVQ rig reminded me of the N3FJZ rig that I worked in 2015:

I am a big fan of breadboards, and have recently been following the lead of Frank Jones W6AJF in using pine boards as the bases for my homebrew rigs.  Mine are more horizontal, but we see here from N3FJZ and G1AVQ that a vertical orientation works too.  

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Rick N3FJZ Completes Build of High-School Direct Conversion Receiver Project -- LISTEN!

Rick N3FJZ has completed his the direct conversion receiver that we will soon be building with students at a local high school.   See video above. 

We are hoping that a number of people will build the receiver as we designed it.  Some folks have sent us versions of the receiver that they have built, but these versions often include significant deviations from our design, rendering them less-than-useful in checking our work.  Rick built it just as we prescribed.  His build is very useful in confirming the validity of our design.  So if you are working on one of these receivers, I would encourage you to -- for the moment -- dispense with innovations and build it the way Rick did:  as per the design we have been using. 

We know that our design is not perfect.  But we have decided to stick with it because it is very simple and very easy to explain.  Examples:  We know there is an impedance mismatch between the mixer and the AF amp.  But fixing this would introduce complexity that we want to avoid.   And the receiver works fine with the imperfection.   We know that a push-pull AF amp would probably work better than the one we have.  But we do not want to have to explain push-pull amps, biasing schemes, and PNP transistors in this short introductory course.  So we stuck with three common-emitter AF amp circuits and an 1K-8ohm transformer. 

Rick did a really excellent job not only in building this receiver, but also in documenting it.   His diagrams and drawings are really superb.  We will probably use these in our presentations to the students: 

We will keep all of you informed on the progress of this project.  We will begin this week.  But if you are still working on the receiver, please send us your work,  even if it comes in after we begin the course.  

Thanks Rick! 
Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column