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Showing posts with label Portugal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portugal. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Gloria -- A Netflix Series about a Shortwave Broadcast Station in Portugal

Rarely if ever will we come across a high quality NETFLIX series built around a shortwave broadcast transmitter.  But that is what we have in Gloria.    It is really good.  We were especially interested in it because we lived in Portugal for three years. In addition to all the intrigue and drama you will catch glimpses of broadcast antennas, big transmitting tubes,  and one out-of-focus shot of what appears to be a Hallicrafters receiver (SX-42?)   

More info here: 


Here's the NETFLIX link: 


Thanks to Thomas K4SWL of SWLing Post for the heads up

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hearing the Roosters from Boa Vista, Brazil

The ham radio day got off to a good start at N2CQR yesterday.  40 meters was open in the morning and PV8AL was calling CQ.  Helio had a strong signal, due in large part to his 3 element 40 meter yagi.   Helio lives on a farm outside Boa Vista,  Brazil. As he spoke, I could clearly hear the roosters crowing in the Amazonian dawn.  Very cool.  It brought me back to mornings in the Dominican Republic, and in Central America. It also reminded me of one of my first DSB contacts from the Azores -- I could hear the parakeets of Amadeu CT2HGL in Coimbra, Continental Portugal.  Obrigado Helio!  Obrigado Amadeu!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

AA1TJ Crosses the Pond with 10 milliwatts

From a Facebook Post by Mike, AA1TJ:

Made 7 contacts with this tiny transceiver on 20m CW today with an RF output power of 10milliWatts. Five were stations in Georgia (GA QSO Party). The 6th was a regular QSO with a guy in Mississippi.
I answered a DX station calling CQ at 2230Z. Hearing nothing in response, I sent my call sign a half-dozen times anyway. More silence. As I was reaching for the knob to QSY he suddenly returned my call! ...Carlos, CT1BQH northeast of Lisbon, Portugal (that's him in the second photo). I was only 329 on his end but we kept it going for three minutes!
FYI: the transmitter (top circuit board) begins with a 3.58MHz ceramic resonator VXO (a 2N706 from the early 60's). That drives a push-push frequency doubler built around another 1960's-vintage, 2N2644 (obsolete stock from atop Mt. Mansfield, kindly given to me by Rich at Vermont Public Television). On receive, the 7MHz energy is routed via a DPDT relay (the orange rectangle) to the sub-harmonic (Polyakov) mixer located on the lower board. One stage of AF amplification is provided by a 2N333 that came off the GE assembly line in November of 1958. The DPDT relay is keyed directly. On transmit the 7MHz energy feeds a second push-push frequency doubler to produce 10mW at 14MHz (all spurs -35dBc, or less, with only the output resonator). The relay also switches the antenna between the transmitter and receiver.
Gosh, that was fun!


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Monday, May 24, 2010

Portuguese Knack: Balloon Launch May 30

I don't think they are radio amateurs, but these guys seem to have The Knack. That's an edge-of-space balloon payload they built. They plan to launch on May 31. You will be able to follow the event live, on-line. They have a very interesting web site: http://spacebits.eu/

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