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Showing posts with label Beverage--Harold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beverage--Harold. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2022

1942 (?) RCA Film on Tubes, Radio, Research, and Television

Here is a very interesting video from RCA.   It was released in 1942,  but it looks to me as if it was produced BEFORE the Pearl Harbor attack and the U.S. entry into World War II.   There is no mention of the war nor of RCA's support for the war effort.  All films like this that were produced during the war have a lot of material about how the company was contributing to the war effort.  So I think this is really a pre-war film. 

Early in the film they link the origins of RCA Labs to a decrepit "radio shack" at Riverhead, Long Island (NY) in 1919.   Here is some background on this: 

In this film we see Vladimir Zworykin (boo, hiss) of TV fame (no mention of poor Philo Farnsworth),  and we also see Harold Beverage, the creator of the antenna that bears his name.   There is what must have been one of the first "electronic clocks."  

At the end, the segment on television is really interesting.   It is amazing how far they had gone with TV before the war.  

Monday, January 3, 2022

1BCG -- The 100th Anniversary of the Trans-Atlantic Test

Thanks to the Antique Wireless Association for this really wonderful video, and for their involvement in the 100th anniversary event.  Special thanks to Ed K2MP. 

On December 11, 2021, the 1BCG team in Connecticut had some technical difficulties.  As we all know, that is part of being a radio amateur. Details of the problems are presented here: 


Phil W1PJE managed to hear and record some of the 2021 transmission (Thanks Phil).  Listen here: 


Phil also sent this spectrogram of the signal. 

Good thing Paul Godley ran into Harold Beverage on the ship going over. 

And imagine me complaining about having to step out into the carport to adjust my antenna -- Godley had to trek one mile THROUGH SEA-WEED to adjust his.  Respect.   

Friday, September 3, 2021

1BCG -- 1921 Transatlantic Test and the Upcoming 100th Anniversary

In December 2021 we will reach the 100th Anniversary of the famous Transatlantic Test that marked the first crossing of the Atlantic by radio amateurs.  The video above provides a really excellent description of the momentous event. A few things struck me: 

-- Even then they struggled with amplifiers that wanted to oscillate. 

-- Armstrong should have gotten more credit for the transmitter design.  After all, it was his regenerative system that gave rise to the kind of oscillators that allowed for CW (vice spark) and that formed the basis of the MOPA transmitter that these fellows used. 

-- The info on the Superhet receiver used by Paul Godley in Scotland was really interesting:  It used   "resistance-coupled amplifiers without transformers," similar to what we have today in Farhan's BITX transceivers. 

-- Wow, Harold Beverage himself! And his antenna was used at the Scotland receiving station. 

-- "It was a miracle that no one got mixed up with the high voltage."  Indeed.  

The Antique Wireless Association has built a replica of the 1921 transmitter.  The video below shows it being tested. 

The 1BCG website announces that: 

On December 11, 2021 the American Radio Relay League, The Radio Club of America and the Antique Wireless Association will recreate these historic transmissions on 160 meters near the same location that was used in 1921, using a replica transmitter constructed by volunteers at the Antique Wireless Association. This special event is your opportunity to relive a historic moment in amateur radio history.

The operating schedule and frequency for the 1BCG Transatlantic Tests Special Event has not been established.

Additional details will be posted here when they are available.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


I came across this interview with Harold Beverage, inventor of (among many other things) of the antenna that bears his name. I liked his description of the personalities and design methods of some the people he worked with (including Ernst Alexanderson).
Take a look: Beverage IEEE interview
Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column