Will has appeared on this blog and podcast before:
There were a lot points in Eric's interview with Will that resonated with me:
-- Will told about how his very understanding and perceptive wife KNOWS when a homebrew project is not going well. Yea, we have the same situation here!
-- Will mentions the wisdom of Wes Hayward, Doug Demaw, and Pete Juliano.
-- Eric mentioned that there is a bit of his own blood in most of his homebrew projects. One slip of he screwdriver is often enough. My projects also often have a bit of my A+ in them. This adds soul to the new machine.
-- Will spoke of S-38s and HW-8s. I have both these devices here with me in the Dominican Republic. I have used both of them here.
-- Will mentioned the magic that comes when you listen with a receiver you built yourself. Yes.
-- NanoVNA. Yes, very useful.
Lots more great stuff in this interview. Thanks Eric and thanks Will.